Medical background of Viagra

With over 130 clinical trials on men from all age groups Viagra is probably one of the best tested pharma products dedicated to man’s sexual health and potency of this age. From it’s advocates to it’s opponents, Viagra has been through a lot, and while there are arguments that go both for and against taking Viagra, there’s no denying that it’s a drug that’s got highest success rate of all of the pharma products dedicated to men. Over 80% people are compatible with generic Viagra brand and barely 10% of them will show symptoms and side effects of taking viagra.

Sex has a very important role in modern society. Maybe even too big of a role, but that’s what the culture has developed into today, and having an erectile dysfunction or problems with having sex is a great shame for men. From porn to music videos, from movies to books, all of them seem to be revolving around sex and about pleasure, so it’s no wonder that there’s more and more pressure on men to perform well in the bedroom, but that may not be as easy in modern world – we’re generally of poor health, we’re getting fatter, there are more and more health issues we have to take care of and the stress and quick pace of the modern world doesn’t really help at all. Impotence, lack of libido and sex drive and outright sexual dysfunction are getting more and more common, which is why Viagra plays such an important role.

First of all, Viagra is a man only pill that handles ED problems. It comes in three different doses, 25mg, 50mg and 100mg tablets that are consumed orally, preferably not mixed with alcohol and especially not when you’re on some other medication as well – this is where Viagra being a prescription drug kicks in. You can buy viagra only if you get a recommendation from your physician, and while most are happy to just send you on your way to a magic pill sometimes there may be other causes of an ED that can be solved.

Still, once you do get your hands on a dose of viagra, you should still pay attention to how to use it. Taking it a few hours before the intercourse and not mixing it with other drugs is very important – on some levels Viagra messes with chemistry of the brain and it can have rather nasty side effects if not used properly. There are side effects even if you do use it properly – headaches, vertigo and nausea are pretty common side effects of taking viagra, but there have been more serious cases that include hard stomach cramps, loss of sight and similar problems. Yes, these conditions are extremely rare, but they are out there and safe use of medical Viagra is the way to make sure you don’t suffer any ill side effects.

Why is Viagra so important and how does it work

It’s a well known science fact that a man thinks about sex on average about once every three minutes. It’s no wonder at all that sexual aids get a lot of attention from men from all over the world, but no sexual aid or magic bullet solution to your [...] Continue Reading…

Viagra’s importance and what problems does it solve

We’re living in a pretty egocentric society today, where everything is revolving around how well you are doing compared to other people and how to assert your dominance over others. This extends to every aspect of our life, from work to home, and it extends on to sex life [...] Continue Reading…

How Viagra helped me reclaim my real life

I know the title sounds like a bit of an exaggeration and for those of you lucky enough never to have suffered from an erectile dysfunction, it certainly must seem like it is. However, for the many of you who know what horror it is not to be able [...] Continue Reading…

Viagra: The pros and cons

Viagra is indeed the miracle drug that helps cure erectile dysfunction in men of all ages. It is one of the most popular prescription drugs this side of the universe, and millions swear by it. All this is legitimate, but the drug itself is not perfect, and neither is [...] Continue Reading…

Viagra – what you should know

We all know about Viagra, what it is and what it does. Hell, even kids have heard of it, that’s how much it has been marketed since it first appeared in the late 90s. Everyone under the Sun will readily tell you it’s the magic little blue pill that [...] Continue Reading…

Additional important facts about the best anti-ED drug Viagra

When it comes to talking about the best medicines for treating erectile dysfunction, on top of all the lists is definitely Viagra. There is no doubt that these blue pills are very popular and the results are great, but that doesn’t mean that you are eligible to start taking [...] Continue Reading…

Take Viagra properly and get ready for the miracle

We all know that Viagra is one of the top rated medicines for treating erectile dysfunction but it is interesting that many men all over the world tend to make the same mistake when it comes to the way of taking the pills. That is why in this article [...] Continue Reading…

Improve your sex life with amazing Viagra today

Why is Viagra so popular? There could be many answers and one of the most important ones is – because this medicine has helped millions of men to have a better sex life. As simple as that, this product is on top of all the lists no matter in [...] Continue Reading…

Learn the facts about Viagra

Since it first appeared on the market in 1996, Viagra became so popular that there’s not a person alive who hasn’t hear of it. The efficient erectile dysfunction medicine became some kind of a legend, a myth everyone simply loved to talk about. You must have at least once [...] Continue Reading…