Recent Updates RSS Updates from August, 2012

  • Payday loans versus bank loans 

    Being in the situation to apply for a loan is complicated enough by itself, but it is important to learn the difference between payday loans and bank loans. Not only these two things have a completely different set of interest rates, but you might even learn that you’re not eligible for a bank loan and be forced into getting a payday loan whether you want it or not. Here’s all about payday loans and their upsides and downsides compared to traditional bank loans.

    When getting money fast is a priority

    Time is probably the number one factor when deciding between payday loans and bank loans. If you apply for a loan in the bank, it will take days, sometimes even weeks for the whole process to be over with. The approval process in some banks lasts even longer than a month, and if you’re in need of money fast, you can forget about the banks. Payday loans, on the other hand, make it possible to withdraw money from your bank account within the next 24 hours of signing up for a loan, sometimes even after just a couple of hours.

    Small vs. big loans

    Although payday loans are a perfect way to get cash quickly, one of the biggest downsides of these kind of loans is that there is a limit on the amount that usually doesn’t exceed $1000. Depending on the country, most payday loans can go up to from $500 to $1000, and it’s rare to find a place where you can borrow more than this. It’s understandable due to the fact that most payday loans need to be repaid within a couple of weeks, and borrowing large amounts of money at one would make it almost impossible for you to pay them back so soon. Banks can lend way higher sums that can leave you in debt for months or years, but sometimes it’s the only way to get this much money. Good thing about bank loans is that the interest rates are relatively low and can stretch the payback process to be relatively painless.

    Checking your credit history

    When applying for a bank loan, you will have to answer a whole set of questions besides getting your credit history checked. If you have a history of bad credit, it’s very likely that the bank will refuse to lend you money, and the only option available is to get payday loans. With payday lenders, all you need to provide is proof that you’re currently employed, and in most cases a recent paycheck is all they need besides your name, address and bank account number. These loans are the last resort for people whose bad credit history makes it impossible for them to get a loan any other way. Even though it might sound logical for the majority of people using payday loans to be lower class, recent studies show that most of them are actually middle class, using this method for quick loans and small amounts of cash to pay for unexpected expenses.

  • Payday loans essential information 

    Not many financial services raise so much discussion as payday loans and for a very good reason. Most people have some opinion, whether good or bad about this type of loan, but most they do is just confuse those that are completely new in this. So, instead of listening [...] Continue Reading…

  • All you need to know about payday loans 

    While payday loans might sound like a great idea when in need for some quick cash, if you take into account the amount of interest you’re gonna end up paying it isn’t so great to begin with. Still, getting a payday loan can prove to be the best option [...] Continue Reading…

  • Do you need money? Choose payday loans today! 

    You know that feeling when you have to wait another week to get paid from your employer. It looks like the days have never been longer and it is always like this when you are out of money. That is why you need payday loans. This is the best [...] Continue Reading…

  • Benefits and flaws of payday loans 

    Urgent need for small amount of cash can be pretty nasty situation. If you have some emergency repair to make or if there is bill that has to be paid quickly and you are short of money at the moment payday loan may be the right thing for you. [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans – a complex issue 

    There are not that many financial services, if any, that attract as much controversy as payday loans do. It can sometimes seem that absolutely everyone has a very formed opinion on payday loans, an opinion that they would defend to death. And to someone who is new to this [...] Continue Reading…

  • Why you need to be careful with payday loans 

    Whenever you are hearing stuff from people who have something against payday loans, you hear about all the dangers that are associated with these loans. And while there is simply too much drama and panic being communicated and got across, there is also a bit of truth to those [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans – FAQ 

    We have written quite a bit on payday loans on this blogsite but we believe there is still room for a quick, short FAQ article in which we will be tackling some commonly asked questions about payday loans. Some of these questions have already been answered in other articles [...] Continue Reading…

  • Payday loans are useful, but be careful 

    Like the tittle of this article clearly states, paydays can be very useful, but you need to be extra careful when getting them. We never know when are we going to need the money and how urgently. It could be to pay a hospital bill or for some repairs [...] Continue Reading…

  • Requirements for Payday Loans 

    Nowadays, payday loans have become very popular and more and more people opt for them as the best solution to their financial issues. The popularity is still growing and the reasons for this are probably the conveniences of this type of loans – the short term for which it [...] Continue Reading…

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