Ambien vs. Ambien CR


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Even after over a decade since it was released, Ambien is still one of the leading treatments for insomnia. However, one of the major issues with Ambien is that it has a short half-life of about 2 to 3 hours. A half-life is the amount of time it takes for half of a drug to be removedAmbien vs. Ambien CR from your body system. A drug’s effects usually start to wear off around this time. Due to Ambien’s short half-life, the medicine is only effective in helping patients fall asleep but isn’t so effective in helping them stay asleep.

If you find that you wake up in the middle of the night, even after taking Ambien, then Ambien may not be the right insomnia treatment for you. Instead, you may need to take Ambien CR. This medicine contains the exact same active ingredient as Ambien (Zolpidem) but comes in an extended release form. Because of the medicine’s special coating, it takes a longer for the Ambien CR to get fully broken down into your body so you get the effects for a longer period of time.

There is a downside to Ambien CR though. Since the medicine stays in your body longer, you are more likely to experience “Ambien hangover” from this extended-release version. That means you could feel groggy throughout the day. To avoid hangover from Ambien CR, you will need to be sure you are getting enough sleep. Even though the instructions for Ambien CR say at least 7-8 hours (the same instructions as for regular Ambien), you may need a minimum of 9 hours. Or, you will need to wake up a bit earlier to give yourself time to fully wake up before rushing out the door.

It is important to realize that insomnia is NOT a condition. Rather, it is a symptom of an underlying condition which makes it hard for you to sleep. In many cases, the real problem is stress. People are so stressed that they find it difficult to sleep because of all the worries running through their minds. In these cases, most patients are able to stay asleep once they fall asleep with Ambien.

Often, doctors will immediately assume that stress or anxiety is causing your insomnia when there is actually another problem. If you are waking up in the middle of the night, it is important Ambien vs. Ambien CRthat you let your doctor know this. This is a sign that you have breathing problems such as sleep apnea. You could take Ambien CR to ensure you sleep throughout the night but this would overlook the actual problem.

Most doctors will first prescribe Ambien instead of Ambien CR. This way, they can see if you just have a problem falling asleep or if you also have a problem staying asleep. Once your doctor knows this, then it will be much easier to diagnose the cause of your insomnia and find a way to cure the problem – not just the symptom.

Using Ambien with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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How to Avoid Ambien “Hangover”

Ambien gets removed from your body pretty quickly so its effects are not as long lasting as with other insomnia treatments. Despite this, many Ambien patients still report feeling groggy the day after taking Ambien. This grogginess is often called an “Ambien hangover.” Luckily, there are [...] Continue Reading…

Dangers of Buying Ambien on the Street

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Is that Ambien pill real?

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How to Avoid Bizarre Sleep-Behaviors while on Ambien

Ambien has been associated with a pretty strange side effect called automatism: performing activities while sleeping. These automatism activities go well beyond just sleep walking around the house. Ambien users have reported sleep-driving, having phone conversations while sleeping, having sleep sex, and eating while sleeping. These [...] Continue Reading…

What is the Difference between Generic and Brand-Name Ambien?

Ambien contains the active ingredient Zolpidem. It is very common to call Zolpidem “generic Ambien.” However, this isn’t exactly the case. There are actually very strict regulations for what a generic drug. Just because a product contains Zolpidem it does not mean it is generic [...] Continue Reading…

Understand Ambien Addiction So You Can Avoid It!

When you take Ambien, the medicine acts directly upon your nervous system. It enhances a nerve receptor called gamma-aminobutyric acid, or GABA for short. GABA is your body’s main calming neurotransmitter. When you take Ambien, you calm your body and are able to get to sleep [...] Continue Reading…

Learning Good “Sleep Hygiene” while Using Ambien

The experts will tell you that the only way to beat insomnia on the long term is to get into the habit of good “sleep hygiene.” Sleep hygiene refers to your sleep habits, including your sleep schedule, diet, bed comfort, and many other issues. However, for the [...] Continue Reading…

A Patient’s Guide to Ambien

You should always talk to your doctor about Ambien once you get your prescription but here are some facts to help you understand Ambien and how to take it.

What is Ambien?
Ambien is a prescription medicine which is used for treating insomnia. Ambien is best for insomnia in which [...] Continue Reading…
