No one can deny that affiliate marketing has become one of the biggest forms of advertising in the last few years. Of course, this has lead many people to start doing it and quite a large number of them have actually managed to make a living out it. Still, we believe that it needs to be explained what it is that makes affiliate marketing so alluring and why it is that so many people are doing it.
Well, first of all, you do not require any upfront money. In fact, you might say that you need nothing at all. You need a computer, you need an internet connection and that is pretty much that. Of course, when you want to register a domain and when you get web hosting services, you do need some money, but compared to other forms of advertising and business in general, the initial expenses are immeasurably smaller, inexistent almost.
Another reason why so many people do it is because everyone knows a thing or two about something, which can easily be translated into affiliate marketing. For instance, let’s assume that you know quite a great deal about surfing and you start a blogsite about it. You provide people with news from the world of surfing; you review different surfing equipment and give certain tips for people who are interested in surfing. Before you know, of course provided that your website provides enough interesting facts and articles, you have garnered quite a lot of traffic and this traffic can easily be turned into affiliate marketing, by, for example, advertising surfing equipment.
Another big reason why affiliate marketing is so popular is that you are your own boss and everyone who has ever had to handle a particularly annoying boss will know how attractive this is. In fact, you are your own boss and you can decide what you do, when you do it and how much of it you are going to do. Of course, this also means that you will need to be organized and that you will need to fulfill your plans, but in general, it sure beats going to work from 9-5, working for an annoying boss who treats you like just another number.