Benefits and Possible Side Effects of HGH
HGH (human growth hormone) is an amazing substance that is showing a lot of promise, but it is still rather uncertain if we will be able to harvest what is now considered to be its full potential. If we could, it might completely alter the way we are living our lives. Sadly, a lot of what we currently know about it is inconclusive or incomplete, we occasionally hear incredible things about its potential beneficial effects, but not a lot of that information comes from medical experts. Instead we usually have to rely on the info gained from manufacturers of products containing HGH, which, you must admit is not the most reliable of sources.
The actual users of that type of products are at least slightly more reliable, and according to their testimonies we can conclude that at least some of that which we have been led to believe about this hormone is true. However, there are various testimonies and not all of them are positive. There seem to be too many variables included for us to make an informed decision and to formulate a conclusive opinion on the matter. Those that didn’t experience any beneficial effects just might have not been using the product for long enough, or they might have been a victim of some of the scammers that are putting inferior products on the market that can’t be expected to do what they are supposed to. On the other hand, people who did feel a change in their health might have only experienced it because they coupled the HGH treatment with a lot of exercise and a healthy lifestyle, factors which would have beneficial effects even without HGH.
Be that as it may, the substance is claimed to have a number of potential beneficial effects, such as increasing one’s energy and vitality, helping with the muscle mass gain and bone density, as well as an overall rejuvenating effects on the skin and organism in general. It is claimed to help with the wrinkles and skin elasticity, which has made HGH an ingredient in many skin creams. This hormone is also responsible for immune system, and introducing it into the body should hence make one significantly more resistant to diseases and general effects of ageing. Some people have reported an increase in potency and, generally sexual performance, while others found that it helped in reducing high blood pressure.
But not everyone experienced only beneficial effects. Professional athletes were injecting themselves with HGH, which is a procedure only reserved for those with HGH deficiency, and is supposed to be conducted under supervision from a medical professional. It was noted that such use could result in a number of potentially very harmful conditions, such as irregularities in heart rhythm, causing excessive growth of some internal organs or joints and cartilage, creating immunity to insulin and thus increasing the risk of diabetes and increased fluid retention. It was also possible for pituitary gland to stop producing HGH because it registered sufficient quantities of it in the body, and reacted by shutting down. Basically, you should do extensive research on the topic, consult with a health professional and only then make the decision on whether you want to start using HGH.
Types of Available HGH Products
Human growth hormone seems to be a miracle substance. Ever since its discovery people have marveled at its perceived potential and have been trying to find ways to gain the benefits that it seems to be capable of producing. If it really was able to do everything that it [...] Continue Reading…
The Development of HGH Products
HGH or human growth hormone is getting a lot of attention from people these days as it is claimed to have some very interesting properties. It is a substance that is supposed to be able to stop the symptoms of ageing from appearing and to help one become more [...] Continue Reading…