جهينة نيوز
الخميس, 19 تموز 2012 ||
جهينة نيوز
آخر تحديث للصفحة الخميس, 19 تموز 2012UTF-8 الساعة 17:35

Ministry of Information: Stopping Broadcast of Addounia TV on Arabsat and Nilesat Preparatory Step to Launch Misleading Campaign of False News

Ministry of Information: Stopping Broadcast of Addounia TV on Arabsat and Nilesat Preparatory Step to Launch Misleading Campaign of False News

jouhina news,

The administrations of Arabsat and Nilesat on Thursday stopped the broadcast of Addounia TV Channel.

You can watch the live broadcast of Addounia TV on the following frequency, Satellite: Nilesat / Frequency: 10921 / Polarization: Vertical.

Ministry of Information said that stopping broadcast of Addounia TV is a preparatory step to launch a campaign of false news and photos by instigative channels.

"We want to assure our people that the government and the Syrian armed forces are ready for such step," said that Ministry, adding that what these satellite channels broadcast and will broadcast is "completely untrue".

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