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Things to Know about Levitra

There are many facts about Levitra that people should really know. One of which is on dosage. It is true that you do not need to follow a dosage schedule when using the drug. However, the only catch is that you need to consume 1 to 2 hours before any sexual activity. You should also consume it only once and if you plan to take it again, you need to wait for at least 24 hours.

There are various dosages when it comes to such a drug and it varies depending on your weight, age and condition. Most physicians will be the one to give the proper prescription and dosage. The drug comes in 5mg, 10mg and 20 mg orange tablets. Yet, in most countries the dosage might be different so again it is important to visit another physician when moving to another country.

Another fact about the drug is that it should not be taken with other medications and in certain conditions. Patients who would consume alcohol first before taking a drug will have increased side effects. Some drinks such as fruit juice and grapejuice might also cause some harmful effects.

It is true that the drug can be used before or after eating but some foods should be prohibited when under medication. The drugs which should not be taken with the Levitra are the ones which are based on nitrogenous compounds. Drugs which are used to cure impotence are also prohibited. For those who have a medical history of stroke or heart attacks, it is important to cease using the drug. Aside from heart attacks, those who are suffering from blood hemorrhage and hemophilia are not allowed to take the medication. The reason is that the drug increases the flow of blood thereby causing internal bleeding to increase. If patients started having hives, difficulty of breathing as well as swelling in the facial area then it is important to stop using the drug and seek medical attention.

There are various effects of Levitra in the body. In the cardiovascular area some of the effects are sudden increase of blood flow and increased palpitation. In the skin, most patients who have an allergic reaction to the drug had felt a rash and continuous sweating.

In the gastrointestinal area, patients who have taken the drug felt nauseated and had felt abdominal pain and dry mouth along with diarrhea and gastritis. Patients also exhibited a temporary loss of vision and hearing impairment after using the drug. This may be due to the fact that they were allergic and they had taken it without the consent of health care professionals. Such effects are seen when patients will take the drug without a physicians order. That is why it is important to seek medical advice first before taking in the medication.

Some of the side effects are actually caused by an adverse reaction to the drug. It may be due to the present condition of the patient or because of the use of other medications. In essence, the drug is safe yet it should be taken according to its right dosage.

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