I love how light and fluffy cinnamon tea cakes are and the way that they melt with a sip of hot English breakfast tea Even better yet, topped with a sweet and fluffy cinnamon icing just to complete the cinnamon indulgence! Don’t you just love that pretty little edible flower? Don’t rush out and stick a flower from the garden on your cake though. If you can’t get an edible flower, use an icing flower
I think the key to these cakes is rough simplicity. Nothing looks prettier than fluffy white icing on a well cooked cake. And an edible flower of course! I picked them up at my local ‘fancy’ grocer, ‘Fratelli Fresh’ where you can find pretty much anything and best of all, it’s the freshest and the best quality. A little bit more expensive with some things, but other things are a bit cheaper. If they don’t have it, they will order it for you. It’s where Sydney Siders shop for their food styling shoots and TV series. Continue reading