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- Contact : Have a question or comment? Are you a company or developer and want us to review your product? Do you want to advertise on HalfPeeledApple? ...
- HalfPeeledApple will be Keeping you Updated for Apple’s Media Event Today : HalfPeeledApple will be providing updates as often as possible on what is happening at Apple's keynote later today. The event starts at 10:0...
- A Fun Little Photo App: PhotoMojo! : Making photos memorable is really what it's all about. PhotoMojo! for the iPhone is a great new app to do exactly this. Powered by the ma...
- Minecraft 1.8 Pre-release Download Available : Yes, that's right. For all of you Minecraft fans, 1.8 Adventure Update has been released as a prerelease, which is really just a beta. It m...
- BGR’s “iPhone 4s” Cases Are Simply a Redesign : Just a few moments ago BGR.com released images that they are claiming as “iPhone 4s” cases. These cases are simply a redesign to existing iP...