Diablo III™

Patch 1.0.4 Preview: Monk

Patch 1.0.4 Preview: Monk

The most important changes for the monk in 1.0.4 are aimed at improving damage-focused Spirit Spenders. We're happy with where Spirit Generators are right now, but unfortunately once you have Spirit, there aren’t very many appealing ways to use it.  In many cases, the most effective use of Spirit has been to recast a Mantra repeatedly for the three-second bonus.  While this is certainly one possibility, it doesn't seem as exciting as using one of the more offensively-focused Spirit Spenders (or at least having that option available).

Spirit Spenders

Exploding Palm:
From a strict usability standpoint, we think the visuals for Exploding Palm can be a little difficult to interpret.  It's hard to tell who's affected by the Bleed and who's being damaged by the resulting explosion.  Our Visual Effects team has made some improvements in 1.0.4 which will make it easier for players to tell who's bleeding and who's getting damaged.

From a mechanics standpoint, the three-second Bleed can make the explosion hard to pull off, and the damage just doesn't seem enough to be worth the Spirit cost.  To help with both of these issues, we’re increasing the duration of the Bleed to nine seconds as well as its damage per second, which should make it more likely that monsters you’ve touched with Exploding Palm will go boom when they die.


Current: 220% weapon damage over 3 seconds
1.0.4: 745% weapon damage over 9 seconds

(Don't worry, Impending Doom is also having its duration increased to 15 seconds.)

Seven-Sided Strike:
The original intent for Seven-Sided Strike was for it to be a solid damage dealer that you could use for a quick burst. Where Serenity granted you an amazing period of invulnerability, and your other combat skills could put out some damage, Seven-Sided Strike would ideally exist somewhere in the middle by offering some invulnerability and some damage. Unfortunately, the way it currently plays out, Seven-Sided Strike feels more like a bad version of Serenity, and the damage just doesn’t seem worth it. To address this, we’ll be doing a straight damage increase to Seven-Sided Strike to make it an attractive option for those who are looking for a skill that really packs a punch. 

The damage buff to Seven Sided Strike is significant.  And although players rarely complain when a skill gets buffed, it does leave one wondering why a lower damage existed in the first place. 

The answer is: our initial design was flawed in several ways. To get the skill where it needed to be, we  identified three distinct problems that were plaguing not only Seven-Sided Strike, but other class skills as well, and each problem merited a damage increase.

  • First, we're upping the damage of many skills with longer cooldowns in 1.0.4.  Across all classes, if I can only hit a button once every so often, it needs to dole out some significant damage to justify the spot on my bar.  While some skills, like Archon and Wrath of the Berserker, are significant enough to make the cut, there are a lot of skills that need DPS improvements to make their cooldowns worthwhile.  Indeed, many monks use Seven-Sided Strike for the brief invulnerability, not the damage.
  • Second, we're also upping the damage on skills that spend Spirit. As mentioned in the introduction, Spirit Spenders are getting buffed because the Spirit cost needs to be weighed against the benefit of using that Spirit on something else -- such as refreshing your Mantra.
  • Third, we're taking a hard look at distinctive, class-defining skills that create better tension on your skill bar. We'd like to promote skills that help to fulfill the fantasy of a class; skills that make you feel happy that you chose the class you did.  Since the fantasy of a monk involves being fast, agile, and hard to hit, Seven-Sided Strike seemed like a natural candidate.

We looked at making these improvements across all skills and all classes, and Seven-Sided Strike benefitted all three times.  As a result, the 1.0.4 version of the skill is incredibly potent (we'll save the details for the patch notes).   

Wave of Light:
Wave of Light is the kind of skill that just needs to do way more damage. It has a big Spirit cost, but it doesn’t seem to pay off based on the amount of Spirit invested into it. In general, we’d like Lashing Tail Kick to be a skill that’s good against a small number of targets and feels relatively "spammable," and for Wave of Light to be a skill that’s more of an investment -- something that you don’t use as frequently, but pays out with bigger damage numbers when you actually do hit the button.


Current: 215% weapon damage as Holy + 45% damage as AoE
1.0.4: 390% weapon damage as Holy + 45% damage as AoE

This is just for the base skill. Wall of Light, Explosive Light, and Pillar of the Ancients damage has also been buffed up by a fair amount.


In terms of passives, it's pretty clear at this point that One With Everything is considered a mandatory passive for all monks.  While "mandatory" passives aren't great, making any major change would do more harm than good, particularly when a) incoming damage is so high and b) monks need the extra durability in order to survive. Additionally, as a result of this passive, monks are more heavily tied to their current gear, so making changes to One With Everything would have very noticeable negative repercussions to the gear monks have invested in.

While we'd prefer that there wasn't an "absolutely mandatory" passive, we're going to let this one ride for now. If we do try to make changes we'll ideally do it in a way that doesn't invalidate the passive, doesn't hurt monk survivability, and doesn't undermine the gear people are currently wearing.

Last but not least, we added the ability for monks to wield two-handed weapons in 1.0.3, along with supporting animations. This has allowed some monks who enjoy two-handers to play this way, but it's not always effective. In the Systems Preview, we mentioned that two-handed melee weapons are getting a buff, and that will help.  As additional support, the Spirit generation bonus granted by The Guardian's Path is going to be increased from 25% to 35%.

Be sure to check out our other class previews for patch 1.0.4:


Wyatt Cheng is a Senior Technical Game Designer for Diablo III. He's currently debating whether to level his Shadow priest or "Laser Chicken" to 90 first when Mists of Pandaria comes out.

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Comments (124)

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Wave of Light will still be too weak to use, even at 390%. Interested to see the seven sided strike notes... Doubt it'll replace the current spec though...

Main news in this is, to me, is it seems you're looking to nerf OWE, yet realised without Monks just go down in about 10 miliseconds? If OWE is nerfed without a MASSIVE buff to general survivability of monks then really you're killing the class. So, in short, thank you for not nerfing it and please never do.

Spirit generators may be fine, but how about a fix of barbs being able to hit shielders and generate fury where as we can't? And we arguably need spirit to survive more than they need fury to keep WoTB up...
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Pendulum #6109
17 seconds ago
I WAS extremely excited on Monk updates.. I was
I thought they're going to do something to make Monks less dependent on gears >__>

btw, Nothing exciting. I'm still sticking with my own build ._.
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fenderputty #1180
17 seconds ago
How is this supposed to change build diversity? Spamming MoC still sounds like a much better use of spirit than any of the buffs to the damage based skills.

Monk have two passives that are must have's too. Seize the initiative is also a must along with one with everything. Resolve probably is too, though you can swap it for guardians path I suppose.

Pretty meh about these changes.
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Hey, people. These are previews.

The rest will be in the actual patch notes. FFS.
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Reece #1151
25 seconds ago
Good thing this is just a preview, right? I don't see any significant improvements listed, other than the marginal improvement to 7SS. Maybe other people like myself came to the harsh reality as soon as they hit Inferno as well; unless you save your money and gear for resistances you'll waste it all on gear that gets you killed in one hit.
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judas #6743
1 minute ago
sorry for my bad English but :
i got Unknow error (2212) when i reinstall D3
tell me what can i do ? plz
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Hezz #1803
2 minutes ago
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Hifonics #1378
2 minutes ago
I'm disappointed. From what I seen with Barb this feels completely unfair. 7SS made me happy to see changes to it. But not seeing really any other changes but to spirit spenders no one uses because they really just dont fit into the class aside from possibly exploding palm and definitely 7SS. but Wave of light needs removed and changed with something better because it makes no sense for the monk to even have.

How come the monk didn't get a buff to it's spirit generators like Barb did with its fury generators.

Why don't you buff the other classes to feel like the barb class.
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tonzkie #1958
3 minutes ago
What about healing and other support abilities?
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MrBrown #2395
1 minute ago
@tonzkie: Very good question. The direct healing spells are a big joke in Inferno currently. People only use "Breath of Heaven" for the "Blazing Wrath" rune and the extra damage, surely not for the negligible healing effect.
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hedstrom #2660
3 minutes ago
Nice preview :)
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Just increase a damage of skills?
Consider about generating Spirit cuz you nerfed AS!!!!!!!!
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StCamber #1791
4 minutes ago
Monk needs more ability to do damage in general. These buffed spells will but him in average wizard dps for one cast.
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Sjippie #1970
4 minutes ago
Awesome! More fun builds to try..

A while ago, I said: "This game has no replayabiltity at all!".
Think I even capitalized the last two words...

I think I'll have to take that back ;)
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Darkrider #1849
5 minutes ago
I always wandered why there is no passive for attack speed or a rune that increases your attack speed for sweeping wind increasing per stack
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StCamber #1791
55 seconds ago
@Darkrider: If there was, everyone would use it, so Blizz will never do it.
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Presence #2778
5 minutes ago
"our initial design was flawed in several ways."
And I could even think of many more. I'll take my monk out of retirement to check this out, but I'm not holding my breath. 1.0.4 is just lipstick on a pig. Nice, glossy lipstick - but it's a pig!
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I have to give it to Blizz for seeing all the faults they had in the first place. And no matter what is or isn't changed, maybe we should be happy that they are at least trying.
Ps. Cannot wait to see the WD changes.
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judas #6743
5 minutes ago
sorry for my bad English but :
i got Unknow error (2212)
tell me what can i do ? plz
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Bogzy #2653
5 minutes ago
"We're happy with where Spirit Generators are right now"
Really? The vast majority isn't using ONLY thunder clap? Could have fooled me.
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Darkrider #1849
3 minutes ago
@Bogzy: and mangle from cripling wave
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Yura #2182
2 minutes ago
@Bogzy: I never use Thunder Clap. I either use Crippling Wave (tanky) or Deadly Reach (for the dps).
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Highborne #1576
29 seconds ago

No, nobody uses that. Just like nobody uses Resolve.

Worthless. Deadly Reach + Foresight or Keen Eye are way better than Crippling Wave in every single regard.
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LeoMilani #2318
5 minutes ago
why only wiz gets the nerf bat?
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hedstrom #2660
1 minute ago
@LeoMilani: well did you actually read the preview? it's all in there
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Shagsbeard #1620
6 minutes ago
Fix One With Everything by simply making it a class function, rather than a passive skill.
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SpifSpaz #1838
4 minutes ago
@Shagsbeard: only if its for every class
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GnoSiS #2251
3 minutes ago
@Shagsbeard: +100
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DeeApeEscape #1537
6 minutes ago
I really wish you guys put the D2 dev team to this game. D3 is a failure. I so wanted to really love this game, and I fooled myself into liking it, until it was just boring and lackluster. Pack it up, Blizzard! These "buffs" are still garbage to the overall problem of the super-hyper inflated and outrageous AH prices. Fix the AH if you want people to come back to this game.
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Yura #2182
5 minutes ago
@DeeApeEscape: The D2 dev team is too busy making a garbage game called Torchlight 2.
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RAZERKhas #2821
6 minutes ago
Those changes are not even '' good ''. The Monk class along with the Witch Doctor class, are the current 2 underpowered classes for Diablo III. With those changes you don't help players who choose to play with the Monk Class, but at my opinion, you are making fun of them and you don't respect the money that people spent to gear up their characters. You didn't nerf the OP class of this game, the Barbarian, you actually making it more OP. There is only one option for non Barbarian players left.... Quit.
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hedstrom #2660
15 seconds ago
@RAZERKhas: what a load of crap
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sixthokage #1224
6 minutes ago
very disappointing notes which i anticipated after reading barb and wiz..
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rawrargle #2389
7 minutes ago
glad to see some damage buffs but must admit i was kinda hoping there'd be some updates on spirit generators, but doesnt look too bad
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Intrepidus #1362
8 minutes ago
Mmmmm.... Laser Chicken.
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YeloSaleen #1900
8 minutes ago
looks like the only thing a monk should be excited about is easier elites after the patch...
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Quixote #1441
9 minutes ago
Being a primary monk player, I think OwE needs to be reworked entirely. While it may create a bite the bullet scenario to current resist gearing (Yes i abuse this too). Feels bad to be tied to such a completely uninteresting skill. Unfortunate that blizzard compeltely dropped the ball on that. OwE would be more interesting if it granted resist all as a portion of elemental resist (50%, 30%, 25%, I haven't done the maths on it yet). Current situation is bad but necessary and greatly diminishes the ability for monks to play their chosen spec/chosen role (With OwE Mandatory and StI almost mandatory there is almost no room to have any choice in what passive skills you want to bring to the table)
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LordBryne #1205
9 minutes ago
As long as there's more than just those three buffs, I'll be happy.
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blhotz #1823
10 minutes ago
...also there are plenty of 1.15-1.21 GOOD 2-handers out there so slow attack speed isn't the only option especially if you stack AS on your gear... I have 1.65 when playing around with my 2-hander
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Skunk2 #1360
10 minutes ago
Wow! still sucks lol, I just hope you don't nerf One with Everything after 1.0.4