Anxiety And Depression Symptoms And Treatment Options

Depression is a mental health disorder that not only affects the brain, but can affect the entire body. There are several different types of depressive symptoms that have have been diagnosed by doctors now. Some of the more common types of depression are Clinical, Bipolar (Manic), PostPartum and Seasonal Affective Disorder. Some of these mood disorders are temporary periods of sadness and discomfort, while others can be serious, and even life threatening if not treated properly. Below we've listed bits of different information articles about different types of depression and depressive related disorders that you may find helpful.


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Although there are several different types of depression that have been identified, there are only two different types of this mood disorder that originate from anxiety. These two types of depression are Akathitic depression and Agitated depression.

 One symptom that is common to both of these types of depression is suffering from a phobia of a specific situation or object. Many times this comes from a person's mind wandering, which leads to a fear that isn't rational or doesn't make sense to others.

 The Agitated type of depression is much more common than the Akathitic type. Basically, the Akithitic type is only a "state" of depression which looks to be identical to an anxiety attack, but without any symptoms of panic.

Agitated depression presents itself as anxiety, but there are other "qualifying factors" that must be met before the person can be diagnosed as being Agitated. A minimum of two of the following symptoms must be met in order for the person to be diagnosed with "Psychomotor Retardation" or Agitatated Major Depression Disorder.

#1. The person is unable to sit still or appears extremely hyperactive.

#2. The person may constantly pace back and forth.

#3. They may keep talking on and on and may have sudden outbursts.

#4. Any type of repetitious, nervous activity such as continually playing with their hair or clothes.

These conditions must continue for several days before the person can be diagnosed with Agitated Depressive Disorder.

Learn more about anxiety by clicking on Anxiety And Depression.


Bipolar Disorder Current Research

Manic depression or "Bipolar Disorder" is one of the most serious types of depression. One of the common symptoms of Bipolar Disorder is self mutilation. Many people that suffer from this type of depression are thought of as extremely moody, dark individuals.


 Clinical Depression

This is known as "Clinical Depression" because of the amount of time the diagnosed person stays in an unhappy state of mind. Normally, someone needs to feel sadness for at least two weeks before they would be thought to suffer from depression. Just because a person happens to be sad for a few days doesn't necessarily mean that they're depressed.

Medical Treatments For Mood Disorders

There are now many different medical treatments for mood disorders. Many are treated with medication or a combination of medicines used to treat individual symptoms. Therapy is also an option for some people.


Postpartum Depression

This type of depression happens when a woman should be having one of her most happy and exciting moments, the birth of her child, however, women diagnosed with PostPartum Depression have been known to suffer from extremely depressive symptoms. This is also a very serious disorder if not diagnosed and treated quickly.

Seasonal affective disorder

This type of depression is common in areas that have harsh winters. Seasonal Affective Disorder, also known as "SAD" affects twenty five percent of our population, but it tends to be particularly hard on five percent of those individuals.

Powerpoint For Teens On Depression

Depression in teenagers is very common these days and the number of teen suicides has risen in the past few years. There are things that can be done to help prevent these tragedies. The first thing you need to do is to let your child know that your door is open twenty four hours a day and that they can come to you for any reason without fear or worry.

St. John's wort and depression

St. Johns Wort , also known as "Klamath weed" or "Goat Weed", has been known to help some people fight off the symptoms of depression. It can be a helpful and effective homeopathical way to beat the blues, however, there are dangers of St. John's Wort that you need to be aware of before you use it.

Training Course On Anxiety Disorder

There have been certain methods of "self help" that have been effective in helping some people with their anxiety symptoms, without medication. This is only a review of some of the methods and books available on the subject. Always consult your doctor before trying any type of new treatment, especially If you are currently taking anxiety medication.

Helpful Tips For Managing Your Depression

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Depression is much more widely accepted today as a real condition that can become serious if not treated. However, there are some things that you can do to help you manage your mental health disorder and help to keep you on track. Learn More.