A personal experience with electronic cigarettes
Lately, not a day goes buy without an article about electronic cigarettes popping up in the press. It seems that electronic cigarettes are on a fast lane to becoming a popular alternative to tobacco, and it’s seems like that’s good news for everyone (except the tobacco industry, that is). Electronic cigarettes are supposed to be cheaper, healthier, less offensive for the environment and even legal in places tobacco is banned. They look and feel like the real, traditional or “analog” cigarettes do, and the taste should be similar enough. The main difference? Electronic cigarettes don’t contain any actual tobacco , which also means that they don’t contain any of the numerous toxic substances that are present in the smoke. This makes them a healthier alternative to cigarette smoking – at least in theory.
Well, a few months ago, i decided to put the theory to the test. At the time, I was fairly skeptical. The whole idea of puffing on a plastic gadget made me chuckle, and the claims of the benefits of electronic cigarettes over regular ones seemed just too good to be true. But, bit by bit, i was starting to doubt my skepticism, and once several of my fellow smokers made the switch to electronic cigarettes, I decided to give in and give it a test. My fiancée at the time (we are still together, but now she’s my wife) is a passionate smoker just like i am, but unlike me, she is always talking about quitting. Naturally, she seemed like the perfect test partner for giving electronic cigarettes a go.
I did a bit of research online and managed to find a company that was giving out samples on free trial bases. The company, as well as the electronic cigarettes they sold seemed credible enough and had only positive reviews, so i decided to try them out. I ordered the free trial kit, and couple of days later, i got a package in the mail. It contained two electronic cigarette starter kits. Each contained the actual electronic cigarettes and the refill cartridges in a plastic case which was cleverly designed to look like regular pack of cigarettes. The box also doubled as a charging dock for the electronic cigarettes. The company sent enough cartridges to last two pack a day smokers for a month.
Using the electronic cigarettes was simple enough – no problems there. The taste was very similar to real tobacco, but somehow less harsh, so no problems there. First thing we’ve noticed was that our clothes, hair and house didn’t smell like ashtrays anymore. Our senses of smell and taste slowly improved, as well as our energy levels. We were both feeling better than we did in years – the effect of years of smoking were slowly but surely dissipating, and we didn’t have to give up on smoking. If anything, being able to smoke on the bus, in restaurants and even in the office made me smoke even more. By the end of the month, I completely stopped smoking regular tobacco in favor of electronic cigarettes, while my fiancée stopped smoking completely – all thanks to electronic cigarettes. Boy, am i glad i gave them a try!
Save money with electronic cigarettes
These days, everybody is looking for ways to save money. With the stock market approaching an all time low and the unemployment at an all time high, it’s hard to deny that most of us need to put a halt on our recreational spending. However, deciding which expenses to [...] Continue Reading…
Electronic cigarette way to the healthier life
If you are a smoker and you would like to quit smoking in this article you may find the help you need.
I’m talking about the electronic cigarette.
Like all the other people I have heard for electronic cigarette a long time ago, but until few years back never thought about [...] Continue Reading…
How to recognize good electronic cigarette
Good electronic cigarettes are pretty available nowadays but it is also quite tricky choosing the right one out of various types on the market. First of all, we should mention some basic facts about these gadgets. These are substitutes for real cigarettes which resemble on them but are not [...] Continue Reading…
Old idea, new concept – tobacco free cigarette
You are probably reading this article because you are in search for more information about electronic cigarette. You’ve probably already heard some things and some facts about it, but let us sum all of the major and relevant facts in one place.
We can make an assumption you are an [...] Continue Reading…
Hidden risks in smoking electronic cigarettes
Being a smoker who is trying to quit can turn into a real nightmare, especially when friends and acquaintances start showering you with advice on the best way to do it. We all have a friend who knows a friend who quit by switching to electronic cigarettes, and there [...] Continue Reading…
Can an electronic gadget replace cigarettes?
I was reading an interesting article in the paper the other day. The subject was entirely new to me. It had to do with electronic cigarettes, or e-cigarettes. Apparently, the tobacco industry is starting to worry about this electronic gadget. It seems that more and more people are deciding [...] Continue Reading…
Things no one told you about electronic cigarettes
While many ex smokers will tell you all the best about electronic cigarettes and how they help them quit smoking, you still need to know that no method is 100% effective and risk free. Electronic cigarettes are among the top methods for quitting, but is inhaling a chemical vapor [...] Continue Reading…
E-cigarettes as a new way of smoking
Electronic cigarettes are getting more and more popular and some people tend to call it an e-cigarette and this is basically one of the top inventions lately. The smokeless cigarettes are all about smoking without smoke and the good thing about it is that it is going to stimulate [...] Continue Reading…
How to choose good electronic cigarette
Electronic cigarettes aren’t for too long time on the market but they already became quite popular. They are much less damaging to health and they aren’t as messy as the real ones. Picking the right electronic cigarette looks like simple task but there is actually so much options that [...] Continue Reading…