London Olympics: row over S Korea 'political celebration'

South Korean players celebrate after beating Japan, 10 August South Korean players celebrated after beating Japan 2-0

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The International Olympic Committee has told South Korea to bar one of its footballers from the bronze medal ceremony after he held up a political message after the team beat Japan.

The slogan was said to refer to a long-running dispute about islands which both South Korea and Japan claim.

The IOC says it is holding an inquiry.

Friday's match came hours after South Korea's president visited the islands, known as Dokdo in South Korea and as Takeshima in Japan, sparking a row.

The move prompted Japan to recall its ambassador in Seoul.

South Korea won the Olympic football bronze medal by beating Japan 2-0.

The IOC says that after the game, an unnamed player was photographed brandishing a sign allegedly asserting South Korea's sovereignty over the islands.

  • Known as Dokdo (Solitary islands) in Korea, Takeshima (Bamboo islands) in Japan
  • Also known as Liancourt rocks
  • Claimed by Japan and South Korea, but occupied by South Korea since 1954
  • Just 230,000 sq m in size, with no fresh water
  • But surrounding waters valuable for their fishing

The committee urged the South Korean Olympic committee to take "swift action on this issue" and said the player should not be present at the medal ceremony on Saturday.

Football's governing body, Fifa, said it had opened a separate investigation to discipline the player.

The statutes of both the IOC and Fifa prohibit political statements by athletes and players.

Friday's visit by South Korean President Lee Myung-bak was strongly criticised by Japanese Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda.

"It is contrary to our nation's stance that Takeshima is historically - and under international law - an integral part of our national territory, and is completely unacceptable," Mr Noda said.

The uninhabited islands, which are roughly equidistant from the two countries, are small but lie in fishing grounds which could also contain large gas deposits.

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