Use our stories – for free
News providers may use original copy produced by Echo journalists (see note at end of story) at no cost if they retain reporters’ bylines, credit Great Lakes Echo and link stories to GreatLakesEcho.org. (We also appreciate a heads-up if you use Echo stories. Tracking their use helps enormously in fundraising for a non-profit news service.)
Stories originating with Capital News Service (also see note at end of story) aren’t ours to give away. Contact CNS director Eric Freedman at freedma5@msu.edu to purchase. Contact the original publisher to use stories pointed to by Echo’s Great Links.
Great Lakes Echo by Great Lakes Echo is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 United States License. Based at www.greatlakesecho.org. Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at www.greatlakesecho.org/about/.
How to contact us
Call 517 432 5155 or click the name at the top of the story for e-mail address
David Poulson, poulsondavid@gmail.com 517 432 5417
What we do
We foster and serve a news community defined by proximity to and interest in the environment of the Great Lakes watershed. We use traditional news reporting methods but also push the frontiers of journalism to harness the knowledge, interests, skills and energy of that community.
Who we are
Great Lakes Echo is a project of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University. It was created with assistance of MSU’s Department of Telecommunications, Information Studies and Media. Original content is produced by journalists working for the center. Additional content is provided by Capital News Service.
How we’re funded
Support is varied and changes as we secure grants and other support. Funders cannot edit or control content although they sometimes support reporting on particular issues. Echo either now or in the past has received funding from the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation., the Park Foundation, the Great Lakes Fishery Trust , the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Technical assistance is supported by Michigan State University’s Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.
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[...] Lakes Echo, Michigan State University Knight Center for Environmental Journalism. Republish under these guidelines. Reporting supported by the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation. This entry was written by [...]
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