Codman Sq Farmers Market Launches with Recognition of Rx Program
At the Kick Off event for the Codman Square Farmers Market Mayor Menino and others joined to celebrate the great access farmers markets bring to our communities in Boston. The Codman Square Farmers Market is set apart from all others in Boston though by the Fruit and Veggie Prescription (Rx) Program. This program enables patients of Codman Square Health Center to be given prescriptions for money towards fruits and veggies at the farmers market as part of their care plan. Codman’s own Dr. Suki Tepperberg addressed the crowd about the Fruit and Veggie Rx Program and it’s innovative place as a step towards providing improved health care. In order to participate patients must be enrolled in the Healthy Weight Clinic, a group focused upon fighting youth obesity, in order to receive the prescriptions. The Fruit and Veggie Rx Program began two years ago and at the time was one of the few programs like it in the country. Funds for the Fruit and Veggie Prescription Program are provided by the Wholesome Wave Foundation.
The Dorchester Reporter and Boston.com were also there.
Student Returns to Help Build Expansion in Codman Square
The building expansion at Codman Square Health Center, the aptly named Codman Square Health and Education Center, has brought numerous jobs to local workers. One of those workers, Joseph Alford, found himself “doing back flips” when he got the job working on the masonry here at Codman. “I was very excited to be back here in Codman Square and working on building the expansion for my old high school.” Joseph is a former student of Codman Academy Charter Public School, the partner high school of Codman Square Health Center, which has shared space with the Health Center since its founding in 2001.
The new expansion will provide more space for both Health Center services and the School classrooms, including a black box theatre that will be available for community use and a new kitchen and dining area. Though the masonry on the exterior was recently finished, Mr. Alford spent 2 and ½ months working on the project. Joseph has lived in Dorchester all his life, and he had a great experience while he was a student at Codman Academy. It was because of this Joseph was especially thrilled to be back working on the new facility. “I want to be an example to the other students, showing them how to be successful as a professional.” Joseph has been doing masonry work for over a year and a half and has fallen in love with the work. He sees his work as an art form and really enjoys creating with his hands. One look upon the nearly finished exterior of the Codman Square Health and Education Center makes it clear that this work carries with it wonderful craftsmanship and artistic value. The expansion construction work is nearing completion, with the opening slated for this fall.
2011 Annual Report
Our Annual Report for 2011 has finally been released! Featuring a recap of the year’s successes and a message from Sandra Cotterell, CEO of Codman Square Health Center.
To view a web version of our 2011 Annual Report please click here.
Liberty Mutual 100 Year Anniversary Service Partner
Liberty Mutual celebrated their 100th anniversary at Fenway Park on June 14th. They invited Codman Square Health Center to attend and be recognized as one of their valued service partners. Jim Rice, famous Red Sox outfielder, was there to congratulate Libery Mutual on their 100 years and thank all of their nonprofit partners. Pictured right: Jim Rice and Tony Stankiewicz, Chief Advancement Officer & Chief of Staff at Codman Square Health Center.
Sandra Cotterell Given Good Neighbor Award by Codman Academy
On June 11, Codman Academy had their graduation ceremony at the Huntington Theatre. During the ceremony Sandra Cotterell, CEO of Codman Square Health Center, was presented with a Good Neighbor Award for her service to the Codman Academy family.
Proud to walk in the Dorchester Day Parade
Codman Square Health Center was proud to walk alongside our partners Dorchester House Multi-Service Center and DotWell at the Dorchester Day Parade on Sunday, June 3rd. Despite threatening clouds, the day turned out to be beautiful and it was wonderful to meet so many new folks and see lots of friendly faces up and down Dorchester Ave. Hope you all had the opportunity celebrate our wonderful community!
For more photos of our trip down Dorchester Ave, visit our facebook page.
New Phone System
The Health Center has launched a brand new phone system that should serve to eliminate call loops, shorten wait times, and give patients greater access to services. We are excited about introducing the new technology, but ask patients to be patient with our staff during the transition. During the interim you may experience dropped calls or extended wait times as staff adjust to the new system and new hardware. We appreciate your patience as we work towards improving the patient experience and access.
Great Hall Rental Information
The Great Hall is available to community groups for rental. For more information, contact Lisa Hamblin at 617.822.8329 or by email, lisa.hamblin@codman.org .
Click here for Great Hall registration forms.
See more of Codman “In the News”

Hours of Operation by Department.

Patient Corner
Call Center – 617.822.8271: This number can be used to schedule appointments, ask a question (medical or general) or to get a referral to one of our providers. The Call Center is open Monday to Friday from 8:30AM-5:00PM.
Register to vote! It has never been so easy: take five minutes to fill this form out online, print it out and mail it in. Simple as that.
Check out July’s edition of WellSense, a monthly newsletter on relevant health tips. This month’s topics include healthful grilling, lyme disease, and blueberries.
Sign up for our 6 week Cooking Class – Eat Green-Save Green – in October! Includes a free bag of food at each class.
Massachusetts Health Council has put together an extensive Health Resource Guide for MA. Click here to view.

Been to the Health Center? Give us feedback:

Authorize the Release of Protected Health Information- Click here for the General Release Form and Click here for the Behavior Health Release Form to Authorize the Release of Protected Health Information (PHI)