Finasteride was approved for treating male pattern baldness in 1997, making it the first drug for this common male problem. Even though Finasteride got a lot of media attention, there are still a lot of misconceptions about the hair loss drug, probably in part due to the fact that men don’t talk openly about their beauty concerns. One of the biggest misconceptions about Finasteride is that you have to be a certain age to start using it.
The Sooner You Take It, the More Likely You Are to Get Results
Finasteride works by blocking the enzyme which turns testosterone into its evil doppelganger Dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT is the version of the male hormone which gets stored in the prostate and scalp. It makes hair follicles shrink and also can lead to enlarged prostate. As far as hair loss goes, Finasteride is very effective as a preventative measure. Men who take Finasteride at the first signs of hair loss can experience a complete stop of hair loss and never become bald. Studies show that, the earlier Finasteride is taken, the more effective it is at stopping baldness.
Contrary to popular belief, baldness does not just happen to old men. Young men in their 20s can already start experiencing hair loss. Other men don’t experience hair loss until they are in their late 40s or even 50s. The point to remember is that you should start taking Finasteride as soon as you notice your hair is thinning and/or receding.
But I Am Already Bald – Can I Still Take Finasteride?
If you are already bald, then Finasteride may not work as well. However, that doesn’t mean you won’t necessarily experience some benefits. In one study of Finasteride which lasted five years, 66% of the men taking Finasteride regrew some hair while taking the hair loss drug. This percentage was based on detailed, up close hair counts. The study also had a dermatologists analyze the study subjects to make a visual assessment of their hair regrowth. The dermatologists found that 48% of the men had visually noticeable hair regrowth. In the placebo group, all of the men lost more hair.
While the results are promising, do keep in mind that Finasteride isn’t likely to give you a full, thick head of hair if you are already completely bald. But, the medicine could still make a significant difference. The only way to tell is to try Finasteride and see how your body reacts to it. Some men have great results and other men don’t get the results they hoped for. It generally takes about 3 months before men see hair thickening from Finasteride (note that a period of “shedding” occurs before hair thickens or regrows). For some men, it may take longer before hair regrowth occurs. If you do not notice any results from Finasteride within 1 year, then it is unlikely that this drug is going to help you grow your hair back. If you are only mildly to moderately bald though and Finasteride isn’t causing you side effects, then it may still be worth it to continue treatment because Finasteride is so effective in preventing further hair loss.