Sport is our passion. Don't tell us what we can't do. Don't tell us not to dream.

One shoe does good,
the other shoe kicks ass.

Nike Free TR Fit

The Free TR Fit is designed with a lower environmental impact using environmentally preferred rubber, water-based cementing and recycled polyester. That means every step in the multi-directional flex groove outsole replicates the foot's natural movement and helps women get more out of their workout without leaving a huge environmental footprint. Everyone's a winner.

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Our products are a load of rubbish.

8 Plastic Bottles

Each Nike 2010 World Championship Football jersey is made entirely from recycled polyester. That's up to eight recycled plastic bottles per jersey. In total, that diverted nearly 13 million plastic bottles from landfills. Yes, you read right. 13 million. Plastic. Bottles.

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Wage sport
on war.

Need to stop a war? Look no further than soccer. A civil war in Ivory Coast came to a cease-fire during the 2006 Football World Championship when the national soccer team progressed to the finals. Sport 1. War 0.

Sport doesn't care
who you are.

In the 1980 Olympics, an ice hockey team of mainly college students from America stepped onto the ice against a formidable Soviet team dubbed undefeatable. Sport had other plans.

Apathy, we'd like to ask you to step outside.

About 15 million Americans have Type 2 diabetes. Some experts claim that certain diagnoses of Type 2 diabetes can be prevented by regular exercise, a healthy diet and losing excess weight. You do the math.

is nature's

Adrenaline junkies get their fix from sport, as well as dopamine, endorphins and serotonin. Hit me up.

Put a rocket up possibility's ass.

Jason Pisano has cerebral palsy. A debilitating disease. But his left foot still works like a charm. He's 50 marathons in, but who's counting?

Get infected
with sport.

Throughout the developing world, youth sports programs are being combined with education about treatment and prevention of HIV, which makes sport HIV's cancer.

Sport will make
you rich.

About two thousand dollars richer. Experts calculated that's the amount of money that could be saved in medical costs within two years when sedentary adults increase their physical activity to 90 minutes a week. Show me the money.

Sport smacks down violence.

For 200,000 young refugees in Africa, the MES program provides access to education and sport. This raises self-esteem and teaches the importance of peaceful coexistence, which can stop future wars, which could bring peace to a volatile region. If you're smart enough to sport, you can save the world.

Sport dispells myths.

Meet Jason McElwain. He scored six three-pointers in a school basketball game. He matched the school record. He is autistic. Did we mention he scored six three-pointers in a school basketball game?


NYC Plays Ball

Over the next two years, Nike is partnering with the New York City Department of Youth and Community Development to install and refurbish 25 basketball courts throughout New York City giving 10,000 kids access to do what they love. Apathy, you just got posterized.

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is an

Homeless World Cup

Nike supports the Homeless World Cup, a world class, annual, soccer tournament engaging players from 64 countries. A staggering 71% of participants significantly change their lives after competing in the Homeless World Cup. Hope, you have just found a new home.

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All feet
are not

Nike N7

Through Nike's N7 initiative, we have built an environmentally friendly performance shoe to address the specific width and fit requirements for the Native American foot. Where diabetes is prevalent in this community, this shoe will help combat it by encouraging and improving exercise. Where there's a shoe, there's a way.

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If you have a torso, you're an athlete.

In 2007, South African sprinter Oscar Pistorius ran the 100 meters in 10.91 seconds. Without any legs. The first amputee to break the sub-11-seconds barrier. Some critics claim that the carbon fiber blades he ran on gave him an unfair advantage. Those critics had legs.

Sport hates on hopelessness.

In Haiti, a sports program offered by the HOC (the Haitian Olympic Committee) together with UNICEF runs 52 camps around the Haitian province for more than 36,000 displaced children every day. Where there's sport, there's hope.

Sport, the ultimate

In Afghanistan, sport is being used to bridge gaps and prevent conflict. The United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan used cricket and volleyball to celebrate the International Day of Peace. Sport, a force to be reckoned with.

Sport causes global warming.

In April 1971, during the height of the Cold War, a delegation from the American Ping Pong National Team set foot on Chinese soil to play an exhibition tournament. This moment marked a thaw in relations between the two countries that politicians had been unable to achieve. When in doubt, ping pong.


In 2008, players on a Central Washington University softball team carried an opposing team member around the bases after she collapsed from injury following a three-run homer she just hit, despite the fact that doing so would contribute to their elimination from the playoffs. Move over, Spartacus.

Sport is hope's blood brother.

Amputee soccer has given the victims of the barbaric practice of amputations during the Sierra Leone civil war a new lease on life. Former outcasts have become beacons of hope. That's what we call a result.

Sport Does Not Discriminate.

At age 13, Princess Haya Al Hussein of Jordan became the first female to represent her country internationally in equestrian sport. She's the only woman to win a Pan Arab Medal in show jumping, the only Jordanian athlete to turn pro, and the first and only woman in Jordan to hold a heavy truck license, so she can drive her horses to competitions. This makes her a triple threat against ageism, sexism, and princess dresses that are hard to ride in.

Give up when you are dead.

In 1992, Olympic sprinter Derek Redmond pulled his hamstring in the back stretch of the 400m. POP. To many that would have been the end of the competition. But not Derek. Derek picked himself back up and, with his dad by his side, limped the grueling final 175 meters to the finish line. Ligament shmigament.

We don't hug trees, we save them.

A Better Shoebox

A new lighter, stronger shoebox comes into play in 2011. Using 23% less material in the box saves the equivalent of 200,000 trees annually. And like all of our shoeboxes since 1995, it's made with 100% recycled cardboard. Trees should be hugging us.

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Soweto's Next Generation

In Soweto, South Africa, Nike built a football training center so 20,000 young footballers have access to a program that includes high-end training facilities, top-level coaching and HIV education. HIV, consider yourself benched.

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Sharing an idea is
the idea.

Technology Exchange

We believe in saving the planet, so in partnership with the non-profit Creative Commons, we created the GreenXchange. Through it we offer patents to license, including our environmentally preferred rubber, to other footwear companies who can use the technology to lower their environmental footprint.

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