Useful information about Codeine

Without any doubt, Codeine is one of the most commonly used and prescribed medications known today. This article aims to give you some basic information about this opiate drug and why does it deserve such a strong position in pharmacology.

The drug Codeine is an opiate drug, derived from poppy seeds. However, since it is much cheaper and effective, it is usually extracted from morphine, rather than from poppy seeds. This medication can be very effective for dealing with mild to moderate pain. In those categories, Codeine is definitely among the top painkillers both in terms of effectiveness and versatility.

Besides acting as an analgesic, Codeine is also very good at being an antidiarheal drug (can be used to treat severe diarrhea) and also an antiussive (which means that it can bring relief from mild to severe cases of cough). Most known medications that contain Codeine are Tylenol, AC&C and Nurofen Plus, which says a lot as these are some of the most commonly prescribed medications in pharmacology today. Through these combinations, all of these drugs achieve what is known as drug synergy and becomes much more potent than it can ever be on its own.

Codeine can be used on its own, which is become quite rare in pharmacology today, but it can also be used in combination with other drugs such as paracetamol, aspirin or ibuprofen. It can also be used in various forms, like a capsule (when it is an analgesic) or as a syrup (for treating cough).

Although this drug is only a mild opiate, you should still be careful with it as it can cause dependency and tolerance after prolonged use. That is why it is very important to use it exactly as your doctor has prescribed, which means that you should only take it in the recommended dosages and not longer than instructed. Do not change the dosage yourself by taking more than prescribed.

In cases of prolonged use, a physical dependence to this drug can occur. Also, abruptly stopping to take Codeine may result in some withdrawal symptoms such as runny nose, drug craving, yawning, sweating, etc. so you should consult with your doctor, especially if you’ve used it for a longer period of time.

Most common side effects of Codeine are nausea, constipation, drowsiness, mild itching, etc. Still, these side effects are rarely strong enough to demand that you stop using this drug and they do not appear as often as is the case with some other drugs of this type. Of course, that does not mean that you can ignore them and not inform your doctor about them.

This drug is less often used and prescribed on its own, as it is not strong enough, but most of us have probably taken it together with some other drugs in some medication at one or another point of our lives, probably without even knowing the name of the drug that has helped us so much with our problem. Well, now you know.

How Codeine will help you relieve the pain

Nobody can escape from being in physical pain at some point in their lives, but that doesn’t mean pain is untreatable. So many medications exist out there, all of which supposedly relieve you of physical pain through various mechanisms. However, it is safe to presume that Codeine is one [...] Continue Reading…

Learning more about Codeine

Codeine is without a shadow of doubt one of the best-known medications in the history of pharmaceuticals and there are more than a few reason for this. In this article, we will be looking at these reasons, trying to give you a clearer picture of what exactly Codeine is [...] Continue Reading…