Meridia made the wedding of my dreams possible

You know how there are women who start planning their wedding at the age of five? Well, I am one of those women. Granted, the idea of a dream wedding has changed dramatically over the years as the ponies and butterflies went out of the picture, but the idea stayed pretty much the same. I would find my prince on a white horse, I would fall in love and we would get married and live happily ever after. It sounds corny and sappy, but I always wanted this, for as long as I can remember.

My prince didn’t come on a white horse, but he did drive a white Sierra when we met, so that is something. At first, it seemed we wouldn’t really click, but after a few breakups, we realized that we want to spend our lives together and there was nothing that could change our minds. We set the date, we found the perfect place by the local lake and the only problem became the wedding dress.

I always pictured what my wedding dress would look like and I managed to find one that was exactly like that. The only problem was that I had to lose about 8 pounds to get into it. I tried exercising, I went on a strict diet, but I simply couldn’t lose those last few pounds. The day was closing in and I went to my doctor to find out if there was something more that I could do.The doctor prescribed Meridia to me, a medication that was proven to be very efficient as an aid in the weight loss regimen and I started taking it. I continued to exercise and with the help of Meridia I managed to get into the wedding gown of my dreams. The dream was complete.

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People who know me for a long time often ask: “Why did you do it? What made you lose so much weight?” To that, I answer only one thing: “Do you have to have a reason in order to look better?”

A woman like me, who already accomplished everything she [...] Continue Reading…

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I work in public relations and when you are a woman in this job it is of utmost importance that your appearance reflects your inner integrity.

They say that there are two kinds of women in this world: those who pursue their careers and those who dedicate themselves to raising [...] Continue Reading…

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If you had met me two years ago, you would have thought you were dealing with a different person. Not because of my constitution – after all, you can change only so much in that respect – but primarily for my posture and how I wear my own skin.

Two [...] Continue Reading…

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It is unfortunate that most of the people start thinking about improving their health only when they are reminded by pain. I was one of them and, as it happens, I learned it the hard way.

I was overweight, well, pretty much since I was born. It was never too [...] Continue Reading…

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The life of a professional soccer player isn’t always as fun as they try to portray it in the media. There’s a lot of hard work expecting you once you dedicate your life to professional sports. Trainings, travels, stressful matches. You have little to no time for yourself and [...] Continue Reading…

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My name is Sarah, and I would like to tell you how I changed my life by changing my looks.I know, I know, you will say that looks don’t matter. But the fact is – for me, they always have. Ever since I was a little girl I had [...] Continue Reading…

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I’m really used to looking good. I know that vanity is not something you should brag about, but it’s not that terrible either. It was just the way things were. I didn’t have to exercise too much or to take strict care of what I was eating, even with [...] Continue Reading…

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Sometimes life just isn’t fair, right? I have always been fat and there was nothing I could do about it. The kids teasing me at school were my first strong incentive to try and lose some weight, later on there were many other but it still didn’t matter. I [...] Continue Reading…

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I never had problems with weight. While I was young I was always active enough to never have to worry about it. I wasn’t particularly fit, but also I was not even close to being overweight. That’s why I never really thought about losing weight and how much of [...] Continue Reading…

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