Multiplayer Match #3,991,562


2012-07-26 01:24:04 yuyumyon has created the match.
2012-07-26 01:24:21 remirya1234 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:29:45 Heducho has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:29:47 Heducho has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:29:48 PeaceMaja has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:30:47 mikufan8811 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:31:17 Kasu404 has joined the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19393886)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 01:31:27
End Time: 2012-07-26 01:35:15
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 48,388 FAIL 84.72% x3323 25 70 2 50 11
2 7,516,572 99.37% mikufan8811 408 960 11 450 6
4 14,651,974 99.86% Kasu404 745 964 11 453 2
6 14,159,506 99.93% yuyumyon 719 965 11 453 1
8 6,071,770 99.72% remirya1234 337 962 11 453 4
2012-07-26 01:31:55 PeaceMaja has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:33:13 ConanCloud has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:33:16 ConanCloud has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:34:29 x3323 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:35:24 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 01:35:54 x3323 has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:36:34 Kasu404 has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:37:01 mikufan8811 has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:38:11 SebaMikami has joined the match.
2012-07-26 01:38:22 SebaMikami has left the match.
2012-07-26 01:39:34 Kasu404 has joined the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19394197)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 01:40:51
End Time: 2012-07-26 01:43:40
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 7,246,170 99.81% Kasu404 445 607 127 317 1
6 4,868,010 FAIL 98.96% yuyumyon 305 600 127 315 8
8 6,086,420 99.43% remirya1234 429 604 127 316 4
2012-07-26 01:43:54 Kasu404 has become the host.
2012-07-26 01:44:01 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 01:44:05 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19394364)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 01:45:41
End Time: 2012-07-26 01:49:36
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 17,023,944 99.92% Kasu404 814 996 0 268 1
6 14,593,360 FAIL 98.89% yuyumyon 730 987 0 264 10
8 4,609,564 FAIL 96.21% remirya1234 263 955 0 262 42
2012-07-26 01:49:43 remirya1234 has become the host.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19394548)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 01:51:11
End Time: 2012-07-26 01:54:40
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 16,109,240 99.83% Kasu404 727 789 3 392 1
6 11,314,790 FAIL 99.33% yuyumyon 572 782 3 393 8
8 10,740,940 99.66% remirya1234 580 787 3 392 3
2012-07-26 01:54:47 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19394747)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 01:56:50
End Time: 2012-07-26 01:59:59
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 10,809,746 100.00% Kasu404 669 661 8 425 0
6 10,808,646 100.00% yuyumyon 669 661 8 425 0
8 10,803,136 99.91% remirya1234 669 661 8 424 0
2012-07-26 02:00:07 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:01:24 a8830618 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:01:27 a8830618 has left the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19394934)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:02:06
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:03:59
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 5,647,884 100.00% Kasu404 479 479 0 234 0
6 5,646,774 99.86% yuyumyon 479 479 0 233 0
8 5,640,154 99.58% remirya1234 479 479 0 231 0
2012-07-26 02:04:07 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19395027)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:05:07
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:08:14
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 5,810,116 99.66% Kasu404 391 863 58 250 4
6 5,939,892 FAIL 98.72% yuyumyon 338 858 56 246 11
8 2,504,816 98.64% remirya1234 177 853 58 248 14
2012-07-26 02:08:21 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:10:57 rzj has joined the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19395233)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:11:12
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:13:36
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 12,925,850 FAIL 99.11% rzj 656 653 7 341 4
2 13,257,240 100.00% Kasu404 664 657 7 346 0
6 13,258,340 100.00% yuyumyon 664 657 7 346 0
8 6,998,070 99.50% remirya1234 457 653 7 345 4
2012-07-26 02:13:47 rzj has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:13:58 Kichu has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:14:24 Kichu has left the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19395365)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:14:44
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:16:53
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 2,783,346 FAIL 98.07% rzj 182 818 3 193 20
2 8,625,256 99.71% Kasu404 484 836 3 192 2
6 6,126,218 99.52% yuyumyon 391 833 3 193 5
8 2,854,240 98.36% remirya1234 230 826 3 188 12
2012-07-26 02:14:49 matthewxd123 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:14:53 matthewxd123 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:17:20 rzj has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:17:20 Kasu404 has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:17:31 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:17:38 Kasu404 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:17:59 lady diamant has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:18:11 Kateusus has joined the match.
Game Name: 白玉楼 (19395478)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:18:22
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:21:31
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 5,840,798 99.73% yuyumyon 406 793 0 321 3
8 3,686,966 98.66% remirya1234 313 783 0 319 13
2012-07-26 02:18:47 Kateusus has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:18:48 lady diamant has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:21:56 ConanCloud has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:21:58 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:22:58 ConanCloud has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:23:43 matthewxd123 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:23:46 matthewxd123 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:23:48 matthewxd123 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:23:52 matthewxd123 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:25:01 felito15 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:25:03 felito15 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:26:04 azxj7 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:26:06 azxj7 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:27:03 tigerzhang has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:27:54 Haineko 33 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:27:58 Haineko 33 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:28:29 tigerzhang has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:29:16 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:30:47 What has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:30:48 What has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:32:39 LordWulf has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:32:46 LordWulf has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:34:30 gabryjuri has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:34:48 schokiifreak has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:35:02 schokiifreak has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19396105)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:35:36
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:39:04
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 561,520 FAIL 93.53% yuyumyon 57 516 144 583 71
8 223,539 FAIL 71.93% remirya1234 23 362 116 478 253
2012-07-26 02:36:30 gabryjuri has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:39:15 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:39:47 Dicey has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:40:18 Dicey has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:41:13 cwl4102 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:41:13 The hunterx has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:41:26 The hunterx has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:42:00 cwl4102 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:42:56 Akakosu has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:43:06 Akakosu has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:44:18 pauli110 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:44:35 pauli110 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:45:51 FranM4a1 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:45:57 FranM4a1 has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:48:13 Iliketrains has joined the match.
2012-07-26 02:48:34 Iliketrains has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:49:29 LordJF has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19396601)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:49:42
End Time: 2012-07-26 02:53:24
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 21,034,740 100.00% yuyumyon 851 790 61 408 0
8 21,029,200 99.68% remirya1234 851 790 61 404 0
2012-07-26 02:50:45 LordJF has left the match.
2012-07-26 02:53:31 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 02:58:50 Golden Saiyan has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19396939)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 02:59:09
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:03:05
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 24,181,960 100.00% yuyumyon 997 997 0 268 0
8 15,724,556 99.92% remirya1234 768 996 0 268 1
2012-07-26 03:00:31 Golden Saiyan has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:03:18 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 03:04:44 Jane-chan96 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:04:45 Jane-chan96 has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:06:15 LamaMortale has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:06:25 LamaMortale has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:10:34 Hakudoshi1594 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:10:37 Hakudoshi1594 has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:12:22 FranM4a1 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:12:23 pierzak212 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:12:27 pierzak212 has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:12:36 FranM4a1 has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:13:32 FranM4a1 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:13:37 FranM4a1 has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:14:40 yehhebe has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:15:36 edivaldo has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:15:42 cxyyx has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:15:44 yehhebe has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:16:02 kevyn has joined the match.
2012-07-26 03:17:21 cxyyx has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:17:30 edivaldo has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19397608)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 03:19:15
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:22:13
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Score
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 10,857,550 100.00% yuyumyon 607 580 27 115 0
8 10,857,510 99.45% remirya1234 607 580 27 111 0
2012-07-26 03:19:36 kevyn has left the match.
2012-07-26 03:22:24 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398217)
Beatmap: - []
Start Time: 2012-07-26 03:39:06
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:42:44
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 1,616,650 FAIL 95.88% yuyumyon 92 889 0 159 41
8 477,630 FAIL 81.15% remirya1234 28 748 0 139 182
2012-07-26 03:43:20 remirya1234 has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398399)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 03:45:09
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:47:20
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 13,929,426 100.00% yuyumyon 757 753 4 85 0
8 3,525,098 FAIL 96.67% remirya1234 321 728 3 83 26
2012-07-26 03:47:30 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398518)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 03:49:09
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:52:16
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 6,336,624 99.69% yuyumyon 372 850 1 422 2
8 2,842,850 FAIL 93.34% remirya1234 208 804 1 387 48
2012-07-26 03:52:23 remirya1234 has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398674)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 03:54:28
End Time: 2012-07-26 03:55:48
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 233,900 FAIL 32.21% yuyumyon 78 134 1 28 285
8 2,446,740 98.81% remirya1234 206 414 4 82 2
2012-07-26 03:56:00 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398863)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:01:24
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:03:35
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 7,151,840 FAIL 98.93% yuyumyon 395 681 0 152 8
8 3,180,920 98.69% remirya1234 252 683 0 148 6
2012-07-26 04:03:41 remirya1234 has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19398967)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:05:07
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:07:51
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 14,791,000 100.00% yuyumyon 781 779 2 250 0
8 3,122,870 99.32% remirya1234 203 773 2 249 6
2012-07-26 04:08:00 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399102)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:09:22
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:12:02
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 10,457,534 99.72% yuyumyon 623 819 0 237 3
8 3,288,322 98.30% remirya1234 213 808 0 233 14
2012-07-26 04:12:16 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:12:54 oliverkal has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:13:05 oliverkal has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399218)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:13:24
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:15:51
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
6 2,956,498 FAIL 97.99% yuyumyon 316 624 72 229 13
8 1,542,198 98.73% remirya1234 121 626 73 233 10
2012-07-26 04:16:02 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:16:38 oliverkal has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:17:44 oliverkal has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399377)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:18:33
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:21:33
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
3 17,473,666 100.00% remirya1234 883 820 63 273 0
6 17,481,366 100.00% yuyumyon 883 820 63 273 0
2012-07-26 04:21:36 Lovren has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:21:44 Lovren has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:21:48 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:21:51 DPJ9fuegos has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:21:57 zhangyanjie has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:22:04 zhangyanjie has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:22:44 DPJ9fuegos has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399591)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:25:10
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:27:30
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
3 10,841,430 99.78% remirya1234 688 649 39 201 0
6 10,842,550 100.00% yuyumyon 688 649 39 203 0
2012-07-26 04:27:40 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399684)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:28:41
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:32:17
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
3 6,276,672 99.11% remirya1234 383 899 0 434 3
6 6,680,974 99.63% yuyumyon 427 897 0 443 5
2012-07-26 04:32:28 remirya1234 has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19399870)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:34:21
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:37:14
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
3 5,138,430 99.69% remirya1234 283 754 0 199 3
6 12,532,650 99.69% yuyumyon 629 756 0 197 1
2012-07-26 04:37:22 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:38:49 XxVanitasXx has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400047)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:39:20
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:43:04
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 838,776 FAIL 86.49% XxVanitasXx 68 734 13 514 115
3 17,878,540 99.86% remirya1234 862 847 15 594 0
6 17,897,260 100.00% yuyumyon 862 847 15 596 0
2012-07-26 04:43:09 marta180 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:43:19 oshima YK has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:43:21 oshima YK has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:44:15 marta180 has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:44:20 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:44:57 XxVanitasXx has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:45:40 LightShin has joined the match.
2012-07-26 04:46:16 LightShin has left the match.
2012-07-26 04:46:38 Park-Hyun has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400298)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:47:00
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:50:07
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 1,309,022 95.43% Park-Hyun 111 872 0 317 37
3 1,691,924 95.91% remirya1234 136 869 0 326 40
6 4,453,456 99.28% yuyumyon 321 901 0 336 8
2012-07-26 04:50:16 yuyumyon has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400444)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:50:56
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:54:05
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 1,453,390 96.96% Park-Hyun 120 772 0 311 24
3 3,689,490 98.03% remirya1234 330 780 0 315 16
6 7,680,788 99.73% yuyumyon 492 794 0 320 2
2012-07-26 04:54:36 Park-Hyun has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400574)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 04:55:05
End Time: 2012-07-26 04:59:10
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 6,173,310 99.25% Park-Hyun 441 973 1 481 7
3 14,499,220 99.80% remirya1234 734 978 1 484 2
6 12,718,390 99.80% yuyumyon 627 979 1 483 1
2012-07-26 04:59:25 remirya1234 has become the host.
2012-07-26 04:59:43 Sarah0010 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:00:05 LightShin has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:00:08 LightShin has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:00:11 LightShin has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:00:13 LightShin has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:00:33 yachiruBotana has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:01:00 Park-Hyun has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:01:55 q81905102 has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400805)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:02:35
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:04:17
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 87,354 FAIL 63.74% Sarah0010 11 178 0 91 101
4 1,967,374 100.00% remirya1234 279 279 0 143 0
6 1,979,474 100.00% yuyumyon 279 279 0 143 0
8 95,442 FAIL 70.14% yachiruBotana 14 193 0 103 86
2012-07-26 05:03:54 q81905102 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:04:24 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:04:33 Sarah0010 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:04:44 Sarah0010 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:04:50 Aoi32Tori has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:04:51 yachiruBotana has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:04:54 Sarah0010 has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19400899)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:05:40
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:09:25
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 6,401,590 98.97% Aoi32Tori 360 787 0 467 5
4 19,096,850 100.00% remirya1234 792 792 0 475 0
6 19,107,850 100.00% yuyumyon 792 792 0 475 0
2012-07-26 05:09:33 Aoi32Tori has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:09:55 Poncho-harrison has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:10:06 johan952 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:10:07 johan952 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:11:06 Sayuumi has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:11:11 No_Shana_ has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19401087)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:11:14
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:13:42
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
2 1,120,030 96.99% Aoi32Tori 95 539 1 363 15
4 2,883,910 98.71% remirya1234 254 549 1 369 5
5 3,269,630 99.36% No_Shana_ 240 551 1 373 3
6 3,868,940 99.68% yuyumyon 254 551 1 376 3
2012-07-26 05:11:33 Sayuumi has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:13:06 Poncho-harrison has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:13:50 yuyumyon has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:13:58 LaFrube has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:15:39 nixaloradana has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:15:45 nixaloradana has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:15:53 rougi the bat has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:17:19 Stepymiku has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:17:31 celo385 has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19401326)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:19:12
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:22:57
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 4,034,890 98.93% Aoi32Tori 250 735 88 283 5
2 16,420 FAIL 77.50% SnowPhoenix 14 23 4 4 8
3 18,808,650 99.91% remirya1234 828 740 88 289 0
5 9,562,440 99.91% No_Shana_ 454 739 88 290 1
6 9,588,840 99.91% yuyumyon 454 739 88 290 1
7 9,563,540 99.91% celo385 454 739 88 290 1
8 1,635,860 FAIL 79.16% LaFrube 120 591 70 224 167
2012-07-26 05:19:30 rougi the bat has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:19:31 SnowPhoenix has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:20:15 Stepymiku has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:21:37 SnowPhoenix has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:21:51 SnowPhoenix has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:21:53 vacaciones has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:22:26 vacaciones has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:23:02 Stepymiku has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:23:07 celo385 has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:23:23 Stepymiku has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:23:43 vacaciones has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19401509)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:25:05
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:26:39
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 532,420 FAIL 89.66% Aoi32Tori 64 394 0 204 37
2 107,820 FAIL 53.22% SnowPhoenix 10 217 0 138 214
3 2,743,840 97.90% remirya1234 284 425 0 228 6
5 1,486,000 98.80% No_Shana_ 177 425 0 234 6
6 2,820,930 FAIL 97.60% yuyumyon 264 422 0 229 9
7 1,868,930 98.80% celo385 173 426 0 233 5
8 295,760 FAIL 82.16% LaFrube 41 348 0 200 83
2012-07-26 05:25:55 vacaciones has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:26:52 No_Shana_ has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:27:05 Kilent has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:27:33 Kilent has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19401601)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:28:15
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:31:06
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 1,327,480 FAIL 91.92% Aoi32Tori 110 783 1 206 70
2 367,410 FAIL 71.96% SnowPhoenix 36 617 1 157 236
3 3,000,910 96.84% remirya1234 181 827 1 215 26
5 3,264,340 97.77% No_Shana_ 247 836 1 216 17
6 4,007,880 FAIL 97.12% yuyumyon 198 827 1 218 26
7 4,479,310 97.96% celo385 269 837 1 217 16
8 1,145,250 FAIL 89.04% LaFrube 94 755 1 203 98
2012-07-26 05:31:16 MagicPL has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:31:47 Aoi32Tori has become the host.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19401878)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:37:20
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:40:11
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 7,254,420 99.76% Aoi32Tori 460 679 31 112 2
2 395,650 FAIL 80.95% SnowPhoenix 35 552 20 95 140
3 14,698,320 100.00% remirya1234 712 681 31 112 0
4 14,693,900 99.76% MagicPL 712 681 31 110 0
5 14,700,520 100.00% No_Shana_ 712 681 31 112 0
6 14,700,520 100.00% yuyumyon 712 681 31 112 0
8 3,361,930 97.94% LaFrube 251 669 31 107 12
2012-07-26 05:38:31 celo385 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:40:36 DANY24 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:40:49 MagicPL has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:41:03 1111231 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:41:05 1111231 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:41:09 No_Shana_ has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:41:12 DANY24 has left the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19402023)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:42:03
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:45:21
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 4,093,742 99.17% Aoi32Tori 360 694 5 621 5
2 455,558 89.86% SnowPhoenix 41 612 5 579 87
3 5,554,280 99.62% remirya1234 378 697 5 624 2
6 6,174,330 99.77% yuyumyon 383 698 5 625 1
8 1,450,804 95.27% LaFrube 193 663 5 600 36
2012-07-26 05:45:32 SnowPhoenix has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:45:47 LaFrube has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:45:53 Biaaanca has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:46:01 Blaki has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:46:03 Blaki has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:46:03 Diego-333 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:46:09 sashalol has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:46:16 SnowPhoenix has become the host.
2012-07-26 05:48:11 sashalol has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:48:14 sashalol has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:48:29 sashalol has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:48:33 Lovren has joined the match.
Game Name: Touhou CTB (19402257)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:48:48
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:52:04
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 2,054,894 97.86% Aoi32Tori 184 754 11 561 17
2 311,362 FAIL 77.20% SnowPhoenix 31 592 7 447 183
3 6,438,524 99.63% remirya1234 464 769 11 570 2
6 8,398,278 99.70% yuyumyon 565 769 11 571 2
8 1,477,904 96.68% LaFrube 136 747 11 552 24
2012-07-26 05:49:59 Diego-333 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:51:25 Biaaanca has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:51:38 Lovren has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:09 Dyzio750 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:10 MagicPL has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:24 star20812 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:27 Dyzio750 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:57 MagicPL has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:52:59 mat_1as has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:53:03 mat_1as has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:53:12 hoolas has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:53:37 BDXXX has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:53:40 BDXXX has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:54:10 Genshin has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:54:15 Genshin has left the match.
Game Name: Nightcore/Anime CTB (19402458)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:55:25
End Time: 2012-07-26 05:57:49
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 2,646,980 99.75% Aoi32Tori 380 364 16 412 0
2 399,870 94.33% SnowPhoenix 83 350 14 385 16
3 2,646,990 99.87% remirya1234 380 364 16 413 0
4 2,647,000 100.00% hoolas 380 364 16 414 0
6 2,646,980 99.75% yuyumyon 380 364 16 412 0
8 729,694 97.23% LaFrube 148 357 16 399 7
2012-07-26 05:56:23 star20812 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:57:57 1111231 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 05:58:04 1111231 has left the match.
2012-07-26 05:58:06 1111231 has joined the match.
Game Name: Nightcore/Anime CTB (19402571)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 05:58:51
End Time: 2012-07-26 06:00:28
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 781,338 97.23% Aoi32Tori 152 358 16 398 6
2 131,853 FAIL 79.97% SnowPhoenix 28 286 13 336 81
3 1,076,451 98.61% remirya1234 190 361 16 406 3
4 437,254 95.59% hoolas 77 353 14 392 13
6 982,105 99.37% yuyumyon 152 361 16 412 3
7 2,798,730 99.75% 1111231 380 364 16 412 0
8 298,235 93.45% LaFrube 58 342 16 384 22
2012-07-26 06:00:34 remirya1234 has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:02:07 yuyumyon has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:02:14 1111231 has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:02:45 hoolas has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:08 Hino07 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:14 Hino07 has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:18 deecols has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:29 Leang has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:32 deecols has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:35 Hino07 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:38 Leang has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:03:45 Hino07 has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:04:55 DayaYoung17 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:05:03 DayaYoung17 has left the match.
2012-07-26 06:05:07 DayaYoung17 has joined the match.
2012-07-26 06:05:09 DayaYoung17 has left the match.
Game Name: Nightcore/Anime CTB (19402751)
Start Time: 2012-07-26 06:05:46
End Time: 2012-07-26 06:07:54
Game Mode: Catch the Beat
Team Mode: HeadToHead
Scoring Mode: Accuracy
Slot Score Acc User Combo 300s 100s 50s Miss
1 102,492 FAIL 53.44% Aoi32Tori 9 157 0 146 192
2 86,315 FAIL 37.21% SnowPhoenix 9 124 0 87 225
8 103,233 FAIL 56.97% LaFrube 10 166 0 157 183