Jun 28

Saffron Extract: Miracle Appetite Supressant

No matter how much you exercise, you cannot lose weight without a healthy diet. Unfortunately for many people, a healthy diet is often derailed by emotional eating caused by stress, sadness, or traumatic life events. In fact, most people will go through emotional eating binges at multiple points in their lives. So what can you do about it? The solution lies in a rare, exotic flower in the form of saffron extract.

Emotional eating triggers your brain to release dopamine, or pleasure chemicals, into our blood stream. This uplifts our mood and makes us feel better. While this sounds good, emotional eating often causes our stomach to swell because snack foods are the foods that contain man-made chemicals which instruct the brain to release dopamine. Snack foods are loaded with unhealthy carbs, sugars, and fats, which will cause our metabolism to drop and our stomach’s to push out.

So how does saffron extract work? Saffron extract naturally increases your dopamine levels while simultaneously shutting down your appetite, which prevents emotional eating completely. In a weekend study featured on the Dr. Oz show, two women were given saffron extract. After only 3 days, one woman lost 3 pounds, while the other lost 5 pounds.

By eating healthy foods and using saffron extract to limit your unhealthy emotional binges, your body’s metabolism will naturally increase and you can start burning away more fat. Plus, your overall health will be much improved because you are not eating unhealthy foods that slow down your internal body processes and make you feel worse.

If anything is certain it is that satiereal saffron extract is the miracle appetite suppressant that many people can benefit from. If you’d like to try saffron extract, we recommend Saffron Pure – our #1 satiereal saffron extract supplement. Saffron Pure contains 88mgs of pure satiereal saffron extract to block your food cravings as well as 25mg of forskolin, a potent fat burner that will jumpstart your metabolism. It’s proven ingredients will help you stop gaining weight and start losing it fast.

< Click here to go to the official site of Saffron Pure >

May 25

Saffron Extract – Featured on Dr. Oz

Saffron extract was just featured on Dr. Oz again as his “miracle appetite suppressant. We’ve done research and have concluded that Saffron Pure is the most effective saffron extract supplement. Saffron Pure contains 100mg of the highest-quality satiereal saffron extract and can help you lose weight and control your cravings.

For a limited time, Saffron Pure is offer HUGE discounts to our readers. Plus Saffron Pure has a 60-day money back guarantee! This offer will only be around for a short time period, so do not delay any longer. Start controlling your cravings by trying Saffron Pure!


May 25

How Saffron Pure Can Help You Lose Weight

If you’ve read any of the articles on our site, then you know we are HUGE fans of Saffron Pure – our #1 rated saffron extract supplement. We’ve personally used Saffron Pure and have seen the true weight loss results of it. So how does Saffron Pure help you lose weight and how can you buy it?

The power of Saffron Pure lies in its’ powerful ingredients, which include the following:

100mg of Satiereal Saffron Extract - Saffron extract has been found to have powerful appetite suppressing abilities, especially related to emotional eating. By taking saffron extract, you can reduce your cravings for junk food and will feel fuller for a long period of time.

75mg of White Kidney Bean Extract - White kidney bean extract has been featured on the Dr. Oz show as one of his “5 belly blasting supplements.” White kidney bean extract blocks your body from absorbing carbohydrates and instead burns off the calories immediately. This prevents insulin spikes, which cause your body to store more fat.

25mg of Forskolin - Forskolin was also on the Dr. Oz show and has proven fat burning abilities. Forskolin helps supercharge your body’s metabolism so you burn more calories throughout the whole day so you burn more fat faster.

Together these three ingredients help you lose weight fast and keep the weight off. The two most important factors to lose weight are: eating less and burning more calories. Saffron Pure has ingredients that can help BOTH of these areas. If you want to stop emotional eating and want to START losing weight, then you need to order Saffron Pure now!

Try Saffron Pure – #1 Rated Saffron Extract Suplement NOW!

May 25

Satiereal Saffron Extract and Weight Loss

While saffron extract has many benefits, new studies reveal that satiereal saffron extract can also aid in weight loss. Saffron even got the attention of Dr. Oz – which he coined to be his “miracle appetite suppressant.” So how does saffron extract help you and how can it cause weight loss?

The main focus around saffron extract is its’ ability to curb emotional eating – something which over 65% of women admit to struggling with on a somewhat regular basis. You see, when we become stressed, angry, or sad, our body naturally starts to crave food to cause a series of chemical reactions to occur. These chemical reactions cause pleasure chemicals to be released, which is why so many people turn to ice cream, brownies, and other snack foods when they are upset.

So Saffron Extract helps stop emotional eating – how does that relate to weight loss?

First off, emotional eating is incredibly common and is one of the most prevalent diet killers that ruins a person’s diet. Therefore, by taking Saffron Extract, you can reduce the calories that you consume on a regular basis. In fact, in one controlled study, a group of overweight women taking saffron extract ate 600 calories less per day on average than a placebo group. Over the course of the month, that helps eliminate 5 pounds right off the bat.

Second, it is a common known fact that fiber rich foods give you that “full or satisfied” feeling. However, this feeling does not often last very long and within a few short hours, you will probably find yourself snacking again. Researchers found that taking 100mg of saffron extract was enough to curb appetite up to 3x as long as just eating fiber rich foods. This led to less snacking and decreased food cravings over the course of the day.

So essentially, Saffron Extract can aid in weight loss in two days:

  • Saffron Extract helps you eat significantly less calories per day
  • Saffron Extract stops you from snacking on the wrong foods

While this may seem minor in nature, the reality is that weight loss starts with your diet. The more you eat and the more unhealthy snack foods you eat, the slower you will lose weight – if you lose any at all. Saffron extract helps promote your healthy diet and keep you on the right track so you can eat less, and lose weight faster.

So what’s the verdict? Are you ready to see if saffron extract can help you? If the answer is yes, then let me introduce you to Saffron Pure. Saffron Pure contains 100mgs of satiereal saffron extract, as well as two other fat burning ingredients – white kidney bean extract and forskolin. Both of these other products were also mentioned on Dr. Oz as fat burning ingredients and can help further accelerate your weight loss. Combined, this powerful formula can help you lose weight faster and keep your diet on the right course.

Stop wasting your time with other products. For only $50 you can change the way you look forever. Think to yourself, would you rather spend $100 on products that don’t work or $50 on a product that is specially formulated to cause weight loss?! Are you ready to change your life? If so, visit Saffron Pure and start changing your life.


May 24

Saffron Satiereal Extract Side Effects

saffron extract side effectsBefore you decide to use any supplement, you need to make sure the supplement is safe – including saffron extract. Some substances are known allergens, while other products cause rare complications when used in conjunction with medications or other drugs. Therefore, it is extremely important that you do your research before buying supplements. So the question is, what are the side effects of saffron satiereal extract and how serious are they?

First of all, for most people saffron extract poses no harm to their health whatsoever. Saffron extract is commonly used in specialty food dishes and for most people can be taken without harmful effects. However, as WebMD points out, extreme doses of saffron extract can be harmful, however the levels needed to cause significant harm are 50-100 times what you generally find in saffron extract supplements. Therefore, do not worry about overdosing or consuming too much saffron extract.

Pregnant woman or nursing mothers should not exceed normal saffron consumption because large quantities of saffron extract can sometimes cause the uterus to contract. This can cause a miscarriage in rare occasions, so pregnant woman should avoid taking saffron extract until the baby is born and they no longer are breast feeding.

If you are concerned whether or not you child can take saffron extract, consult his or her doctor. Generally speaking, there will be no interferences with other drugs, although some depression and anxiety drugs can become less effective.

In terms of overall safety of saffron extract supplements, the studies available suggest it is safe for prolonged use. In the most well-known study, none of the 68 women participants experienced any negative effects or health problems from using saffron extract. In fact, woman generally noted a significant increase in overall health and felt that their life had improved as a result of saffron extract.

Overall, saffron extract is safe and free of side effects. If you are worried, consult your doctor of physician and get his or her to advise you on whether or not saffron extract can help you stop emotional eating. It’s proven appetite suppressing effects are well-documented and known, and saffron extract can truly be the right thing for you to stop overeating.

If you’d like to try saffron extract to lose weight, we recommend Saffron Pure – our #1 rated saffron extract supplement. It’s high quality saffron satiereal extract will help you eat less and burn more fat. To visit the official site, click the link below:

Official Site of Saffron Pure

May 23

Saffron Extract Benefits

Since Saffron Extract appeared on Dr. Oz, there has been a tremendous amount of buzz and interest in this amazing spice. While it was touted by Dr. Oz as one of his 5 recommended “belly blasting supplements”, there are plenty of other health benefits of saffron extract. Some of the most commonly known health benefits include the following:

Helps to protects the brain: A recent study found that Saffron extract specifically worked to protect the cells in the brain from inflammatory damage. This improves the health of the brain drastically and helps keep your brain functioning properly.

Improves Memory: The same study mentioned above found that participants who used saffron extract supplements were able to increase both their short and long term memory. This saffron extract benefit appears to be directly related to the improvement in brain health as mentioned above.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety: As mentioned on Dr. Oz, saffron extract helps facilitate numerous chemical reactions in the brain, which are often released when we eat foods. By releasing these pleasure chemicals, the mood of an individual is enhanced and studies have shown that anxiety is dramatically reduced.

Acts as a Natural Painkiller: Saffron Extract has been used as a natural painkiller for thousands of years in Asia and the Middle East. Today, it is still commonly used to treat stomach or kidney pain.

Suppresses Appetite: Obviously, the most important and most common use for saffron extract is to suppress appetite. Saffron extract suppresses appetite by managing serotonin levels in the body, which are a common cause for binge eating. By reducing appetite, Saffron Extract can effectively manage your caloric intake and help you lose weight.

These are just some of the many benefits of saffron extract. Saffron extract is truly an amazing product and can help control your emotional eating and keep your diet on the right course. We personally recommend Saffron Pure – the #1 Saffron extract product on the market. It’s proven ingredients will control your hunger and help you lose weight, which is the ultimate goal.

If you would like to go try Saffron Pure for yourself, you can do so by visiting the Official Site of Saffron Pure.

May 22

Saffron Extract on Dr. Oz

As we’ve mentioned before, saffron extract was recently on the Dr. Oz show on a segment called “miracle appetite suppressant.” In this segment, Dr. Oz hailed saffron extract as the best appetite suppressant, especially to control emotional eating. Emotional eating happens after a break up, death, or during a time of stress or anger. Unfortunately, emotional eating often involves snacking on unhealthy foods, which causes unhealthy weight gains. Below is the video segment of saffron extract on Dr. Oz.

As Dr. Oz explains, Saffron extract regulates serotonin levels in the body, which are responsible for controlling your mood. When serotonin levels are low, depression and/or anxiety can develop.

Saffron extract works to relieve the cravings and desire to eat by causing the same chemical reactions to occur in the body that occur when we crave foods. By replacing the chemical reactions in pill form, you do not reach for the sugary/fattening foods that you would otherwise go to do feel better.

As Dr. Oz mentions in the saffron extract study recently published, users of saffron extract were able to lose weight and ate on average 700 calories less per day. He then brought on two guests Martha and Devon, who did a mini study over the weekend with Saffron Extract.

Within the course of three days, Martha lost 3 pounds and Devon lost 5 pounds JUST by eliminating emotional eating and eating less. This is further proof of the weight loss power of Saffron Extract!

Are you ready to try Saffron Extract? If so, we recommend Saffron Pure – our #1 rated saffron extract product. Saffron Pure contains the highest quality Saterieal Saffron Extract that will blast away your cravings so you can lose weight and stop emotional eating. Join the hundreds of other people that have seen success with Saffron Pure by clicking below! Say goodbye to emotional eating for good!

Try Saffron Pure Today!


May 22

What is Saffron Extract?

Saffron Extract is a reddish-colored spice that is taken from the Crocus Sativus flower. Below are pictures of the Crocus Sativus flower as well as Saffron Extract




Recently, Saffron Extract has been talked about to due its featured appearance on the Dr. Oz Show. On the show, Dr. Oz talked about saffron extract and included it as his “miracle appetite suppressant.”

It turns out that Saffron extract causes numerous chemical reactions in the body, including the release of serotonin. By releasing serotonin, saffron extract helps to reduce overeating, especially emotional eating. Emotional eating is something that affects 50% of all adults throughout the course of the month and by eliminating emotional eating, people can experience drastic weight loss results.