Welcome to The Compassionate Friends of Canada;
especially to those newly bereaved who have joined us for the first time.
It is difficult to welcome you to an organization such as this, but we are happy that you found out about us. We would like to do all that we can to help you through these difficult times.
The Compassionate Friends offers support in the grief and trauma which follows the death of a child; no matter the age or cause. We cannot hurry you through it, or take away the pain, but we can help you understand more about this life altering experience. Sometimes just knowing you are normal can be helpful. Though it may be difficult, we encourage you to attend a Compassionate Friends meeting at your nearest chapter. We know it takes courage to attend that first gathering, but those who do come find an atmosphere of understanding from others who have experienced the grief that you have now. Nothing is asked of you. There are no dues or fees and you do not have to speak. Time has proven that CARING and SHARING the death of a child, comes healing. We WELCOME YOU to The Compassionate FriendsĀ - Supporting Family After The Death of a Child.