You can never know what every next day will bring, but there is without doubt one thing that is for certain – we all grow old and die. This unpleasant truth isn’t something you’d like to be reminded about, but as you grow old the first signs of your body changing are there to remind you every day. It starts with a couple of wrinkles or gray hairs and spreads to various other symptoms, and it’s no wonder that women spend a fortune on different face creams that are supposed to help. The fantasy of eternal youth is as old as human race, but with the science finally discovering the secret of DNA, are we close to the solution?
The way our body functions is pretty simple – cells multiply, grow and die. Once they stop the first two, the body starts to slowly deteriorate. But what if we took whatever makes them grow in the first place, and used it to make them go on some more? That was the idea behind the plan to help children with growth disorders to overcome their problem and have a normal life. What started as a research on this topic showed some amazing results – there is a hormone called human growth hormone, or HGH for short, responsible for all these cell multiplication processes. By artificially creating HGH and giving it to children in various forms, the scientists managed to get great results. It wasn’t long until someone came up with the idea of using HGH to help slow down the aging process, and the first clinical trials involved senior patients. The results, once again, were amazing. All these old people reported improvement in their overall condition plus showed more vitality. The next logical step was to start using HGH on middle aged people and see if it has any effect.
Today we know that the positive effects of HGH are numerous. It stimulates regeneration of liver, kidney and brain which is essential in maintaining a healthy body. The reason it’s so popular in body builders is that HGH stimulates the utilization of proteins in the body as well as dissolving fat cells, which means it helps muscles grow bigger while helping you lose weight at the same time. Unfortunately, due to the fact that HGH isn’t approved by FDA, professional athletes are no longer allowed to take it. Other HGH benefits include increased vitality and sex drive and helping skin regenerate so the wrinkles become less visible.
Of course, every method with such great results bears certain risks. There hasn’t been any studies that link HGH intake with cancer, but some scientists claim that there is a correlation between the two. The lack of information is the main reason FDA chose not to approve HGH usage in treatment of various conditions. While we’ll have to wait for a couple of years to learn more about the side effects of HGH, it’s your choice to judge whether it’s worth taking the risk.