Scott Foley



7/15/1972, Kansas City, Kansas

Birth Name

Scott Kellerman Foley


  • Scott Foley in True Blood from
  • Todd Lowe, Scott Foley, and Brian Geragh...
  • Jake Lacy, Becki Newton, and Scott Foley...
  • Scott Foley on The Goodwin Games.
  • Carrie Preston and Scott Foley in True B...
  • Scott Foley and Kim Raver on Grey's Anat...
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Born in Kansas City, Kan., Foley relocated often during his childhood due to his father's career in international banking. He lived all over the world, including Sydney, Australia and Tokyo, Japan. Foley attended high school in St. Louis, Mo., performing in school and community theater productions. Ever determined,…more


Trivia and Quotes

  • Trivia

  • Quotes

    • Scott: (on going from lovelorn Noel in "Felicity" to tough guy Bob in "The Unit") It's been a great journey, and somewhere along the way I crossed over some threshold where I'm no longer the loveable sensitive guy, and I'm now the guy with the shaved head shooting guns! It's been a bizarre transformation. Can you imagine Noel picking up a submachine gun and saving the world? It's a little strange!

    • Scott: (on Australia) I lived in Sydney for four-and-a-half years growing up. I went to school in Sydney and we lived in St. Ives. I haven't been back since, but now with the show (The Unit), I might have an excuse! And it sounds like a good honeymoon place, too…

    • Scott: I was lucky enough to know exactly what I wanted to do when I was growing up. I think one of the hardest things to figure out in life is what your calling is, and what truly makes you happy - not what you want to work at, but what you want to do.

    • Scott: I never took my SAT's. I never applied to college. I moved right out here and jumped into the thick of things. Whether that was the smart move or not, I'm sitting here talking to you now, so it paid off.

    • Scott: I was lucky enough to know exactly what I wanted to do when I was growing up. I think one of the hardest things to figure out in life is what your calling is, and what truly makes you happy--not what you want to work at, but what you want to do. And I knew it.

    • Scott: I'm a big believer in marriage. We're all looking for someone to love us at the end of the day.

    • Scott: (Talking about his at the time wife Jennifer Garner) There are so many things. I love that she's cold when she sleeps and that she has long fingers…it's just everything about her.

  • Great!!

    SCOTT FOLEY --- still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!still waiting for the season 5 of THE UNIT... i watched every episode over & over again!moreless
  • Scott in felicity - What an Actor!

    I started watching Felicity for the first time a couple of weeks ago. I just finished watching the season finale a couple of hours ago and I am sick to my stomach. Ha ha! I know it was just a show n it ended years ago but I can't believe how they ended the show. I am not sure the reason why the show was only 4 seasons long but it was so emotionally draining:) Even though Ben and felicity looked alright together, i so wanted her to end up with Noel.
    Gosh, how could she let him go even though she got a second chance to make it all alright.

    Personally, if it wasn't Scott Foley playing the role of Noel, i might be thinking differently. Scott Foley just made it so difficult to like Scott Speedman. I can't stop thinking about the way he looked at felicity. His eyes just said everything. Gosh, just the way he looked, it hurts so much just thinking about it. I guess that's what a great actor does to you, he makes you feel his pain/happiness, etc. Frankly, i think I would be a much happier person had the show ended with Felicity realizing that she was in love with Noel all along:) ha ha what a twist! i think the writers got a lil confused writing this show, hence the show tanked. I wish Scott all the best for his future roles. I strongly feel that he is one of the finest actors of his generation. I hope he gets another great show like felicity, somewhere where he ends up with the one he loves:)moreless