Sunday August 12, 2012

M5.9 quake jolts Fukushima, Kanto regions


An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.9 jolted Fukushima and other parts of the Kanto region on Friday night, the Japan Meteorological Agency said.

The quake struck at 7:10 p.m. Its epicenter was 20 kilometers underground off Fukushima, the agency said. It registered 4 in Fukushima and northern Ibaraki, and 3 in Miyagi, Tochigi, Yamagata, Niigata, Saitama and Tokyo.

No tsunami warning was issued and there were no immediate reports of injuries or damage, Fuji TV reported.

Japan Today

  • 1


    What's the status of the MOX spent fuel rods in the reactor? We haven't heard much about those.

  • -2

    Rick Kisa

    This may be the researsal of the "big one"

  • 3


    There was one yesterday evening as well, also a 5.9.

  • 2


    Too bad. :( my prayer goes with you, Japan.

  • -3


    Every time there is an earthquake in Fukushima it rattles the damaged buildings and containment vessels as well as the fuel pools which leads to an increase in radiation-Japan's government is presently advocating the resumption of nuclear despite these unsolvable problems.

  • 2


    This seems a little worrisome

    20:09 JST 13 Apr 2012 20:04 JST 13 Apr 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.0 1 19:38 JST 13 Apr 2012 19:33 JST 13 Apr 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.1 2 19:21 JST 13 Apr 2012 19:16 JST 13 Apr 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki M4.5 2 19:21 JST 13 Apr 2012 19:10 JST 13 Apr 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki M5.9 4 19:14 JST 13 Apr 2012 19:10 JST 13 Apr 2012 Fukushima-ken Oki M5.9 4

  • 2


    Forgot that the format doesn't hold. Sorry. Anyway, we've had a bunch of smaller quakes since the one in the story.

  • 0


    Every time there is an earthquake in Fukushima it rattles the damaged buildings and containment vessels as well as the fuel pools etc etc

    Every time there is an earthquake anywhere north of Tokyo the same people seem to post the same comments...

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    @ Farmboy: At what site did you get that information? I sometimes check if small vibrations I felt were actually earthquakes, but the site I look at doesn't report anything lower than 4M.

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    @JolienJM: Here you can see them all, even minor ones -

  • 1


    @ Farmboy: At what site did you get that information?

    It's from the Japan Meteorological Association (JMA).

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    I'm not too concerned about frequent earthquakes. I'm more concerned about long periods without quakes, because in that time pressure can build up. I prefer regular release of pressure.

  • 0


    @Apsara Thanks - I just have to change my auto spam bot-it repeats the same message. Watch for the update in a few days....

  • 0


    Im not scared of the quakes, its what left of the NPP's in Fukushima toppling over that worries me.

  • 2


    Aspara: "Every time there is an earthquake anywhere north of Tokyo the same people seem to post the same comments..."

    Perhaps they do. I'd rather THEY post the same message than hearing Edano come on and say everything's okay when it's not, though. Better to be wary then be the complacent sheep the J-government wants you to be. Usually when there's even the slightest quake in the area the article IMMEDIATELY contains a footnote that states, "TEPCO reported no visible damage at the Fukushima plant". This one doesn't. A new leak tomorrow, maybe?

  • 0


    @Apsara: Rather hear the TRUTH than, 'There has been no release of radiation. There will be no release of radiation'. The structural integrity of No4 is of absolute concern. As is the state of the ad-hoc, dead-ending 'solutions' now in place at Dai-Ichi No1, 2 and 3. Every single quake in that region is of concern. Is you don't understand the 'fear' you don't understand the problem.

  • 0


    Friday April 13th Kyodo News: Tepco finds 35-ton machine fallen in No. 3 fuel pool it Appears to have dropped on nuclear fuel racks. These earthquakes are no joke.

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