A Life Without Sex Addiction Can Be Yours

  • You Can Be Sex Addiction Free In 6 Weeks
  • You can stop masturbating so frequently, with our help
  • We've successfully helped thousands of men fight porn addiction
  • Your support buddy will assist you for a full 6 months
  • Money back guarantee assures your success

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My name is Josh, and I used to suffer from sex addiction., porn addiction, and compulsive masturbation. I guess "suffer" is a funny way to put it, because while I was addicted, it sure didn't seem like suffering. But the longer it went on, every minute of ecstasy or pleasure I experienced was followed by hours of embarrassment and dread. So before I tell you about how I got better, I'm going to tell you what my life was like when I was at my worst.

My day would start with my masturbation addiction. I'd wake up and go right to the computer to check the pornography I had downloaded the night before. The porn was violent and disgusting – and it ended up perhaps permanently changing my view of women. After masturbating 1-2 times, I would shower and go to work. While at work, I'd frequently daydream about my sex addiction and then frequently think about how I was going to stop masturbating or stop my porn addiction. My mind became half occupied with sexual thoughts and setting up meetings with women I met online and half occupied feeling guilty and ashamed that I couldn't stop these cravings. Oh – and if there was any room left to think – it was spent thinking about how to hide my secret life from my family and friends.

The day I turned things around was the day my wife found my secret porn stash and my online chat histories on the computer. The story is too long to tell here, but I devoted the next year of my life to getting better. I saw therapists, I read books, I did research, and I talked to people to figure out how I was going to stop my porn addiction, stop masturbating so much, and stop my sex addiction. In the end, it was worth it. I moved on from my old life and am living a successful addiction free life.

I knew that there were millions of other men suffering from the same problems I suffered from, so I dedicated months more of my life into coming up with something called the Healthy Sexuality System. In short – it tells you exactly what you are going to have to do to overcome your addiction – and even gives you a dedicate dsupport partner who will help you for 6 months, by email. Just click the button below to learn more and to get started.

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