Colored lenses and makeup


This article is mainly intended for female readers, but if there are men out there who are using makeup regularly, we are sorry for being exclusive. Please, read on. Namely, in this article, we will be discussing the best ways to emphasize your new colored lenses and the new color they give your eyes with makeup. For each tone of the skin and for the different combinations, you should be aware of certain combinations that will always work.

For instance, women with very light hair and who are wearing green colored lenses should go for a pale or neutral shadow in blue-green, only green varieties. In case you are wearing turquoise or blue colored lenses, you should also wear blue shadow but you should always make sure that it is lighter than your colored lenses. For violet, grey or amethyst colored contacts, shadows in lavender colors look the best. You should also steer clear of black eyeliner and use brown or grey ones as they will look far more natural. You should also smooth a bit the line under the eyes; prevent it from looking too sharp. You can, if you are using blue-tinted colored lenses, use blue mascara which will give additional depth to the blueness of the eyes.

If you have medium skin and you are wearing colored lenses in blue, violet or green, you should go for more neutral shadows, such as plums, browns or taupe. Lavender and plum shadows work best with turquoise and amethyst lenses and you might want to add a silver streak to the eyelid.

In case you have dark skin and you are going for the extremely striking and exciting colors for such skin, such as green, sapphire or amethyst colored lenses, you can add bronze shadow for green, deep brown or mauve for blue and amethyst colored lenses. These emphasize the yes perfectly and make them even more striking. If you are wearing turquoise or aqua lenses, amber shadows might be the best choice.

If you want to further emphasize your new eyes, you should add a bit of bright and noticeable lipstick, which might be counterintuitive but which is true.

Where to buy colored lenses

The times are not great these last few years and we are all looking for ways to save money on pretty much anything we can. This is why colored lenses should also be researched extensively before you purchase them. In this article, we will give you an idea of [...] Continue Reading…

Combining your hair color with your colored lenses

Colored lenses are usually used only for cosmetic purposes, meaning to make yourself look more attractive. However, we all know that just one thing is not enough and that it is important coordinate. You will hear this expression on all makeover shows out there and from all the stylists [...] Continue Reading…

Colored lenses FAQ

We are aware that people have plenty of questions about colored lenses and we wanted to answer some of these questions in a Frequently Asked Questions article. We hope that our answers are going to provide you with the info you were looking for, but if they do not, [...] Continue Reading…

What can affect the price of colored lenses?

If you are looking into colored lenses, and you probably are if your research has brought you here, then you have probably realized that colored lenses are more expensive than regular contact lenses of the same kind. For instance, if you are looking for corrective colored lenses, you have [...] Continue Reading…

Color lenses and the safety issue

As we have discussed before, colored lenses are one of the most exciting things you can do for your look, but of course, the question that simply begs the answer is whether they are safe or do they pose some sort of risk for the health of your eyes? [...] Continue Reading…

Different types of colored lenses

Like everything else, colored lenses as well come in a variety of types that might be perfect for different people and that might serve different purposes. If you do not know anything about colored contact lenses, then you are going to appreciate this article in which we will be [...] Continue Reading…

Taking care of your colored lenses

If you think that just because colored lenses are not used to enhance the vision and because they are not used to correct your vision that they are not supposed to be taken care of as carefully as conventional contact lenses, then you are much mistaken. Proper care of [...] Continue Reading…

Why you might want to wear colored lenses

Colored lenses are a special type of contact lenses that are worn by people who wish to change the color of their eyes or who wish to enhance their existing color. These lenses have been on the market for quite some time now, but they are only now becoming [...] Continue Reading…

Colored lenses – the absolute basics

Contact lenses that are used to help people see better or that are used as corrective contact lenses have been in use for decades now. Colored lenses, not so long. Only a decade ago, they were considered an extravagance that only celebrities and models could afford when it was [...] Continue Reading…