
One machine can do the work of fifty ordinary men. No machine can do the work of one extraordinary man.

- Elbert Hubbard The Roycroft Dictionary and Book of Epigrams

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FRC Team 2489: The Insomniacs.

We are a high school robotics team based in Fremont, California, with membership open to all of the high school students in the district. Our team provides students with experience in engineering, business, and organization throughout the year as we construct robots to compete in the FIRST Robotics Competition.

For Parents

Hello! If you are reading this then chances are your child is interested in being a part of Team 2489 the Insomniacs, and participating in FIRST Robotics Competition. The FRC program offers practical experience in both engineering and business fields as students use real world tools and software. Since one of our primary goals is to offer a meaningful experience to as many students as possible, our meeting schedules have been historically open ended - we let students attend meeting when they can and don't penalize students for a couple of missed meeting.


FIRST aims to inspire children from a young age in science, technology, math, and engineering, in the hopes that in the future they can positively impact the world around us. It also cultivates life skills such as planning, brainstorming, collaboration, teamwork, leadership as well as research and technical skills.

Our Sponsors

Thank you to our 2010 season sponsors!

Our sponsors make it possible for us to compete in such an advanced competition, providing financial donations, in-kind support, and mentorship for our robot construction and business activities.

New Members

Hello, new members! We are Team 2489, The Insomniacs a robotics team in the FUSD consisting of five schools: Mission San Jose, Washington, Irvington, American, and Kennedy. Our goal is to be open to all students and have strong participation and representation from all the high schools.

Currently, we participate in multiple competitions like First Robotics Competition and Calgames. To get a better idea of what this team is all about, please read the description and rules of these competitions.

The Team


FIRST Robotics Team 2489 is composed of about 35 students working within the Build Division, which constructs the robot and manages procurement of parts as well as strategy, and a Business Division of 15, which manages the financial affairs, business planning, and public relations aspects of the team.


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