First, let us start by saying that there is a reason why we go to doctors and why we go to pharmacies for medication. In addition, it is not because of the pharmaceutical lobby, as some would have you believe. For people who have real disorders that are diagnosed by real doctors, there are real cures. Xanax is one of the, it is something that is a product of years of research, and it has been tested in countless case studies, all of its possible side effects are known, and we know how to avoid them. If it was not safe, it would not be used on so many people and it would not be legal to buy.
While those “all natural” alternatives may provide something that does seem to be a better choice at first, when you think about it, it really should not even be an option. Those are mixes of herbs that some ancient cultures have chewed and claimed it had certain properties, first of all only some of those properties are proven and only very few actually studies have been conducted. And depending in what concentrations or even if their extract would even work. They are “safe” by not causing any harm to those that they have already sold the product to, but no actually studies have been conducted on that too, and whether they work and how well is the biggest question of them all. Common belief amongst doctors is that if they do achieve the effect in some cases it is largely due to its place effect. But none of them are to work for certain and most of the time it is just a waste of money, that is why you should always without question chose to use products that have been rigidly tested. Especially tested by real doctors and real patients, not advertised by specific doctors who are paid to do so, sport its and celebrities advertise products all the time, that doesn’t mean they are safe to use. Doctors are just the same, you want a product that has thousands doctors testing it , not one doctor on the advertisement saying how great it is and how he personally uses it. Do you really believe that? That he personally uses that product and that if it worked for him will work for anyone in the world.
At best case scenario you will probably pay a lot of money for something that won’t work at all. And in some cases when you are suffering from disorders that are serious as these you shouldn’t mess around, because than taking those pills is just like doing nothing and that can only worsen the whole situation. That why always chose products like Xanax over cheap herbal rip-offs and do not believe everything those people who are selling it to you claim to do? Real problems are handled by real medication, and that is at the moment the best possible solution.