  Performance characteristics  
  Riemann Hypothesis  


This site is owned by
Sebastian Wedeniwski
root server

The ZetaGrid activities must come to a final end! Now all services are down and this domain will be closed soon. The official last update note was sent on December 1, 2005. Thanks for your interest to this community.

What is ZetaGrid?
ZetaGrid is a platform independent grid system that uses idle CPU cycles from participating computers. Grid computing can be used for any CPU intensive application which can be split into many separate steps and which would require very long computation times on a single computer. ZetaGrid can be run as a low-priority background process on various platforms like Windows, Linux, AIX, Solaris, HP-UX, and Mac OSX. On Windows systems it may also be run in screen saver mode.
ZetaGrid in practice:
At the IBM Development Laboratory in Böblingen ZetaGrid solves one problem in practice, running on six different platforms: The verification of Riemann's Hypothesis is considered to be one of modern mathematics most important problems.
This implementation involves more than 11,000 workstations and has a peak performance rate of about 7056 GFLOPS. More than 1 billion zeros for the zeta function are calculated every day.

To learn more about ZetaGrid, you have two options:

  • view grid monitoring data and statistics of the current implementation on our performance page.
  • participate in the calculation of zeros for the Riemann zeta function and download the client code from our software page to be one of our top producers who maybe wins a prize.
Technical details:
ZetaGrid provides a secure Java kernel, which does not allow access from the outside, and secures its communications and activities by restricted layer access with digital signatures (ElGamal public-key encryption) and key establishment protocols (half-certified Diffie-Hellman and ElGamal key agreement). The keys have a length of 1024 Bits. The framework of ZetaGrid provides management capabilities and is easy to use. Furthermore, it is supported on different platforms and has been proven to be stable.
See the following documents for more details.


Verification of Riemann's Hypothesis

Currently participating: 11,902 computers:
  8,383 x86 on Windows
  2,775 x86 on Linux
  1,955 ppc on AIX
  380 ia64 on Linux
  111 ppc on Mac OS X
  80 sparc on SunOS
  14 amd64 on Linux
  11 ppc on Linux
  11 alpha on Linux
  7 sparc on Linux
  5 s390 on Linux
  5 PA_RISC2.0 on HP-UX
  2 x86 on SunOS
  1 amd64 on Windows
  1 i386 on FreeBSD
  1 ia64 on Windows


~1076 GFLOPS
Top team
(last 7 days)

3 active members
delivered 18,700,000 zeros
used 6 computer(s)

Top producer
(last 7 days)

Robert Heinzen
delivered 19,900,000 zeros
used 16 computer(s)

Active producer
(random of last 24 h)