All prescription drugs have some risks attached to them.  With the weight-loss drug Sibutramine, the risks can be especially high.  It isn’t that Sibutramine is more dangerous than other drugs per se.  Rather, it is because Sibutramine is indicated for treating obesity and obese people are likely to have risk factors for Sibutramine such as high blood pressure and heart problems. Here are the guidelines to make sure that you are using Sibutramine safely.


Always Consult Your Doctor First

Before you take any prescription or nonprescription drug for weight loss, it is always best to consult your doctor.  Your doctor will be able to tell you whether Sibutramine is safe for you to use based on your medical history.  Further, your doctor will be able to determine what the best weight-loss plan is for you.  If your doctor approves Sibutramine for you, make sure that you are getting the follow-up care and having your progress regularly assessed.


Stick to the Recommended Dosage

One of the biggest problems with diet pills is that people don’t always use them responsibly.  In their urgency to lose weight quickly, many people decide to take higher dosages than recommended.  In most cases (such as with Sibutramine), a higher dosage isn’t going to significantly improve weight loss.  However, it can lead to serious side effects like heart tremors, seizures, or even death.


Know What is Normal

It is important that you have a clear idea of what Sibutramine side effects are normal and which may be cause for concern.  Even if a side effect is considered normal, such as nausea, don’t hesitate to tell your doctor about it if it is bothersome or long lasting.  If you ignore side effects from Sibutramine, you could be putting yourself at risk for serious harm to your body.


Get Your Vitamins

Sibutramine can be very effective in blocking appetite.  Since you will be eating less while taking Sibutramine, you could develop a vitamin deficiency.  It is very important that you eat nutritious meals while taking Sibutramine.  It may be a good idea to take a multivitamin to ensure you are getting all the nutrients you need.  A vitamin deficiency probably isn’t going to cause serious harm.  However, it can make you feel sluggish.  As you know, it is much harder to exercise and lose weight when you are lacking energy so those vitamins can really help!


Set Realistic Goals

You aren’t going to drop 10lbs overnight with Sibutramine.  If you aren’t also exercising and eating healthily while taking Sibutramine, then you may not even lose 1lb per day.  Before you take Sibutramine, set realistic goals for yourself and follow through on them.  Congratulate yourself for the small victories: all those small weight losses can quickly add up.


Sibutramine is an appetite suppressant which is prescribed for helping with weight loss.  In clinical studies, Sibutramine helped patients lose a significant portion of their body fat percentages when taken in 5mg dosages along with a healthy diet and exercise.  Sibutramine  was originally marketed by the pharmaceutical company Abbott. [...] Continue Reading…


It seems like every week there is a new diet pill on the market which promises to shed the fat right from your body with no effort on your part.  But it never takes long before the hype around these diet pills dies away.  There are no miracle diet [...] Continue Reading…


Sibutramine has been under heavy criticism because it is linked to heart complications in at-risk patients.  One study in 2009 showed that patients taking Sibutramine had a higher incident of heart problems than those using a placebo (11.4% compared to 10%).  There have also been numerous reports of patients [...] Continue Reading…


You probably know that antioxidants are good for your immune system.  But did you know that they are crucial for healthy weight loss too?  When you start taking Sibutramine or go on any diet plan, you should be sure to increase your antioxidant intake so you can lose weight [...] Continue Reading…


We hear a lot about weight loss but what people really mean to say is fat loss.  Unfortunately, not many people realize the difference between weight loss and fat loss – and the difference is crucial if you expect to keep off the weight you have lost.  Before you [...] Continue Reading…


Sibutramine is notorious for its ability to obliterate your appetite so you eat less and can lose weight easier.  But a major problem with all diet pills, including Sibutramine, is that people just gain the weight right back after they stop taking the diet pills.  If you want to [...] Continue Reading…


Sibutramine is normally sold as a pill by itself.  However, it is also found in numerous weight loss supplements that contain other ingredients.  It is important to realize that weight loss supplements do not have the same safety standards as medicines.  A supplement does not need to prove its [...] Continue Reading…


We often use the words “hunger” and “appetite” as synonyms but they are really separate things.  Hunger is your body’s physical need for food as fuel and nutrition.  Appetite is your emotional need or desire to eat – and it can occur even when you are not hungry.  Sibutramine [...] Continue Reading…


Sibutramine belongs to a class of drugs called serotonin and noadrenaline reuptake inhibitors, or SNRIs.  SNRI drugs are most commonly used for treating depression and other mood disorders.  However, Sibutramine is distinct because it helps block appetite while increasing energy expenditure in the body.  If you are eating less [...] Continue Reading…

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