A review of “Kingpin: How One Hacker Took Over the Billion-Dollar Cybercrime Underground”

5/6/2011 – 10:24 pm
by Kevin Poulsen

This is the best book I’ve read all year. I couldn’t put it down, as a person in the security field it was a very captivating tale.

Automate DVD Ripping for Mac

3/25/2011 – 9:41 pm

I like to rip my DVD’s and put them in iTunes to sync with my phone or iPad. I’m sure I’m not alone and over time I’ve slowly added movies here and there as needed. You know the process rip the dvd, encode, add to iTunes, add the images, blah, blah. Its a long process if you do it right. So while searching for a better way to rip some of my TV show DVDs, I came across the best tutorial I’ve ever seen. Its all wrapped up in automater and I can’t save thank enough for how much time I think this will save me in the future. So if you been looking like I have check out: How-To: Automate DVD & Blu-Ray (Backup, Encoding & Tagging) for Mac OS X 10.6

Status Messages in screen

3/24/2011 – 8:28 pm

In the February 2011 issue of Linux Journal Kyle Rankin wrote an article called Status Messages in Screen. I’ve been using screen for years but never thought much about what it could do beside keep my shell open on a remote server. Well this article opened my eyes. I quickly dug in and start working on my .screenrc on my macbook. I was able to write a couple of applescripts to pull inbox counts from entourage and mail.app. Cool stuff i look forward to seeing what other useful info I can get in there since i do like to work at the cli a lot. Thanks Kyle.

Delicious Clean Up

10/5/2010 – 7:20 pm

I’ve been using delicious since way back when it was del.icio.us. Pretty much as soon as I heard about it. For some reason today i decided to do a little clean up. I have thousands of bookmarks going back to the beginning of 2004.

Lots of these are dead or just not needed anymore. Like a link to a linux distro in 2004 really isn’t going to help me anymore. Its been interesting looking back and seeing what was interesting to me over the years. All this data is also stored in my lifestream so deleting them, really doesn’t take away from those memories at all.

After just an hour or so of my spare time i got this list down to 99 items. I’m just glad they have a bulk edit option.

Now the next challenge will be to go through these bookmarks and see if the original linked info still exists. If it does then this time if i still find it useful i’ll grab a copy for my offline copy as so many of these links will probably be dead. Well back to it!

Nagios – Notify via Prowl

1/7/2010 – 8:58 pm

If your not familiar with Prowl, then check it out. It allows your growl notifications to be sent to your iPhone via push. I use this in several different ways on my home computer to notifications when I’m out at about. You can also access the prowl service directly with its API, so no need to even have it go to growl first.

I like using Prowl (in addition to Growl) with nagios. This allows me to get my notifications anywhere as long as I have my iphone. Just like with the growl notifications, the prowl notifications are just as easy to setup. It is very well documented here at the Reluctant Hacker.