Psalm 107, continued - Give Thanks for God’s Lovingkindness
In our last post we began to outline the wonderful ways God illustrates His redemption of sinners in Psalm 107. This is a great psalm, designed to inspire thanks and praise to God “for His lovingkindness, And for His wonders to the sons of men” (v. 8, 15, 21, 31). Remember that we stated the purpose and goal of the psalmist like this:
We must thoroughly consider the everlasting lovingkindness of the Lord, and give thanks.
In order to help us do just that, through illustration and instruction, the psalmist gives FIVE REASONS the redeemed must give thanks for God’s lovingkindness.
Last time we saw the first two. In this post we will look at the next three. Hopefully when we’re done our hearts will be filled with thanksgiving, having been reminded by the psalmist of all the wonderful things God has done for us because of His lovingkindness.
Click here to read the entire post.