Under an Hour Orange Cake

This cake has a special place in my heart because it is something that my Nan makes. This isn’t her recipe, but one I adapted to my food processor. It is really a whole orange cake. It is low fuss, quick to make and easy to clean up and the taste is amazing. The perfect zesty orange cake, especially if you are running late, like I always am!

My Nan usually does a sugar syrup over the top before she ices it so it stays moist for the week. It is the perfect cake to go with a cup of tea in the sun. Store it in an air tight container and if it is still around in a week, it will still taste great! Oh and baking paper on the base so it’s easier to clean up! Gotta watch those crumbs, just make sure you eat them before they break away! Continue reading

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Vegetarian Empanadas

I searched high and low for a good vegetarian empanada recipe but came up with nothing. My lovely and very talented friend Kristin from Kristin Buesing developed this recipe and I can’t get enough! I know they aren’t health food, but sometimes you have to treat yourself. . .  like everyday. . .

Deep fried pastry is SO.DELICIOUS. It should completely repel me with my dieting attempts but it is all I want to eat today. Unfortunately I have developed some self control and have stopped eating them. Maybe that is quite fortunate. I am absolutely horrified that bikini season is just around the corner again. Living 50m from the beach means I pretty much have to be prepared for a beach trip all year round. I do get squidgy and lazy in Winter though! Continue reading

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Toasted Coconut and Vanilla Bean Cake

When I made this cake, it was a bit of a throw together. The original idea was going to be a coconut milk cake rather than regular milk, but instead, I ended up using dessicated coconut and natural yoghurt. I think I over cooked it a little but it stayed completely moist with the yoghurt and coconut. It was a miracle! The unstuffable cake!

The cake itself actually tastes a lot like coconut marshmallows. I made the icing a little on the light side, compared to a butter cream anyway. It is still some what a butter cream, just with more icing sugar and water instead of milk :) The vanilla bean helped to whip it up and give it that beautiful vanilla bean seed flecks as you can see! Continue reading

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The Very Hungry Caterpillar Cupcake

When I was a kid, my favourite book was ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’. In the book, the caterpillar ate through pears, cheese, chocolate and various other edible delights. At the end of the book, the caterpillar turned into a beautiful butterfly and it is to this that I can relate.

You see, when I was a child, I was a little fattie. I looked like the michelin man people would say, more chins than a chinese phone book. All the funny ones, you know. I used to be able to sit up in my own rolls when I wasn’t yet able to stand. I like to think that I have blossomed into the butterfly that I was meant to be and am much more comfortable as myself these days. Continue reading

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Strawberry Short Cake

I made this cake for my lovely friend Jen’s 30th Birthday. I wanted to make something really pretty and topped with strawberries, of course. Who can go past a pink strawberry cake with light and fluffy butter cream?

Jen is one of those people, that love to make a big deal over other peoples Birthdays but not of her own. Just like me! I don’t even like cake. . . that much. Hehe! Give me a big fat plate of cheese though, and I have no self control at all. Continue reading

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Spicy Vermicelli Noodle Salad

I often make this salad for lunch at work. It makes enough for all the girls in the kitchen, plus a little extra for a walk in. I always make it super low fat, high in vegies and with a mean spicy kick in the dressing! Apparently chilli is good for the metabolism. I hope so, because I’m not that much of a fan of it and it is not worth the teary eyes I get whe I bite into a big chunk! Don’t worry though, the dressing isn’t that hot, just a little kick. A slap really :)

I have been quite sick this week. Came down with a nasty flu, so I am trying to help myself by eating lots of fruit and vegies. Tea and water too. Multi vitamins, echinacea. . . I’ll try anything! I haven’t been able to make it to the gym either so am feeling very, well, sluggish? Unfortunately, the virus I have gives me head spins when I sit up or stand up, so I am relying on Tylers nurturing nature to look after me! He has done a great job and I am so appreciative. It really is when your partner shines. If they can look after you when you are sick and still love you, well, you probably have a keeper. Continue reading

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Sweet Pistachio Dukkah

I absolutely adore dukkah. Over hommus, tossed through a salad, on pizzas. It has a smokey, nutty texture and I love it for it. It got me thinking though, could I transfer my love over to a sweet version? Something I could have on a piping hot scone with butter? Or sprinkled over some coconut gelato?

I made it using pistachios because they seem to be the best for colour and flavour in a sweet dukkah. Hazelnuts would work just as well, but you wouldn’t have that beautiful mint green colour. It looks so beautiful in contrast with the dried rose buds that I have been meaning to use for so long. I have so many beautiful foods in my pantry that I have collected along my travels to various markets and shopping centres. I just need to have a little bit more inspiration to use them! Continue reading

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Gluten Free Brownies with Raspberries

I love getting recipe requests. I have had a few in the last 12 months, from family and friends and am always happy to jot down what I develop. I’m not very good at the whole, writing down my recipes thing though. I really should be though, it is my job afterall, and I write a blog. . . so what is my problem? I dunno. I always think I will remember and then I don’t. Gold fish, they call me. You know, swim around the fish bowl once and forget what I just did?

You can substitute the raspberries for hazelnuts or macadamia nuts if you like, but the cooking time will need to be cut by approximately 10 minutes due to the liquid in the raspberries! And just as a warning, 1 cup of nuts is a lot! Cut the quantity back to 1/2 cup if you are going to do it this way. Honestly though, I really don’t think you will be disappointed with the raspberries, they are much nicer than nuts in brownies. I have a strict no nuts rule when I bake brownies. Continue reading

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Rosewater and Pomegranate Parfait

Oh so pretty, yes? Almost too pretty to eat. . . until I smelt the sweet fragrance of the rosewater and pomegranate dancing together on the meringue. Food fantasies are real people. I managed to have some passionfruit and lemon butter stored in the fridge so dolloped some right in the centre and it really set it off. Zesty and bitey in all of the crunchy sweet. Hehe, it’s funny what words spring to mind when I think of certain foods.

If you are making a dessert for a vegetarian, please be mindful of the fact that thickened cream, is thickened with gelatine. We can’t eat that! I often don’t have dessert at a restaurant just for the fact that chefs don’t usually care if you eat gelatine or not, they will just tell you what you want to hear. Like meat stock in vegetable soups. WHY?! But, I suppose, no dessert is much better for these coloured skinny jeans that I am so into right now. . . :) Continue reading

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Marshmallow Cones

When I used to walk home from school, I would always make a stop off at the local Vietnamese bakery and buy at least one marshmallow cone. They used to cost me $1.00 and I would crave them all day. After becoming a vegetarian and learning what marshmallows were made of, I swifty curved my love of the marshmallow cone. Good news! I made some myself. With no gelatine! Do you have marshmallow cones at your local bakery?

I know I have become a little bit obsessed with marshmallows lately, but can you blame me? I have been marshmallow-less for nearly 10 years. Like anything though, it is a novelty and I cannot be bothered to make them anymore. I have added essences, colours and various ingredients into my marshmallows to get my fix and am now satisfied that I have made up for the past 10 years! I think after all that though, I still love the vanilla bean marshmallow the best :)

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