I am a very happy Chia

Hi, My name is BiMbO627396 the Chia, I am 60469 hours old. Chia's are the cutest pets in Neopia, or at least I think so. As you may have guessed I love making new friends and playing games. My best friend is Adee the Chia who I love to play guess the card with.

I love having fun with my friends. Every summer we go to a new place to have a picnic. Last year we went to Mystery Island. This is a photo of me and my friends at the beach. We built a massive sand Chia :) My Grandad
My Grandad It is a little known fact that Chias, like myself, love to bounce. For my birthday my owner, grace22012000, bought me a fantastic trampoline. I invited all the Chias down my road over to our neohome and we had a great party. This is a photo from that day. Anyway, this is my webpage. I am BiMbO627396, if you want to be my friend or NeoMessage grace22012000, feel free. My owner loves to get NeoMails :)


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