Syrian rebels aim to use chemical weapons, blame Damascus – report
Published: 10 June, 2012, 14:09
A Free Syrian Army fighters (Reuters/Handout via Reuters TV)
TAGS: Arms, Crime, Military, Politics, Opposition, Syria
The armed Syrian opposition has got their hands on chemical weapons, which they acquired from Libya, a media report claims. They allegedly plan to use it against civilians and pin the atrocity on the Bashar al-Assad regime.
The report by DamPress claims the opposition group in possession of the weapons is being trained in its use inside Turkey. No further detail on the alleged conspiracy is given.
The Libyan stockpile of chemical weapons was a matter of great concern during last year’s civil war in the country. There were fears that they may end up in the hands of the terrorists and used elsewhere in the world. However unlike Libya’s portable surface-to-air arsenal, no reports of the weapons going missing was made public.
Syria has a greater number of chemical weapons than Libya. Military experts say the agents in the Syrian stockpile are also more modern that what Gaddafi had produced for his military. Syria also didn’t join the Chemical Weapons Convention and is not obliged to declare what chemical weapons it possesses.
The chemical framing plot allegations comes days after British journalist Alex Thomson from Channel 4 news accused a Syrian opposition group of trying to set him and his crew up to be killed by government forces. He said a western journalist death would give bad publicity for Damascus.
Syria is sliding back into violence after a UN-brokered peace plan failed to bring the rival forces in the country to negotiation table. The worst of the incidents of renewed bloodshed were two massacres of civilians in the villages of Houla and al-Qubair.
Opposition blame the killings on pro-government paramilitary forces, while Damascus says both incidents were provocations carried out by terrorist groups. The UN observer mission currently deployed in Syria failed to establish for certain who committed the atrocities.
The conflict in Syria has been raging for 15 months now, with the exact death toll difficult to establish. UN estimates that about 10,000 people have been killed in the violence.
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Very EARLY in the Libya War conflict, USA Marines and Special OPs forces moved in to secure Libya's remaining Chemical Weapons stockpiles.
Anyway the Al CIAeda USA/Israeli proxy terrorists obtained any of Libya's former chemical weapons barrels would have been directly from the hands of the USA military forces whose OK would have been approved by the very top officials in the USA military and inside the Obama White House.
The USA/Israeli proxy terrorists (Al CIAeda) largely consists of Wahhabi's who love to murder Christians as evidenced shortly after their execution of Gadhafi to numerious of Christians in Nigeria moving across Africa. Such is the legacy of the horrific Obama/Clinton rabid rush to destroy Libya, Africa's economys and execute Gadhafi. Gadhafi had for 40 YEARS kept the Al CIAeda from filling their old Al CIAeda base in North Africa known as 'Benghazi, Libya'. Gadhafi was loved by Libyans (14,400) who averaged 10x the annual income of those of nearby Egyptians (1,400/yr) under the corrupt Zionist/USA bootlicker Mubarak.
Global citizens must seriously question the rabid Zionist corruption of the USA Gov., the Obama White House and USA Pentagon which gives those Al CIAeda terrorists near unlimited Oil wealth from Libya AND Libya's old Chemical weapons stockpiles.
Gadhafi kept out and prosecuted the Al CIAeda terrorists, disarmed his chemical,biological and nuclear weapons programs and the Obama White House rushed in under orders by the Satanically evil rabid Zionists leading Apartheid Israel to execute Gadhafi and destroy Libya, help reform Al CIAeda's North African base of operations and place all of Africa under the thumb of Al CIAeda based terrorism.
People are naive, so its inevitable that stories like this will be published. But RT are losing a lot of credibility with intelligent open-minded viewers by publishing such blatant DamPress propaganda. Question More? Yeah, like, why should I believe anything you say?
I wouldnt put it past the west, they are so desperate to launch an attack that they would even provide the rebels to use chemical weapons against innocent Syrian civilians and in the hope Syrian goverment gets the blame. Thus convincing the world further go into Syria and remove the regime. Rt this is what the public needs to be warned daily and the aggressors will lose once again.