A lot of people are confused by electronic cigarettes, because they cannot understand how you are able to get your nicotine is there is no smoke and no burning involved. It is a bit of a complicated process, but essentially, there is a system inside the electronic cigarettes that gives you a vapor to inhale when you take a drag from it, and that is where the nicotine is found. When you buy an electronic cigarette, it is not like regular ones, because you are not buying a pack and then throwing out each cigarette after you smoke it. You are essentially always using the same cigarette, or a few of cigarettes, and just changing and refilling the cartridges once you are done with them.
Many people who have switched to electronic cigarettes will tell you that they are saving themselves a lot of money this way. Some people even say that smoking regular cigarettes costs double the price when compared to smoking electronic cigarettes. These savings are substantial, and this is one of many other reasons that so many people are switching.
But one of the most important reasons to at least consider switching to electronic cigarettes is because they are healthier than regular ones. They are not safe, because nothing that has nicotine can be considered safe, but they are healthier in just about every other way. Since there is no smoke coming out of these electronic cigarettes and you are not inhaling any smoke, you are not inhaling the nasty chemicals that come along with this smoke. You are also avoiding the intact of tar, which is what clogs the arteries and creates problems in the lungs as well. This tar is one of the main things that lead to respiratory and cardiovascular problems that are associated with smoking. When you switch to electronic cigarettes, you will not have to worry about that anymore.
Another great advantage is that since there is no smoke, there is also no smell. So you can get all of the nicotine you need and crave into your system during the day, and you will never have o worry about smelling like an ashtray anymore. Your hair, clothes, breathe and living space will no longer smell like smoke and when you talk to people after smoking electronic cigarettes, they will probably not even be able to tell that you are a smoker. There really are tons of advantages to smoking electronic cigarettes if you really think about it.
You can save a lot of money, you can keep unhealthy toxins, chemicals and tar out of your body, and you can make sure that you and your surroundings never smell like smoke again. You can do all this without ever having to abandon the nicotine that you crave.