Recent Updates RSS Updates from August, 2012

  • What are the downsides of payday loans? 

    Payday loans are pretty popular and they can come quite handy in time of dire need. If you have some emergency intervention concerning health or house repairs and you are short of cash, these loans are just ideal. Downsides are also numerous and these loans should be treated with utmost care since they can cause a lot of trouble. First of all, let’s see what these payday loans are in fact.

    These are extremely short term loans which have narrow payoff time frame and that makes them tricky to handle sometimes. Also these loans involve very limited amounts of money and that makes them unsuitable for any larger transaction. If you need more than $1000 you will probably have to look elsewhere for the money. Still, for such small amounts these loans are always available. One of the good things concerning these loans is that you don’t need your credit rating to be checked. The money is available no matter what your credit status is. The other handy feature is that these loans are approved in record time. All of the paperwork and formalities are done within 24 hours so this is pretty quick way to obtain some cash. It doesn’t come without price though, since the interests on these loans are pretty high. They vary from 15% to 20% with expenses included and that is not small amount of money. For example, if you loan maximum of $1000 you will be returning $1150 to $ 1200 in just few weeks time. That can prove to be pretty hard to pay back and it can lead to all sorts of further problems.

    If you are just a bit late with paying off, it will result in doubling the quantity of money which you have to pay as the interest. It can quickly cause some serious problems and may turn out to be pretty messy. You can have huge debt in matter of months when all of it has started with small loan. So, the caution is more than welcome when you are considering getting one of these loans. Good side is that this can be solved with the help of your bank. Namely, it is possible to authorize the company issuing the loan to withdraw their money from your account automatically. This means that you don’t have to go to their office to pay back the money. They will simply withdraw it from m your account when your pay off is due. This method has one more large benefit. Namely, even if you don’t have enough money on your account they will be able to withdraw it. It will send your account in to overdraft but the bank will make you much less problems than the loan company would. Also, the penalty you will have to pay to the bank is much lower than another set of interests plus expenses in the loan company.

    We may conclude that payday loans are handy, but that their downsides must be considered properly in order to avoid any trouble.

  • Internet payday loans agencies facts 

    Looking for the facts about the payday loans?

    You’ve come to the right place. This web page and this article will try to give you all the relevant facts about payday loans you should know.

    What is the payday loan and in what kind of situation should you use it?

    For each [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans versus bank loans 

    Being in the situation to apply for a loan is complicated enough by itself, but it is important to learn the difference between payday loans and bank loans. Not only these two things have a completely different set of interest rates, but you might even learn that you’re not [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans essential information 

    Not many financial services raise so much discussion as payday loans and for a very good reason. Most people have some opinion, whether good or bad about this type of loan, but most they do is just confuse those that are completely new in this. So, instead of listening [...] Continue Reading…

  • All you need to know about payday loans 

    While payday loans might sound like a great idea when in need for some quick cash, if you take into account the amount of interest you’re gonna end up paying it isn’t so great to begin with. Still, getting a payday loan can prove to be the best option [...] Continue Reading…

  • Do you need money? Choose payday loans today! 

    You know that feeling when you have to wait another week to get paid from your employer. It looks like the days have never been longer and it is always like this when you are out of money. That is why you need payday loans. This is the best [...] Continue Reading…

  • Benefits and flaws of payday loans 

    Urgent need for small amount of cash can be pretty nasty situation. If you have some emergency repair to make or if there is bill that has to be paid quickly and you are short of money at the moment payday loan may be the right thing for you. [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans – a complex issue 

    There are not that many financial services, if any, that attract as much controversy as payday loans do. It can sometimes seem that absolutely everyone has a very formed opinion on payday loans, an opinion that they would defend to death. And to someone who is new to this [...] Continue Reading…

  • Why you need to be careful with payday loans 

    Whenever you are hearing stuff from people who have something against payday loans, you hear about all the dangers that are associated with these loans. And while there is simply too much drama and panic being communicated and got across, there is also a bit of truth to those [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans – FAQ 

    We have written quite a bit on payday loans on this blogsite but we believe there is still room for a quick, short FAQ article in which we will be tackling some commonly asked questions about payday loans. Some of these questions have already been answered in other articles [...] Continue Reading…

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