If you’ve grown tired of the bar scene, and potential love matches aren’t exactly knocking down your door, you may want to try online dating. While it used to feel a little embarrassing, almost everyone who is single nowadays is doing online dating or has at least tried it. Our hectic, fast-paced lives don’t really leave much time for us to casually look around for romance. Online dating can make your search a lot easier and less complicated, and you can do it anywhere you have a computer or smart phone.

Since it can be complicated and even overwhelming, reading a few dating site reviews can help you get started on the right path. First you will need to figure out which type of dating site fits your needs and relationship goals. This will help you meet the most people who are looking for the same things. The following reviews can help you with the first decision. Then all you will need to do is upload a few pictures, type a short description of yourself and what you hope to find, and you will be on your way to finding an online romance. Where you take it after that is up to you!

Reviews of Dating Sites for Adults


Match.comWith over 20 million members, Match is one of the largest dating sites on the internet. It’s also one of the oldest, so you can feel confident the creators know what they’re doing. Match boasts that they have the highest rate of success (meaning marriage) of any dating site, so it’s obviously working for quite a few people. The large membership alone makes it very likely you will meet someone who is perfect for you.

Women in particular should consider Match, because there are currently more men than women using the site in most areas. The reason it appeals to men may be because of the matching procedure. It is fairly uncomplicated and leaves room for freedom; if you don’t like your daily matches, you can run your own search and email whomever you like. However, unlike other sites which tend to match members based only on personality characteristics, Match allows you to set your “looking for” criteria to certain height or body type preferences. This leads to a larger percentage of your matches being more your physical type than you would usually find on other sites. Match is really the best of both worlds because the matching system considers both personality and physical traits.

You can sign up and create a profile on Match for free, without having to pay for a membership. This will allow you to check out the site to see if you like it before having to pay. You will need to purchase a membership before emailing other members, although sending winks is free. The only problem with a system like this is that some of the members are not paying members, so they may not be able to respond to your email. Luckily, the site does tell you when a member was last active; if it says “active today” or “active this week”, then they are a paying member. If someone has not been active in a while, it may be because their membership expired, so keep that in mind when sending emails.

Match offers a great chance of online dating success. However, knowing there is a guarantee can be reassuring. If you sign up for the six month membership and remain active for the entire six months, you will get an additional six months for free if you have not found love by the end of that time. Since a shorter membership costs more per month, you might as well sign up for six months and possibly get a whole year at that price.


eHarmonyDue to an aggressive television advertising campaign, Eharmony is probably the most recognized dating site. While any single person can join, this site is mostly geared toward those who are serious about finding a long-term relationship or marriage. For those who are ready for a serious commitment, Eharmony offers the most thorough matching system of any online dating site. They also claim a high rate of success, because their matching is based on scientific research into what factors give couples a high chance of success in the long run. If you’re looking for compatibility based on personality and long-term goals, then Eharmony might be the right site for you. This may explain why the site is slightly more popular among women.

Everyone who signs up for Eharmony is required to fill out a pretty lengthy survey before receiving matches. While the survey may feel overly long to some, you only have to complete it once, and then you are on your way to meeting those with whom you have the best chance of success. This can actually save you quite a bit of time in the long run, since other sites let you choose your own matches but by doing so encourage you to spend time pursuing people who aren’t at all right for you. Eharmony takes the guesswork out of dating with its very accurate assessment of your personality and needs.

Once you receive your matches, you will begin the guided communication process. Some people find this tedious and want to skip right to direct emails (which you can do). Others like the guided communication for several reasons: It helps break the ice, you avoid the awkwardness of figuring out what to say in the first email, and it gives you both a chance to find out important information about the other without having to ask questions that can be a bit embarrassing.

The downside of Eharmony’s matching system is that it doesn’t place much emphasis on physical appearance. While relationships that last are based on much more than this initial attraction, it is hard to get excited about someone who has a great personality but is unattractive to you. Also, there is always the possibility that someone has lied or overestimated certain qualities in themselves when completing the survey, so you’re never guaranteed your matches are really all that compatible. Still, the site has a great success rate, so it definitely has worked for a lot of people.

Adult Friend Finder

Adult Friend FinderAdult Friend Finder is a very different type of dating site. In fact, some might not even consider it a dating site, since it is more geared toward casual sex than dating. For those who are not interested in a romantic relationship and would rather find a sex partner (for either a short-term affair or a long-term sex-only relationship), Adult Friend Finder will be a better option than traditional dating sites. Since everyone is here looking for a similar arrangement, there is no need to pretend to date. You probably don’t even have to worry about personality or compatibility, other than finding someone whose sexual tastes are similar to your own.

A huge benefit of this site is that you can actually check boxes next to the types of sexual activities you prefer, or are at least willing to try. This can help other members see upfront whether you are a good fit for one another, and it can help you find someone who will enjoy the same types of activities you seek. This is especially great for those who want to pursue a particular fetish and may feel awkward asking potential partners questions like, “Do you do S&M?”. Rather than having to ask, you can put that information right on your profile, and run a search for those who did the same.

This is a paid site, and some people may feel reluctant to commit any sum of money. However, when you consider how much time and money you will be wasting on traditional dating sites, meeting people who seek dating or a relationship, Adult Friend Finder is actually a bargain. No more wasting money on dinner only to find out a woman doesn’t have sex on the first date! Adult Friend Finder helps you get exactly what you want, with minimal time or effort on your part. If you both agree, you can skip getting to know one another and go straight to a meeting in your home or a hotel (although meeting in a public place initially is a good idea).

The main thing to remember is that you have to be safe with this site. There are fake profiles created by scammers who will ask for money, so learning to recognize those is the key. Just never give out your personal information until you feel safe about the member you’re talking to, and never give anyone money for any reason. Exercise the same precautions you normally would take when meeting people you met online, and you should have a fun and safe experience.


Chemistry.comThe creators of Match.com wanted to create a site that was similar, yet had a more intense match matching feature, so they came up with Chemistry.com. Whereas sites like Match depend heavily upon users searching for and finding one another, Chemistry operates upon the premise of matching you with members who are most compatible with you. While the idea of personality matching may sound a bit boring and old-fashioned, the makers of the site have succeeded in making it fun.

When you first sign up for Chemistry, you will be required to fill out a lengthy survey. Before you groan and mark Chemistry off your list, you should know that this survey is different from all the others. For one thing, the questions are a bit offbeat and not so complicated. They are also aimed at discovering what excites you, and what you think is fun. The idea behind this is that chemistry is not just based on personality traits or physical attraction, but also on what sparks your passion. The survey will assess things like what types of dates and vacations you find exciting, and what type of people are attractive to you. Then you will be match with people who are most compatible in these areas. The system is based on scientific research on what makes people attracted to one another, so it certainly wouldn’t hurt to give it a try.

Chemistry has membership fees similar to other paid dating sites. There is also a free, two-week trial membership, so you can get a good look at the site and decide if it works for you before paying for a subscription. You will be able to view your matches and decide for yourself if the chemistry matching system seems accurate. This is a great site for first-time online daters, because your process will be guided yet still be fun. While free dating sites might be tempting, they don’t offer all of the benefits of Chemistry, and your chances of success are much better with an accurate matching system.

Get It On

Get it On Dating SiteGet It On is another dating site that is really not geared toward traditional dating. This can be a great shortcut for those who are really just looking for sex and don’t want to beat around the bush. While traditional dating sites are full of singles looking for relationships and marriage, everyone on Get It On is playing on the same field. You all want more or less the same thing, so there is no awkwardness in asking and no wasted time trying to find out if that hot guy or gal is interested in a no-strings-attached relationship.

As with regular dating sites, you will need to create a profile and upload photos. Keep in mind, of course, that anyone else who joins will be able to see these pictures. You are never truly anonymous on the internet! This is not a problem for singles unless you are bashful, but if you’re married you should think twice before using this site to have an affair. You can, of course, refrain from posting a picture, but this will limit your success as most of the users place emphasis on physical appearance.

After uploading your photos you will need to create a brief profile description. While this can be very important on other dating sites, and might be annoying to write, on Get It On you can be as brief as you want. The best idea is to say something about what you like in the bedroom or what type of arrangement you seek, and leave it at that. After creating your profile, you can browse other profiles to look for the type of person and arrangement you are hoping to find.

Get It On has a video chat feature, which is a great way to be sure someone is real before meeting them in person. It’s also a handy tool for those who enjoy sexual encounters through this mode of communication, and can be a fun way to enjoy getting to know someone who lives far away. Some members actually join because they exclusively enjoy this type of activity without even meeting in person. Remember that there are all types of people on Get It On, so whatever type of activity you seek, you can probably find it here. Get It On does not endorse illegal activity, however, so be aware of that before attempting anything that could land you in jail.

Anyone can sign up and create a profile for free, but you have to pay before you can send and receive messages. Remember when considering the fee that you are paying to get around the lengthy and expensive dating process, and that a service like Get It On is probably saving you money in the long run.

Perfect Match

Perfect Match Dating SitePerfect Match is another site geared toward serious relationships; those who want to take the easy route should go elsewhere! Rather than throwing you to the wolves, Perfect Match helps guide you toward other singles who are compatible with you. However, unlike some sites that are dependent upon matching, the system isn’t overbearing and you always have the choice to search and email anyone you choose.

Perfect Match has a matchmaking system called the Duet Compatibility System, which was based on thirty years of scientific research on relationships and what makes them successful. When you first sign up for a membership, you will complete a survey which seems a bit lengthy to some users. Don’t get frustrated with it, though. Remember that since the survey is lengthy, only those who are actually serious about finding a long-term relationship are going to bother filling it out. For those who are tired of the sexual free-for-all atmosphere on other dating sites, Perfect Match will be a welcome change of pace. The members are serious and share your goals, so you can relax and actually enjoy the process.

One possible drawback of Perfect Match is that it doesn’t have the instant messaging or chat features common on other sites. For some people, who enjoy jumping into a real-time conversation right away, this will be frustrating. For others, it will make the experience more enjoyable. If you’re tired of feeling rushed and pressured on other dating sites, you will enjoy the emphasis on sending and receiving emails. Knowing the other person took the time to type out a real email, rather than sending chat requests to everyone they see online, will help you to know who is truly interested in you. You do, of course, have the option to exchange other contact information whenever you feel comfortable enough to take the relationship off the site.

Christian Mingle

Christian Mingle Dating SiteChristian Mingle in a niche site, meaning it caters only to a specific group of people with a common interest. If you’re undecided about whether to use this type of site, ask yourself how important religion is to you. If you find yourself looking for “Christian” on every profile you view, and often find yourself disappointed when dating people who profess to be Christian but don’t actually share your values, then this site might be right for you. It will help you weed out those who are all wrong for you, and instead you will meet people who share your faith. Since that is one of the most important factors in your relationships, it makes sense to go directly to a place where you can meet people who share that value.

The site does come a membership fee, of course, and it is comparable in price to most mainstream dating sites. If you’re debating whether or not you want to pay the fee, consider how much time and money you have already spent dating people who turned out to be all wrong for you. Usually a small fee that will offset your wasted time and money will be more than worth it.

Once you sign up, the process will work pretty much like any other dating site. You have to create a profile with pictures and a self-description, and then you can search for other members that interest you. The main difference will be in the tone of emails you receive. Those who value their religious beliefs enough to join a niche dating site are less likely to email you with sleazy come-ons, and it’s unlikely you will encounter very many of those annoying shirtless bathroom pictures here.

While a niche site may seem limiting because of its smaller numbers, keep in mind that the group of people who would be compatible with you on a larger site would not be all that large anyway. What Christian Mingle does for you is narrow the field of candidates so that you don’t have to do all of that work yourself. If you’re a busy single person who doesn’t have time to waste dating people who don’t share your values, then Christian Mingle might be a great place for you.


If it’s experience and a large dating pool you seek, then Date.com may be the perfect place for you. Date has been around since 1997, making it one of the oldest dating sites on the internet. It’s also one of the largest, with over 8 million members. While it does have members of every age, Date mostly appeals to singles under 40, so keep that in mind when making your decision to sign up.

Like many other dating sites, Date.com allows you to create a free profile and browse the site before you have to pay. This is a great option since you can get a feel for how the site works, as well as investigating the number of members in your area, before you have to spend any money. If you’re undecided between using a dating site that offers matching, or one that allows you to choose your own potential matches, then Date might work for you since it does both. There is a matching system based on chemistry, but you are not required to use it. If you’d rather search for dates yourself, then you can do that as well. Many daters prefer to do a bit of both until they figure out which option seems to work better for them.

Date.com has a feature which is different from other dating sites. Your membership will include an optional free toolbar that you can download. It will appear on your browser window and keep you notified of new emails and chat requests even when you are not logged into the site, so you never miss an opportunity to make a connection. This feature makes Date a great site for those who are putting in serious effort to find someone.

Women, be forewarned that there is a slight shortage of men on this site, so there will be a bit of competition. On the other hand, men may want to sign up simply for the surplus of female members on Date. The fact that this site is geared more toward serious relationships may explain its popularity among women. Men who want women to know they are serious about dating should take the time to fill out the survey, even though it is lengthy, because many women take the time to look at the matching results.

Single Parent Meet

For single parents who are frustrated by mainstream dating sites, there is now a niche dating site created especially for them. Single Parent Meet will help you meet up with other single parents in your area. While you can certainly be successful on other sites, a niche site like this ensures that all of the people you meet understand your lifestyle and situation, so there is no judgment or discrimination against you simply because you have children. Single Parent Meet appeals to both single mothers and fathers. Single mothers often have trouble dating men who view them suspiciously, and single fathers often end up dating women who don’t understand that some weekends belong to their children. On Single Parent Meet everyone is on a level playing field, and you will meet with understanding here.

Aside from being geared toward single parents, this site really works like any other. Once you sign up, you will create a profile with photos and a self-description. Here it is okay to mention your children, and it won’t be seen as a turn-off. You can even include pictures of your family if you wish. You will, of course, want to exercise caution just as you would on any other dating site. Don’t give out information that can identify your child’s name or school. In your self-description you may mention the things you enjoy doing with your family, such as sporting events or camping, to help you in your search to find someone with similar interests.

Like most dating sites, there is a membership fee, but it is reasonable and comparable with most other sites. The big difference is that you won’t waste your time (and money) dating people who won’t accept your life or your children. Everyone on Single Parent Meet has a similar situation, so at the very least you will make friends who can share in your family-oriented fun. Hopefully, you will find love as well.


Zoosk was started in 2007 as a Facebook application, but has quickly grown into an enormous dating site with over 50 million members. The number of members almost guarantees that you will be able to find whatever you’re looking for, although for a few people it can be overwhelming. Very attractive women, for example, may receive so many messages that they quickly become overwhelmed. Since Zoosk does not offer a matching system, it can be difficult for those who receive a large number of emails to sort through them and find the members who are most compatible. Still, having so many options can’t exactly hurt your chances at finding love.

Like many dating sites, you can create a free profile on Zoosk and look around before purchasing a membership. The difference here is, if a premium member happens to email you, you can email back. For this reason it would be smart to invest in a premium membership. With 50 million profiles to browse, you’re bound to email some who didn’t purchase a membership. This way you know they will be able to email back. If you do choose to purchase a standard membership, it will be only 9.99 per month, making it a bargain compared to most other dating sites.

Zoosk tends to be very fast-paced, due to the number of members as well as the various ways of connecting to the site. You can get an application for your phone, access the site via Facebook or MySpace, or simply log in directly on the site. Zoosk has a high degree of connectivity, which makes it especially popular among the younger crowd. Those who are not internet-savvy may find it a bit too fast-paced. For those who are very involved in social networking, Zoosk might feel very comfortable because it feels very much like another social networking site. It is also a great option for those who want to be very involved in their search for a partner, since the site encourages you to stay connected all the time via its numerous apps. If you want a lot of options (meaning potential dates), combined with a dating site you can access from your phone anywhere you go, then Zoosk could be the perfect site for you.