Electronic cigarettes versus real cigarettes

The number one product for quitting smoking are definitely electronic cigarettes. This doesn’t surprise at all because, unlike all the nicotine patches, gums, pills and other products, this is the only one that actually lets you enjoy the reason you got addicted in the first place – smoking. The feeling of holding that cigarette in your hand, inhaling the sweet tasting smoke…These are the things people smoke for. So, from the minute electronic cigarettes hit the market, they were selling like crazy. Who wouldn’t want to quit smoking and enjoy the habit at the same time? It sounded almost too good to be true, and then one scientific study after another proved that things might not be as bright as we thought they were. Many skeptics have the theory about electronic cigarettes being actually more dangerous for your health than real ones, while thousands of ex smokers praise electronic cigarettes as the thing that helped them change their lives and kick the habit.

While the truth is most often in the middle, without any more thorough studies and clinical trials it’s hard to tell which side is right. We’ve gathered all the info on both electronic cigarettes and their real version to try and point out pros and cons for smoking either Here’s some of the major differences and risks associated with both types of cigarettes.

Most electronic cigarettes aren’t nicotine free

The most common misconception about electronic cigarettes is that they’re 100% nicotine free. The truth is that they are sold in four different variations, depending on the nicotine level which can be low, mid range, high and extra high. Even those electronic cigarettes that are supposedly nicotine free can contain low levels of nicotine, as some studies discovered by examining random brands found on the market. While in theory there is a certain level of nicotine in the liquid according to the group they fit in, in real life concentrations of nicotine you inhale with each puff can vary significantly. This means that you could be inhaling way much nicotine than you would with real cigarettes, while under the illusion that you’ve decreased your daily intake. This not only doesn’t help quit but can prove to be a health hazard.

Accidental nicotine poisoning

Since the nicotine in electronic cigarettes is in liquid state, in the liquid that gets vaporized and inhaled later, the accidental poisoning is more likely than with the real thing. You’d have to chain smoke a lot of cigarettes to poison yourself with nicotine, but with electronic cigarettes, there’s an actual chance this might happen. Sometimes small amounts of liquid don’t get vaporized but end up in your mouth instead, and swallowing them could lead to some pretty unpleasant side effects.

Chemicals everywhere

Real cigarettes are considered a health hazard due to a whole range of chemicals they contain, but electronic cigarettes take the crown when it comes to dangerous chemicals. The list of things found in electronic cigarettes is so long it raises the question whether these actually are a more healthy alternative to smoking.

How to smoke in a restaurant

I remember the very first time I’ve heard about  electronic cigarettes. I was at a dinner with some friends from out of town, in what was supposed to be a smoke free restaurant. Now, being a smoker, this has always been something of a challenge for me, and I [...] Continue Reading…

How to quit smoking by using electronic cigarettes

Over 90% percent of smokers have tried to quit at least once in their lives, no matter how long they have been smoking. If you ever tried to kick this habit, you know that it’s one of the trickiest and hardest things to do. Scientific studies have put nicotine [...] Continue Reading…

Electronic cigarettes as a way of quitting smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking and electronic cigarettes is one of the ways for sure. It has never been easier to buy one on the internet and if you are smoking too much, such as one pack a day, the time has come for you to find [...] Continue Reading…

Why are electronic cigarettes so great and how to pick the right one

Smoking is pretty messy and health damaging habit. It is one of the leading causes of lung cancer and greatly increases the chances of developing heart and vascular diseases. Still, a lot of people can’t leave that ugly habit. The best way to get rid of it would be [...] Continue Reading…

Which electronic cigarettes are the best?

More and more people are now talking about the advantages of electronic cigarettes because there are a lot of them.  When everything is considered, electronic cigarettes seem as the only sensible choice when it comes to smoking. And because so many people are now interested in electronic cigarettes, there [...] Continue Reading…

Electronic cigarettes FAQ

Frequently asked question and answers are always an extremely useful source of information for everybody interested in finding out as much as possible about a certain product. In this article, you will be provided with the answers to some of the most frequently asked question about electronic cigarettes.

#1. What [...] Continue Reading…

Electronic cigarettes – The basic types and styles

Due to the popularity of electronic cigarettes, which seems to be increasing more and more each day, those who make these devices have realized that their customers like to have a choice when they are about to buy something. As a result, new styles and types of electronic cigarettes [...] Continue Reading…

Are electronic cigarettes worth the trouble?

In the previous several decades, both the general public and the medical communities have become aware of the many dangers of smoking, as well as the harm that second hand tobacco smoke causes to others – especially children. Still, even though virtually everybody knows that tobacco will cause serious [...] Continue Reading…

The Components of an Electronic Cigarette

Electronic cigarettes have become widely popular over the past several years. It is also called e-cigarette and, obviously, it is device which is electronic and which is used to stimulate smoking in such a way that it produces a vapor that has the physical sensation as well as appearance. [...] Continue Reading…