
And let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith... Heb 12:1-2

Our names are John and Rachel Clancy and this website is a place where people can connect with our hearts and minds-- it is our home away from home. We do seem to spend a lot of time away from home (wherever that that may be!).
Rachel Clancy

Rachel's Recent Writings:

  • 08/21: Irretrievable Mishaps by: Rachel It was one of those moments that you say you’ll never let happen again. But the person who first coined the phrase ‘hind-sight is 20/20 vision’ had a clever head on their shoulders…
  • 07/24: Cornish Camping and Clotted Cream by: Rachel ‘Hush!’ I forcefully intoned in a loud whisper. It was the second morning of our vacation and things were NOT going well…
  • 06/30: Feasting on Perspective by: Rachel ‘I just can’t cope with this anymore!’ Even as the words jumped up and out of my mouth, I hated them and wished I could pull them back… or better yet throw them into a black hole of oblivion…
  • 06/20: Munificent Acts by: Rachel It was Tuesday. Sausages were in the oven, peas were being thought of, and my weary arm was mashing masses of mashed potatoes; Tuesday—Alpha day…
  • 06/13: Sleep, Glorious Sleep by: Rachel In which we ponder its place and how we cope without it!
John Clancy

John's Recent Writings:

  • 05/26: George Mueller on Good Living in God by: John I came across this amazing excerpt from George Mueller. I just had to post it. What an amazing way to consider God, the Bible and our lives! Hope it blesses you the way that it blessed me!
  • 02/14: Feb 09-State of the Clancys by: John Here’s a summary of what we are up to these days! What I’m doing.. Rachel, the kids, work, and all of that. Check it out.
  • 02/13: Unearthing the Secret of Success by: John The ancient secret of success has been revealed to me, and I am ready to share it with you! Is it time management? A grandiose scheduling scheme, or perhaps a greater plan at work? You’ll have to read it to find out!
  • 07/10: Puddle Jumping by: John Oh a day in the rain! What does playing in the rain have to do with community living? I’m glad you asked.
  • 06/24: Superpower by: John Trying to catch you up on the last 6 mos in this one post isn’t really practicle so, I’m just going to write about the last hour. I figure it’s a good start eh?…

Home is where we ‘start from’ (T.S. Eliot). Home is with those we love. Home is beyond this world and into eternity. And here we share our lives with you as we journey toward that final home. May we find joy in the journey, yet not forget the destination.

Since our marriage in 2004, we have lived in a few different countries (USA, India, Scotland, England) and have been involved with several great organizations such as Prodigal Project, Bethany College of Missions, CBNIndia/Operation Blessing , Christians Against Poverty, and most recently, Christian Growth international. Four great kids have joined us along the way Aria (in Aug 2005), Kiera (in February 2007), Johnny (in February 2009), and Nia (in November 2010) and our current home base is in Maldon, England. You can find our more about John’s thoughts or read Rachel’s writings by clicking on our names:-).

Many Blessings!

Please feel free to contact us and to check our journals regularly.

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