Benefits of using different HGH products
02 August 2012If you’ve heard of HGH before, chances are that you’ve heard about a long list of benefits it has on people using them, which is why it has been nicknamed ‘the fountain of youth’. A little bit of online research will let you in on the effects of HGH that sound almost too good to be true, from helping fight wrinkles and other signs of old age, to assisting in burning fat and building muscle tissue. Whether you’re a body builder looking for something to help you look better or you want to slow down your aging process, HGH is something definitely worth checking out. HGH is short for human growth hormone, which is pretty self explanatory This hormone is naturally produced in our body, mostly during the pre-teen and teenage years when it does the most growing. It helps cells multiply and grow until the body is fully formed. As we grow old, the cells start dividing and growing with a much slower pace, until they finally fully stop replicating. That is why our skin gets wrinkled or spotty, along with dozens of other signs of old age. But what if we created HGH artificially and injected it in the body? A group of scientists came up with this idea when trying to find the cure for children with growth impairments who couldn’t grow as their peers. HGH injections proved to be amazingly efficient in solving this medical condition, and it served as a springboard for future research. Next in line were the elderly, and a clinical trial on senior patients showed that those who were injected with HGH became more vital and their overall condition improved. It wasn’t long until someone realized the commercial potential of a drug that could slow down aging… The benefits of HGH include helping organs like liver, kidneys, heart and brain regenerate, as it’s essential for normal functioning of the body. One of the reasons it’s so popular among the body builders is that it benefits the body in two ways. The first one is by assisting in the process of burning fat cells, making it go faster and helping lose weight. The other is by stimulating protein use in the body, making muscles grow faster. This is why HGH is the perfect supplement for both professional body builders and people who want to lose weight and get in shape.
When it comes to the HGH products, it comes in the form of pills, sprays and injections. For a long time, the injections were only available to people who could afford up to $30,000 per year for regular treatments. While the prices have dropped since, it’s still the most expensive way of having HGH that will cost you around $60 per day. On the plus side, this method proved to be the most efficient. The cheaper alternative are various oral sprays and pills, but they are never as reliable as the HGH injections. When choosing from pills and sprays, it’s important to look for user reviews to see how effective they really are.