Riddex Sonic Pulse Ultrasonic Pest Repeller

Get Rid of Pests FAST

Get Rid of Pests in Your Home with

Riddex Sonic Pulse

The Proven Most Effective Ultrasonic Pest Repeller.

Whether your home has roaches, rats, mice, or even bed bugs, Riddex Pulse is proven to eliminate all pests in a safe and effective manner while being completely undetectable by humans and pets. Buy now and take advantage of our limited time 2 for $29.95 offer!

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Homes around the world suffer from pest problems. Unfortunately, pest problems can be incredibly difficult to solve, and in many cases, it will feel like the pests simply refuse to leave your home. When that happens, you’re left with two options: install a pest control device in your home, or pay hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars for an exterminator.

Most people use pest control devices before resorting to an exterminator. Many of today’s best pest control devices can be found for under $100. While there are a few different pest control devices on the market today, one product has clearly proven to be at the top of its class in terms of pest-removal effectiveness, and that product is called Riddex.

Does Riddex Work?


Priced at only $29.95, Riddex is the best pest repeller on the market today. Basically, Riddex is a small electronic device that plugs into any electrical socket in your home. Every few seconds, Riddex pulses with an ultrasonic wave that deters pests from entering your home. These ultrasonic waves drive pests away from your home without harming them, meaning that homeowners have no mess to clean up.


A Fair Price


It’s easy to love Riddex’s $49.95 price tag. But one thing many people don’t consider is that Riddex can actually help you save money. If pests are allowed to infest your home for a long period of time, the problem might become so severe that you need an exterminator. In that case, you might have to spend hundreds or even thousands of dollars to get the problem fixed. When you compare Riddex to some of the other options out there, it becomes clear just how much of a bargain it actually is.

And we haven’t even told you the best part about the price of Riddex! The company currently has a buy one get one free promotion underway. That means you can get two Riddex devices for only $29.95 plus $8.95 S&H. Whether you want to split your Riddex purchase with a friend or you want to get the maximum possible coverage for your home, this is a fantastic promotion that fans of Riddex will love.

And, in the off chance that Riddex doesn’t solve your pest problem, then the company offers a full 30-day moneyback guarantee.

Why is Riddex America's #1 Pest Repeller?

People around the world are using Riddex to clear their homes of all sorts of different pests. Why? Well, Riddex has proven to be effective time and time again. But it also comes with other advantages that make it a great investment for any homeowner.


Here are a few of the things that turn Riddex from a great pest repeller into the best pest repeller:



Takes Seconds to Install

As far as pest control devices go, it doesn’t get any easier than Riddex. Simply open the box that Riddex ships in and then plug it into the nearest electrical socket. Riddex will go to work instantly, sending off ultrasonic waves that drive pests away. Good luck trying to find a pest control device that’s easier to install than Riddex.


Effectively Drives Off Pests

Pests can’t stand the ultrasonic waves put off by Riddex. It drives them crazy. What makes the device even more amazing is that it works on all sorts of different pests, driving off everything from mice and rodents to the tiniest of insects.


Low Cost

Priced at only $29.95, it’s tough to find a better deal than Riddex. There might be cheaper devices out there, but none of them are half as effective as Riddex. If you’re looking for the perfect mixture of quality and affordability in the pest control industry, then Riddex is simply your best option.


No Poisons

Having poison in your home is never a good idea – especially if you have kids or pets running around. As much as you want to remove pests from your home, you can’t afford to put the safety of your family at risk. With Riddex, no dangerous chemicals are used, and the device does not generate any harmful electronic waves. The waves cannot be heard by cats, dogs, or children, making Riddex safer than traditional forms of pest control.


Built to Last

Riddex is made of thick, solid plastic, which means that it’s built to last. Since Riddex will be installed in an electrical socket in your home, you might accidentally bump it while walking past. Thanks to the high-quality manufacturing of Riddex, you don’t have to worry about breaking the device if you drop it or run into it along the wall.


No Messy Cleanups

Pest control devices like mousetraps and poisons can be moderately effective when used properly. Unfortunately, these pest control devices leave a mess in your house. Instead of having live mice running around your home, you now have dead mice sitting in between your walls. This can create a horrible smell and, to make matters worse, it could draw other pests into your home.

Conclusion: why Riddex is the best pest repeller in the industry

Riddex is the best pest control device in the industry for all of the reasons listed above. It has the best price, the best features, and – most importantly – it actually works.

If you’re looking for a safe and effective way to drive rodents, insects, and any other pests away from your home, then Riddex can help.  It’s consistently proven itself to be the best in the industry. For whatever pest problems your house is experiencing, try using Riddex before resorting to more dangerous options.