What are symptoms of chronic stress and anxiety prolonged over 2 month?

September 6th, 2012

What are the physical and mental symptoms of chronic stress and moderate anxiety prolonged over a 2 month period? I need to know.

Chosen Answer:

loss in appetite and restlessness. mind continuously in thoughts and as a result body getting tiered too easily
on: 9th June 11

How long does anxiety takes to effect on the heart health?

September 5th, 2012

read some studies that were publish online, that “found” a link between Anxiety and heart disease. dose anxiety really effect on heart health ? if yes, how? and is it cause and effect ? should we be worry about those studies ?

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on: 1st January 70

How do i stop the feelings of anxiety and depression?

September 4th, 2012

I am a freshmen in high school and i recently got arrested for battery. Latley i have been getting feelings that the person that i hit, his family/friends are coming after me which causes a whole load of anxiety and nervousness. I also have been feeling depressed because now i think i wont have such a great time when going out on weekends and i regret all of this happening. Please help?

Chosen Answer:

If you got arrested, it is understandable you would be feeling depressed and anxious. Maybe the town you live in is not such a good place. Have you thought that maybe the best thing you could do is go away for a while and get your head and life together? Maybe you have a relative that would be willing to let you come live with them for a while. Sometimes a change of scenery is necessary in order to get it together and sort things out.
by: pennylanegal
on: 2nd March 08

During an initial consultation with a new psychiatrist, what are some things to say to get a refill of Valium?

September 4th, 2012

I’m meeting a Psychiatrist for the first time, in a month. I’m on 10 mg Valium, three times a day. I want to know what to say, and what not to say to get either Valium 10 mg refilled, or Xanax.

Kolonapins, and Adavan are not for me.
Um no those are wrong answers.

Chosen Answer:

Seriously, my own view is that you would be much better staying away from all benzodiazepines. They are addictive and have a terrible track record of addictions and long term side effects. Valium may seem the answer, but my bet is you are now getting anxious about being without Valium. Welcome to the world of benzodiazepines.

Talk to the psychiatrist openly and follow their advice or at least give it due consideration. Dont go with the goal of continuing dependency on benzodiazepines. The doses have to be increased overtime to result in the same effect until your life is ruled by benzodiazepines. Getting off benzodiazepines can be as challenging as getting off any drug of addiction.

I am not saying you don’t need or should avoid all drugs, I just wanted to warn you about the dead end death trap of benzodiazepines.

Be safe, be sage
by: b4iquit
on: 19th June 08

How long after taking valium can i drink alcohol ?

September 3rd, 2012

How long after taking a benzodiazine like valium, xanax etc. or a biturate is it safe to drink alcohol ?

Im using the meds to keep myself free from stress during big parties

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Well some people I know think Xanax and alcohol go hand in hand, like peanut butter and jelly. I however would say at lest 12 hours.
by: Prof. Dave
on: 29th July 07

What are the side effects of valium combined with alcohol and anti-depressants?

September 2nd, 2012

can it cause someone to forget an entire evening?from the moment of injestion? and canit cause them to go slightly psychotic?

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by: aussie5468
on: 1st May 07

What happens if someone stops taking valium completely?

September 1st, 2012

My cousin took about 100mg a day for almost a year and he stopped taking it cold turkey a couple of days ago. Will anything happen?

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100mg a day? If accurate, that’s a bad habit.

So, major withdrawal including seizures.
by: ckm1956
on: 12th June 12

Has anyone found Amitriptyline successful for anxiety? Is it possible to build up a resistance?

August 30th, 2012

Hi everyone,

I’ve been on Amitriptyline (Elavil) for anxiety (and headaches) since May 2009 and it has helped a lot with my anxiety / panic attacks but I now feel as though it’s not working and I’ve built up a resistance.

Has anyone else build up a resistance to Amitriptyline?

Has anyone else found Amitriptyline useful for anxiety / panic attacks?

Thank you!
I’m on 100 mg once a day.

Chosen Answer:

Yes I have and although it’s primarily an antidepressant

it also has good sedating qualities,

so it’s great for high levels of anxiety.

An oldie but a goody it comes from the Tricyilic group of medicines.

Best Wishes.

Mars Mission Earth Base.
on: 17th December 10

How would I be able to get my parents to understand my anxiety disorder?

August 29th, 2012

I am 30, and thus not a kid, but my parents have always seen my anxiety as a matter of it partly being outside my control and partly bad habits I have. I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder with PTSD and some OCD mixed in. I am in therapy but the therapist only got so far with my parents when I was college age. What would be ways to get my parents to understand my anxiety?

Chosen Answer:

Write them a long letter explaining everything, and leave it for them to read, when you are not around. That way, they cannot argue anything with you. If they still don’t get it, forget about it. It’s really, I know that much.
on: 15th August 12

Can stress and anxiety make you physically ill?

August 28th, 2012

I have pretty bad stress/anxiety problems and lately they’ve been pretty bad. It’s getting to the point where I get physically ill (vomiting and diarrhea) and I think it’s related to my anxiety. Is this possible?

Chosen Answer:

Unfortunately yes it can, in fact stress is a very underestimated condition which can lead to all sorts of short and long term illnesses if not managed properly.

It is important to understand what stress is and how it affects the baody before you can really start to tackle it. Please see these pages for an insight into stress and its affects



Stress is not always avoidable so it is how we react to it and manage it in our lives which helps to prevent further illness from developing. there are many techniques to finding stress relief and it is important that you find the right one or ones for you and your lifestyle.

Here are a few ideas on some of the techniques


by: Tracy T
on: 9th March 10