fly at night

23 Aug

Finally The Truth In Campaign Finance Filing

In honor of District 3 Supervisor Larry Wosick finally filing his late finance disclosure reports (a regular occurrence) we have what might be the most honest filing of the campaign season. I will not name the group that made this wonderful filing but it was related to the June primary here in Lassen County.

Part of the financial disclosure form is to list how money was spent. You must list the name and address of the payee and a description of the payment. For example, you can list campaign literature and mailings, office expenses, etc. This particular group clearly stated under “Description of Payment” that they purchased “CASH”! Yep, they took their campaign money and purchased “CASH”. Now that is honesty for you.

Apparently the Fair Political Practices Commission is having a hard time getting back to work as they haven’t stopped laughing.

21 Aug

Spencer, LMUD, and LAFCo: She Fakes The Facts Again

The Krazy Witch Hunt crew has really lost it this time. Maybe they should have consulted the Executive Committee Secretary, Janice (aka Eileen) Spencer.

We are back to 2009 and a discussion about LAFCo and LMUD.

Here is the problem for the Krazy Witch Hunt folks: Spencer interrupted the Commission’s vote to make sure that we all understood that she unequivocally approved the vote that was taking place. So this new rant proves that Spencer has no idea what is going on or what she is supporting.

Let’s take a quick look at her “ratepayer” voting concept. Assume that Spencer has three voters in her house and her husband is the person listed on the bill. Only he would be able to vote under this concept. How about people who live in the district and also own a business? Wouldn’t they get multiple votes? Ridiculous and that is why this concept is not listed in the law.

John Benoit, LAFCo staff, could not change the decision of the Commission.

Nobody but Spencer ever mentioned Nagle.

She claims that LMUD is now a county-wide district yet she can’t explain why Doyle, Herlong, and Ravendale are excluded from the district. (Read the map on her site)

The LMUD ballots will not be sent to voters in Wards 1, 4, and 5 as the directors are running unopposed. Even if they had opposition the ballots would be mailed district wide. Just another lie by the Krazy Witch Hunt folks.

Who says they can’t make it up as they go along?

The 2009 decision by LAFCo was consistent with its decision from a decade earlier.

The Krazy Witch Hunt folks talk about original intent but never discuss the fact that these voters that Spencer wants excluded also voted in the original election.

Believe what you want but Spencer has just proven what the commissioners knew in 2009, Spencer has no clue about what she is supporting and then gets upset and mangles the facts when she learns that she was wrong.

15 Aug

Howard Dean: Obamacare and Medicare “Takes Care Of The Same People”

Here is a very honest statement from a doctor and former Dem presidential candidate:

“Here’s the problem with talking about $700 billion that got cut out of Medicare, which was then transferred to ObamaCare, which takes care of the same people — the problem is that nobody believes it. You can’t convince people that a Democrat is going to cut Medicare. They don’t believe that,” fmr. Gov. Howard Dean (D-Vt.) said on “This Week” today.

Unmistakable. Medicare goes broke in about a decade and will be replaced by Obamacare. $700+ billion taken from Medicare, which belongs to the Medicare Trust Fund (our taxes), is being used to off-set the costs of Obamacare. The Obamacare costs continue to rise so it is possible that neither plan survives fiscally.

14 Aug

No Election For LMUD This November

The LMUD board is set for the next two years

Ward 1, Fred Nagel
Ward 4, Richard Vial
Ward 5, Jay Dow

Each is running unopposed.

09 Jul

Baggage: Politics: Nonprofit: The Many Lives of …

A tale of two signs and another Krazy Witch Hunt misrepresentation…

An observation by a bystander about a Mallery sign placed in front of Stephen Kings Office in Susanville,


Attorney Stephen King is also a candidate for the Lassen County Superior Court Judge


The problem with the statement and optics is that this sign is not in front of Mr. King’s office.

Look at this picture. There is no doubt that the political sign is in front of a particular property…


The location of the sign, above, is in front of an unregistered 501 (c)(3) corporation which is not permitted to be involved in politics.

Whose judgment is worse?

As Jancie (aka Eileen) Spencer would say “This woman couldn’t find a fact if it was super glued to her ass”.

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