“Desert Dryness” Reception, August 11, 2012

This months show focused on the visual and physical impact of the desert’s immediate sensory environment.  Shapes, colors, textures, come out at you with overlapping energy.  Artists and guests both found their own interpretation of the complexities of “Desert Dryness”.Photos by William Cisneros.

Open Calls

Open calls to start work for coming up will be November’s” Flight” and December’s” 20X20″, both will be exciting challenges. The 20X20,art show for December all works of art must not exceed 8 inches and each artists must have 20 pieces. The entry fee will be $20 for all 20 entries. Art makes a very good gift too. During this show the gallery will have a very special event, an auction of 20 presents, ( during December?) Doesn’t everybody need a wrapped present ?, Yes! more on that later.
” Flight” is the concept for November 3-17, as the dictionary defines flight, a noun. The act, the manner, or power of flying, also a number of beings or things passing thru the air together, a soaring above or transcending ordinary bounds, akin to fly. Well I don’t know about you but I have got to get to work.

What’ Next?

The gallery has lots of art calls for local artists coming up. The summer art workshops have been going great. Yevgenia Watts watercolor artist is teaching her medium on Wednesday 10-2:00 at Burning House Art Studio in Apple Valley. My ceramic classes are Tuesday and Thursday 9-12:00 will both continue our classes in to fall. Walter Feller desert photographer is sharing his views on digital photography on Saturdays starting in September. Registration, info and fees for these classes may be attended to thru Eclipse Gallery, or come by the Studio at 14015 Pioneer rd Apple Valley, north of 18, east of Central rd. William will be happy to answer any question on the phone too at 760-373-6041. Oh I almost forgot open studio is on Friday 11-4, registered students may work on their projects ( fee is included) or open studio can be a place to work with my equipment on your next masterpiece! ask about the fee for Fridays only.

2 1/12 Anniversary Festival 7-14-12

2 1/12 years of Eclipse’s growth as an art gallery and of Joan’s dedication to the arts in the high desert was celebrated Saturday with an anniversary festival.In it’s short existence, the gallery has provided the best venue for high desert artists from professionals to Victor Valley Community College’s own up and coming art students.Four photo murals , by moi, showed the past 2 1/12years of successful shows and receptions.The music, BBQ, art, friends, classi cars, kids fun, and the day were fabulous.   PS:  See more pictures on Beverly’s Facebook page.

Next Open Call for ART

DESERT DRYNESS art show for August at Gallery is asking for art that addresses the theme of Desert Dryness. Any medium is be acceptable as the gallery is very flexible and  would love to display a variety of objects that consider the theme. Each artwork must be dry ( no pun intended ) and ready to display. Art that considers the 4rd dimension such as time will be considered also. Jewelery and film is welcome as well.

calendar for Gallery

June 30- End of My Inner High
July 9 &10- Pick up for My Inner High 11-4
July 9 & 10- drop off 2 1/12ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL
July 12- open for 2 1/12
July 14- 2 1/12 ANNIVERSARY FESTIVAL 2:00-10:00 pm
July 28- End of 2 1/12
July 30 & 31- Pick up for 2 1/12- 11-4 pm
July 30 & 31- Art drop off for open call” DESERT DRYNESS” 11-4 pm
August 3-Open for DESERT DRYNESS
August 11- Reception for DESERT DRYNESS 7-10 pm
September 1- Closing DESERT DRYNESS
September 3& 4-Pick up for DESERT DRYNESS
September 8- Open & Reception of ” FACES” featuring Yevgenia Watts
September 22- Yevgenia speaks about “a Portrait A Day” 7:00 pm
September 29- Closing of FACES.
October 13- Open Spiders WEB reception 7-10:00 pm
October 27 Closing SPIDERS WEB
November 1 ( still to be announced)
November 3 Reception
November 17 close
November 26 & 27 drop off for 20X 20 11-4:00
December 1 Open and reception for 20 X 20 7-10-pm
December 22 Pick up after 6 or
January 3 &4 pick up for 20 X20 11-4
January 3 & 4 drop off for “TEXTURES A TEXTILE EXPERIENCE”
January 12- Reception 7-10 pm
January 26- close of Textiles
January 28 &29 Pick up of Textiles.

“My Inner High” Reception June 9th, 2012

The art at this month’s show reflected the interactive journey of thoughts, feelings and opinions of the artists.“My Inner High” broke through the internalprivate world and was expressed on canvas, in sculpture, with mixed media and installments. The music was by ‘DJ Tipsy’.  Explore and get in touch with your inner high.

Reception photos by Brittney Wells.

Reception for Inner High

Join the gallery for a reception of artists and viewing of the current show “My Inner High” on Saturday June 9 at 7:00, refreshments served and gallery is always pleased to feature a local band. Music, art and friends, what a great day to be a human! Art will hang in gallery from June 2 thru 29, stop by Wed-Fri 12-6 and Sat. 12-9.