Vols begin Spring practice.

Posted 27 Mar 2012 — by Volunteer
Category Football

This time of year, football videos are like crack to an addict.

Dwight Miller and Jordan McRae talk Pitt

Posted 30 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Basketball

Dwight Miller and Jordan McRae talk to the media at Wednesday’s Cuonzo Martin Luncheon.

BasketVols get win #2!

Posted 17 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Basketball

Another great breakdown of Cuonzo Martin’s Vols by nashvol in Volquest’s General’s Quarters:

“Good shooting comes from being in shape, getting good looks, and being confident. We’re better in all categories this year. We’ll have off nights, but we’ll have more good nights than bad nights. No doubt. Cuonzo won’t ride the guys unnecessarily when we have off nights behind the arc or at the line which will breed more consistency. He saves his screaming behind closed doors for defense.

Nice to have accountability back in the program. If you ain’t gettin it done defensively, take a seat.

I’m not sure our fanbase fully understands a) how different a motion offense is from the Dr. Tom Davis flex, and b) how differently a motion offense meshes with certain players skill sets. McBee is the prime example. If you move your ass around, play smart, and stay within the simple framework of the O, shots will come. OUR INCREASE IN SHOOTING PERCENTAGE IS IN LARGE PARTS DUE TO THE SIMPLE FACT THAT WE’RE GETTING BETTER SHOTS. WE’RE NOT WAITING AROUND TIL 10 SECONDS ON THE SHOT CLOCK SO WE CAN RUN WEAK ASS HIGH SCREENS AND SHOOT CONTESTED SHOTS. Shooting percentage is derived from the quality of shots that you get. Add in a PG with an ability to shoot the rock and create space + opportunities when things get dry, and we’ll score some points this year. Richardson is another example of a guy who’s benefiting. You could see it from the first second he hit the court. He keeps moving. I don’t know this for sure, but I’d bet a ton of money Richardson comes from a solid half court program. He knows when to hold it up and when to push it. He values the ball for a young kid and can handle. GREAT 4 year pickup. He has some DeAndre Liggins in him.

It’s a misconception that half court teams don’t run. There are half court teams who push and half court teams that don’t. If we have a run out, Cuonzo is fine with our guys pushing the ball up the court and gunning. Some coaches don’t allow this (O’Neill for example, but at the time that was more due to lack of talent and I understood it)… these type of coaches demand that you hold it up and generate points out of half court sets. That’s not Cuonzo’s style. Motion/Push is how UNC plays, Duke plays, Texas plays, hell a lot of motion teams play this way.

I didn’t think our defense looked good at all in the first half. We got it corrected through attitude and personnel, but nonetheless, it can’t make Cuonzo happy. Keep sending messages and keep running their asses if they come out like that again.

I said this the other day but Golden has a lot young Chauncey Billups in him. The Chauncey at Colorado. Strength and balance. Whether it’s out of sets, creating on his own off the dribble, or out on the break, Trae knows how to get his shoulders square and finish. Some kids just know how to put it in the hole. He’s one of those kids. He also seems like a kid who’s willing to lead… he still has steps to get there, but i noticed him really barking at some guys the right way last night. Firm but encouraging. His post-game quotes about McBee show me his leadership potential. You pump up your shooters and they’ll return the favor. High assist numbers are a 2-way street.

It really hit me last night that we’ll compete in the SEC. Outside of a few teams, the league isn’t exactly murderers row. With a solid PG and some players around him, I think we can make more noise than people originally thought. Post defense has GOT TO IMPROVE, but if it does (and i think it will), we’ll be in a lot of ballgames this year. We have mid-level SEC talent, and we have good coaching. How we react to some adversity that’s coming up will be interesting, but i think by conference time, this team will be able to compete. That’s more than i expected 6 months ago.

I’ve got some thoughts on Duke but i gotta run. Our guards better be ready to get down and defend, and our bigs better be ready to get physical. And we better be ready to play for 40 minutes. Duke is ridiculously good. The self-fulfilling ESPN love fest is annoying, but there’s no doubting Coach K is still the best coach in the game. They’re an organized military unit.”

Trae Golden following UNC-Greenboro

Posted 14 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Basketball

Player of the game Trae Golden discusses the win with Bob Kesling and Bert Bertelkamp after devastating UNC-Greensboro for 29 points and 9 assists.

Vols get win No. 1, Trae Golden goes off!

Posted 14 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Basketball

With football a literal disaster at the moment, I’ll let everybody get their fill from the feed to the right because it’s depressing to even discuss right now.

What isn’t hard to discuss is Cuonzo Martin’s Tennessee Basketball team and Trae Golden going beastmode on UNC-Greensboro Friday night. Golden with 29 points, 9 assists, 6 boards, and only 2 turnovers is huge, and probably some of the best point guard play Tennessee has seen since CJ Watson graduated. Not to mention the resurgence of players like Jeronne Maymon, Jordan McRae, and surprisingly Renaldo “Swiperboy” Woolridge. Great fun to watch, really looking forward to how this season plays out.

Kids and their Pokemon cards

Posted 04 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Uncategorized

Props to mom for not caving into her spoiled kid’s crazy Pokemon obsession. Go outside and play, geez.

Vols get first win for Cuonzo in exhibition.

Posted 04 Nov 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Basketball

Great to see the Vols get a win in Cuonzo’s first game as head game, even though it was an exhibition. I mean, we did blow it against Indianapolis last year in an exhibition and we all know how last season went.

Good synopsis by poster nashvol in Volquest’s Generals Quarters last night:

“Trae Golden is very important to this team. He can handle, score, and his quickness (defense) has improved. One of our only complete players. Smooth player. Needs to shoot the ball any time he gets an open look.

We’ll need Skyler to shoot the rock this year. Very early to say this but he looks more relaxed and confident under Martin. I’m sure Martin is building him up all he can. Of course, maybe it’s just b/c he’s a year older. Get used to the Rutledge Rifle puttin up shots. He has the green light.

Maymon was very solid on the boards tonight. Of course he was last year too, but the previous staff never knew how to weave that into the plan. Cuonzo will. He values rebounding and possessions. It’s the first thing he mentioned in his presser and it should have been. 15 boards requires consistently running the floor and max effort. Nice work.

Richardson has legit, real deal handle. We have a player on our hands for 4 years.

Washpun is scrappy and gives good effort, but at this point his lateral quickness is avg and he has a tendency to play too far up on his man (also known as the “bobby maze disease”). Calm down and stay in front of your man Wes. Hopefully Cuonzo gets this corrected.

McRae has new life. Plays wild but we’ll need his wildness at times this year. We gotta get shots up on the glass and then go rebound it. As long as he’s giving effort defensively, cuonzo will roll with it. If he has a bad game and starts pouting and not playing D, he’ll get yanked. Hopefully he’s mentally tougher than that.

It’s one game but it looks like Ro has accepted his new role. With Martin, he’ll spend a lot more time around the basket than he did in the flex. That’s the piece of the analysis most people were missing. Different offense, different role. He needs to keep giving effort and defending and he’ll be fine. The fresh start will benefit Ro. Not saying he’ll emerge into a force – far from it – but he can definitely can grow into his role and contribute positively. Long solid athlete. Swiper.

Hall will never be a consistent inside scorer for this team in terms of face up or back to the basket moves. No matter what the coaches say or what’s written, it’s just not in the cards. Never has been. He doesn’t have the coordination or the understanding. The key will be to max out his other interior stats – REBOUNDS, trash buckets, setting good picks, consistent movement in the post to get open/easier looks, passing (in and out, swinging the basketball), etc – while getting some scoring from maymon and whoever else can contribute. Success in the post is not always determined by pretty moves and set plays. As long as our rotation plays good D, REBOUNDS, and stays within our motion sets, we can be successful.

Zone offense looked good. Lots of movement. Some high screens, lots of cutters, good penetration. Good to see. I’m sure it was weird for the kids to see that much zone in game 1. But i’m sure we’ll get plenty of it this year so it was good to work on it.

Defense was very solid, not great. I agree with Cuonzo. A few too many busts, some poor decisions by people leaving their man at the wrong time… but overall the effort was good. Gametape will help him teach.

I really enjoyed the game. It looked organized. Like we’re actually trying to get somewhere with our rotation and identity. The motion is SO F’ING REFRESHING. We have more big bodies to develop in the post than we’ve had in a while and Counzo’s style is suited to more big bodies (no more perimeter based flex).

It might take a while, but Richardson is the one who could eventually blossom into something special. Kid has legit game for his size and looks smart.

Cuonzo’s first class was a good save. We have some parts. The cupboard isn’t completely bare. We’ll still get drilled a few times, but we have enough to compete and win some games.”

Curt Maggitt!!! Da’Rick and Jacques being beastly as usual.

Posted 27 Sep 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Football

Coach Derek Dooley, sophomores Da’Rick Rogers and Jacques Smith, and freshman Curt Maggitt discuss this morning’s practice.

Moving On, And Up

Posted 22 Sep 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Football

Time to move on, past ACL tears, past low snaps, past 80 yard runs off a 3-yard pass, and on to Buffalo. Never thought I’d want to see a college team from Buffalo so bad, but with all the negativity brought about by the Florida game and the loss of Justin Hunter I’m ready for something new. Definitely ready to see Devrin Young in some capacity in the offense, ready to see more of Tyler Bray, maybe less of Tauren Poole until he stop running into his blockers or getting tripped up by his shoe laces for the 50th time. Just ready for some Vol football to get Saturday’s bad taste out of my mouth.

Vols Get Ready For Florida; Coordinators

Posted 16 Sep 2011 — by Volunteer
Category Football

Comments from Head Coach Derek Dooley, Offensive Coordinator Jim Chaney and Defensive Coordinator Justin Wilcox following Wednesday practice.