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Get Rid of Hair Loss Once and For All With Propecia which is Generic Finasteride

Ask a man who is suffering from hair loss as to what treatment they are thinking of getting, and they would probably say propecia. It has been continuously proven that this pill is able to stop hair loss and even stimulate hair growth in men. Another hair loss drug is generic finasteride, which is a cheap but effective oral medication. First time users of generic finasteride have a normal dosage of 1 mg every day, although their doctors may slowly increase the dose, depending on the person’s reaction to the medicine. Pill-cutters, which can be found in drugstores, are needed to cut the pills into the recommended number of pieces. Only two pills should be cut at a single time.

Generic finasteride may be taken during any time of the day, and one does not have to be conscious of the food they are eating or other medications that they are taking. One of the most alarming – although harmless – effects of generic finasteride is the shedding of hair. This normally happens during the first three to six months after taking the pill, and it signifies that the medicine is working. Generic finasteride normally takes one year to fully take effect.

Propecia can be taken once a man notices the first signs of hair loss. Like generic finasteride, these pills are only taken once a day, and it takes a few months for the results to appear. Anti-hair loss shampoos can help this pill become more effective, since these shampoos would remove any inflammation, irritation, and itchiness from the scalp.

If a person suddenly decides to stop taking the pill, they should expect hair loss to return. This medication can be expensive, especially if one plans to use it long-term. Some users might decide to cut one pill into four pieces to maximize the pills that they have and to help them save money. Unfortunately, this may cause their hormones to become unstable, which would eventually lead to more problems.

Once a person decides to take propecia or generic finasteride, they might want to follow some steps if they want to stop their hair loss from becoming too obvious. First, they should get a short haircut that does not draw attention to their balding head. Men who know that they have a history of hair loss in their family can have such haircuts early on, so that people won’t notice any changes to their appearance once they start losing hair. They should also stay away from hair products that make hair shiny, since these products make hair look thinner. If they like using hair products often then they should look for those that give a matte effect, to give the appearance of having thicker hair.

No matter which of these two drugs you decide to use, the fact remains that you have to be patient. After all, Michelangelo didn’t paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel overnight, and it is certain that a 1mg pill won’t make all of your hair grow back in a day.

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John, Sydney I started losing my hair couple years ago, luckily I started taking Propecia when the hair-loss was not severe so I catched it before lost.
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