Tea For Weight Loss
Learn The Real Truth About Drinking Tea And Weight loss
In recent years, much research has been given to drinking tea for weight loss benefits, making
this widely popular drink appealing for reasons other than its soothing, comforting flavor.
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First discovered in China more than 4,000 years ago, there are many different varieties of herbal tea available
today, the most common of which are black tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea (also known as wulong tea), and
puerh tea. Most are derived from tea leaves on the Camellia Sinensis plant in areas of China and India, and differ
only in their respective processing techniques, fermentation, and flavors.

Recognition of weight loss tea benefits increased when Oprah Winfrey hosted a review of the new "ultimate tea
diet" on her popular talk show. The success of Oprah's green tea diet program prompted many viewers to try making
diet teas part of their daily regimen.
So, how are its weight loss tea benefits achieved? Depending on the type of weight loss herbal teas you consume,
there are several different ways in which a person can use a tea for weight loss.

Chinese weight loss teas naturally contain relatively high levels of caffeine and a compound called catechin
polyphenol. These two ingredients work together to maximize fat burning and to increase metabolism. Many top diet
teas result in a more sustained level of thermogenesis (the rate at which calories are burned from the body). This
is preferable to pure caffeine, which boosts metabolism only during the time period that it’s being consumed.
Another weight loss tea benefit is that when you ingest slimming tea, any carbohydrates you may have ingested
will be burned more efficiently using a digestive enzyme called amylase, which prevents blood sugar levels from
spiking after you eat.
The catechin compounds found in many organic weight loss teas prevent the build-up of glucose (excess sugars and
fats) from being stored in fat cells.
One of the active ingredients in many weight loss teas is a compound called Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a
natural antioxidant supplement that has been proven to effectively reduce levels of body fat.
There is a strong possibility that herbal teas restrict levels of synthase, a fatty acid that is responsible for
converting carbohydrates into stored fat. Preliminary studies have shown that the suppression of this fatty acid
can affect significant weight loss.
There are many different grades and flavors of Chinese diet tea that can affect the fat-burning capabilities
outlined above. You can get information about Chinese slimming teas at any health food store or organic market, and
buy products and read reviews on many Internet websites. For those who don’t enjoy the taste of tea but still want
to benefit from the effects of slimming teas, weight loss tea drops are available as an alternative, such as
supplements, pills and vitamin form.
It should be noted that in addition to drinking tea for weight loss benefits, many studies have shown that
herbal teas affect a long list of health-enhancing attributes. Many tea drinkers have reported alleviation of
headaches, depression, and constipation.
Its high levels of antioxidants work to prevent free radicals from causing serious illnesses, including cancer
and cardiovascular disease, and also boost the immune system. Preliminary animal studies have also shown that
regular tea drinking can significantly lower cholesterol levels.
To aid the benefits of herbal tea and lose weight fast, you should combine your weight loss tea diet with a
regular exercise regimen and a sensible, healthy menu.
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