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Reason for using: Panic Attacks.Side Effects: SleepynessI am taking this med as a PRN for fright attacks. I don't need it every day, but it is a large help when I do need it. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to take affect. It has actually assisted me reside a joyous usual life.

Reason for using: Panic Attacks.Side Effects: Withdrawls. Almost seem intoxicated, off balance, dizzy - out of sorts. Severe buzzing in ears. Chest agony, adversity respiring, agitates, wobbly stroll, EXTREMELY exhausted, yet can't sleep. Constant yawning. Heartburn, occasional MILD nausea. Overall, every symptom I begun taking the surgery for, has returned now that I am endeavouring to wean off of it.I don't take many of it, but I do take it every day and have evolved a dependance on it. I have gotten 3 Dr's attitudes all completing I could disembark of it now, with no SERIOUS complications. Will be painful, but it will overtake .. yet I despise being painful so I hold taking the dang medicine. I have weaned down to about .625, two times daily. I dunno how long I cam going to do this for ... origin occasionally I seem I am over the hump then the next day, I get the withdrawls back ten-fold. I find if I can, I just doze the symptoms away - holds me from taking more than I desire to of the medication.

Reason for using: Sleeplessness.Side Effects: Drowsiness, a 'high' feeling.Extremely addictive drug. DO NOT take for more than one week. If you don't believe it's awful, and you've been taking it for more than 3 months or so, just try to stop! You will have life intimidating reactions. Check if you don't accept as true me.

Reason for using: disquiet, insomnia.Side Effects: first couple of days grogginess throughout day; departure symptoms: farthest disquiet and insomnia (unable to doze for 3 days), fright attacks, flu-like symptoms, headacheI knew ativan was addictive, but Dr. notified me not anything about side effects, or how rapidly I could know-how withdrawal/tolerance. I am only recognising from this web-search that what I am experiencing is associated to the Ativan. Dr. prescribed 2 mg nightly for a 1 week period. I am very perceptive to most meds, but was notified this dose and time period was not a concern. But, I am virtually ascending the partitions from disquiet and need of doze, much, much poorer than before I started the ativan. Not worth the one week of doze at all!

I evolved disquiet throughout my husband's disability. Am furthermore about to turn 50! Xanax is way too powerful for me and presents me a hangover effect-not good when you are a caregiver! Ativan has been a godsend for me. I have been taking .25mg-.50mg at bedtime for a year. I don't find it to be addictive at all. it occasionally takes many to assure a medical practitioner that you are NOT depressed! I had a BAD know-how with Prozac years ago. Some medical practitioners immediateley identify despondency founded on what you notify them.It can occasionally be unsafe to permit your family medical practitioner prescribe phychiatric meds! My psychiatrist presents seminars to assemblies of GP's explaining the hazards of doing just that. I accept as true Ativan is protected, well checked, and productive founded on my experience. I despise it when medical practitioners just compose a script for the newest thing on the market, when there are older, tried-and-true pharmaceuticals that are cheaper.